I am currently in the ninth grade, I am a cheerful, tender, kind person, I like to draw, I am creative, honest and I always try to make sure everyone is well.
I grew up in a united family, with love, trust, fun, family time, in short, the perfect family. That was until 2018, when my parents had a lot of problems and decided to get a divorce.
I am in full adolescence, I have known what a false friendship is like and I have also had real friends, my so-called friends have betrayed me, I have met interested people, I have felt alone, I know how the loss of a loved one feels, that they make you aside, being used, feeling insignificant, distrust and many other things.
In my first years of study, elementary school, I was the best student, better grades but few friends.
My name is Danna Sofia Romero Blanco, I was born on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 in Bucaramanga, Santander. I entered the Escuela Normal Superior de Bucaramanga in 2013.

In third grade I had my first real friends, Luisa and Isabella, there were only three of us, but we were only friends for three long years.
In sixth grade I had a group of friends, we were like six or seven girls, inseparable, loving, we wrote
letters to each other, but at the end of the year one of them lost the year, another left school and another changed classes and so on. little by little the group was separating and we are no longer friends.
In my life I have had four pets, the cute dog Lila was in my family in 2016, then she had to leave when she was six months old. Strawberry was very tender, but it also had to go after six months. Currently my dad has a dog called Docky, he is a year old or so, he is playful and very mischievous, with my mom we have a cat, my daughter Cookie, she is six months old, she is very playful, affectionate and sometimes very disobedient.
I am in full adolescence, I have known what a false friendship is like and I have also had real friends, my so-called friends have betrayed me, I have met interested people, I have felt alone, I know how
the loss of a loved one feels, that they make you aside, being used, feeling insignificant, distrust and many other things.
When I grow up I aspire to be a fashion designer, I would love to be able to create my own clothing brand and go see the world, I don't know if I want to have a family, but what I am sure of is that I will fulfill my dream.

I felt like I was flying in the sky with the birds, over a dark forest, my happy moment, there was no one around me, but of course, since good things are short-lived, my alarm sounded.
-I have to go study- I hesitated, as I slowly got up from my bed with my eyes half closed.
Which I've never liked, the only thing that drives me to go to that awful place was Ben, my best friend, the only one who understands me, my other classmates don't compare to him, clean, tidy, the perfect guy, all On the contrary, my colleagues are terrible, but what I hate most about them is their sloppiness, they don't care what they look like, ha! not to mention our classroom, it's disgusting, no one is able to throw the garbage in the right place, they leave it on the floor; But in everything bad there is always something good, right?
When I got to school I saw Ben, my best friend, as he always used to do, he patted me on the head saying that cute and unbearable nickname that he gave me "Mimiu".
- Mimiu!- Ben exclaimed, as he held out his arms for a hug, which he did when he needed a favor.
-What do you want Ben? -Pronounce with displeasure.
-Mimiu calm down, I'm just showing you my love, I don't always hug you to ask you for something in return- he said with a nice smile. It wasn't natural for him to hug me, but I didn't care, rather I loved his displays of affection, even if it was for his own benefit.
We started classes, since I didn't like being in my classroom very much, because of the mess and dirt, I decided to sit in the back seats next to Ben, they are the cleanest places or so it seemed.I like the art class, the only bad thing about this class is the teacher, she is very bitter, however, I keep trying and working on my drawings, which are the best.
I was concentrating on my new project, a drawing of Ben's face, until Lucy interrupted me, with her critical comments, as always, it was not enough for her to make me angry every time she was given the opportunity, she believes more than anyone. , she likes things to be done her way and loves being the center of attention. Before we were friends until I got tired of his selfishness and bad attitude, like all people one day get tired. I was starting to try to alienate the few people I was talking to and also Ben, which I wouldn't allow, but the question I had was what did I do to make him
talking to and also Ben, which I wouldn't allow, but the question I had was what did I do to make him like this with me? Lucy is blonde with blue eyes, I'm the opposite because I have reddish hair and brown eyes.
-Hey Mia, Beny doesn't have a nose like that- Lucy said with a tender voice while giving me a defiant look, I think she was waiting for me to respond in some rude way and show the fury that those kinds of comments gave me, which I I wouldn't, I wouldn't like it.
-Thanks for telling me Lucy, I will appreciate your comment.- I said it with the best possible voice that I could get out at that moment, I didn't want to answer her in a bad way.
Lucy looked at me scratched, she didn't like that I had answered her gently, she turned around and left, she was calm drawing again.
-No one else will come to criticize my drawing- I thought.
An hour or two passed, the truth is that I lost track of time drawing, but each time my drawing was improving more and more, when I showed my progress to the teacher she congratulated me, told me that I drew very well and without a doubt I would win the best grade, almost It was time to
deliver the work we did in class, since the class ended.
-I finished my drawing- I said smiling at my model, Ben.
-Show it Mimiu- Ben said excitedly.
I showed it to him, I felt proud, it was the first face I drew.
