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"Llama-Llama Tutu takes a Vacation"

About the Author:
Tani (Taw-nee) Adams
I have lived in the Pacific Northwest most of my life. I was a volunteer Club leader for Washington State University Youth Programs called “4-H” for many years. This is where I found my compassion and admiration for llamas and the amazing community of people who raise these wonderful animals. My daughters were involved in 4-H for several years and had participated in many 4-H projects over the years, which included community service, creative arts, performing arts, photography, sand sculpting, leadership, textiles, stop motion animation, animal science, public speaking, environmental stewardship, alpacas, and llamas. My daughters trained many alpacas and llamas on our little farm. They participated in llama shows and would demonstrate how well their llamas and alpacas performed at 4-H events. Many of our events were in the spring and summer seasons. Most of that time was spent in the barns and in the show rings. I spent many of my vacation hours camped out at the fairgrounds during the summer. I hope to go venture tropical islands someday and maybe even try surfing or snorkeling with colorful tropical fish, just like Llama-Llama Tutu and Mr. Red!
In 2019 I had a stroke which effected my ability to walk, talk, write and draw. I had to go to therapy for over a year. I was determined to get better so I could finish my books. I used my time off while recovering to practice my motor skills by drawing everyday. It was hard at first, but I did not give up. Today I have recovered and I have pushed past my disabilities. Enjoy the book!
(32 pages)
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