-You look great, but I'm not as beautiful as you- he said looking into my eyes, I think he didn't say it in a romantic way, but as in the position of best friend.
-Thank you, if you're like that, you're handsome hahaha- blushing and with a tender laugh I told him that, I couldn't answer him coldly.
He's so handsome, I can't believe that I've been in love with my best friend for two years, since we weren't friends I already liked them, his eyes are like the sea, deep blue, his black and wavy hair, what I like the most is his smile I love it when he smiles.
The next class started, math, we just came in from break, I went to my seat, which is in front of Lucy since the teacher decided our permanent seats in her class, these seats did not irritate me as long
as Lucy would not look for herself a problem with me.
Lucy is too abusive, why do I say that? Good question; I left my school supplies on my table and she decided to take a pen of mine without even asking to borrow it, several problems had already happened with her, like when she drank my apple soda, this time I got very angry and I think I reacted badly to it insignificant that it is a pen, but I couldn't stand anything else from her, so I took my pen from her hands, she reacted worse than me, she pulled my hair which was loose, I didn't want to answer her, but my impulses acted Alone, I pushed her away from me, she responded even worse by pulling my hair again, at that moment Ben arrived, she didn't let me answer her.
-I wanted to hit her cute and spoiled girl face- I told her while holding me by my arms.
-Calm down Mimiu, leave her, it's not worth it- he said these words while looking at Lucy with displeasure, she only looked at me angrily, of course because she didn't like Ben looking at her like that, she likes him.
Ben told a classmate of mine, Mike, to switch places with me so I could get away from Lucy.
-He's a horrible person, I like him worse every day, because he treats me like that, what did I do to him?- I said quietly to Ben, as I put my fists on my desk.
Mike looked at me doubtfully, he didn't know why we asked him to switch places with me, Ben didn't tell him what had happened.
As the classes passed, my anger receded, but it didn't seem to me that Lucy had acted in the best possible way, it didn't seem fair to me, I would like to have answered her the same way she did with me.
-It's not fair- I exclaimed as I slid into my desk chair.
We left the class, the truth was nothing interesting happened in the other class I had.
I got home walking, when I got there I threw my bag and lay down on the bed looking up at the ceiling of my room, I was thinking about Ben's cute gesture, why did he hug me? It was so cute when he defended me, it was unbelievable, it's a shame that since he's always had a new fight with Lucy, it's usually just an argument.
-Every time I like it more- I shouted covering my face, no one would listen to me, I was alone in my house.
Since I had nothing to do, I decided to look at my social networks and of course I was so bored I looked at Ben's instagram, he had uploaded a new photo, that's what he told me at school, a photo after playing soccer.
-It's so cute- I said letting out a cry of emotion.
I've always had the doubt if he also likes me the way I like him, but I don't have the courage to ask him.
We've been in school for a month now, the relationship with Ben has gotten better and better and I'm also becoming Lucy's biggest enemy, she likes Ben, it shows too much.
Today they review another drawing in art class, well a sculpture of the drawing, I'm not that good at this, but I tried my best, my sculpture had suffered some damage on the way to school. I asked the teacher for permission to go to the bathroom, I was sweaty because I had come running or else I
would be late for my class, after the teacher arrived she turned to me with a confused face.
-Please say something good, say something good- I thought as I crossed my fingers.
-Miss Mia, what happened to your sculpture- he said while looking at each part of my sculpture.
-Mia, your sculpture in this part has a dent...- he pronounced these words slowly, pointing with his index finger to the big strange-shaped dent in my sculpture.
I was shocked, I did not know what to say, I just felt that my effort was in the bathroom, Ben was talking to me, I did not know what he was saying, I just noticed that my sculpture had a dent which was not there before I went to the bathroom At the same time I was remembering how much effort I put into making the sculpture, Lucy was looking at me with a satisfied face, as if my misfortune caused her happiness.
-I think someone damaged my sculpture- I said to Ben breaking the silence that I had caused by thinking, I knew who could have been the only person who wanted to make me suffer and not be happy.
Ben looked at me with confusion, I think he thought that instead of putting that assumption he was going to cry, because I am very sensitive and I don't tolerate my work being damaged, not knowing how much effort and dedication I put into it.
-I think it was Lucy- I whispered in his ear, he got angry, he didn't like Lucy at all when he saw so many things she had done to me to get closer to him.
In art class, the teacher gave me the opportunity to present my sculpture again in the next class, I wanted to tell her that I had a feeling that someone had damaged it and that I had a suspect, but unfortunately I had no evidence to blame Lucy, well, at some point I may have them.
We already had to go to the next class, for that we also had to clean the room, that teacher hated that the room was messy and dirty, she said that the mess and dirt could influence our study and we could not concentrate on our activities.
-Why hasn't the teacher arrived?- I said out loud.
- It seems that he got sick or so a friend from another class told me- Mike said answering my
-Oh, great we'll have two free hours then- Ben said, putting his arms behind his head, reflecting that he was going to relax.
As Mike said, the teacher did not come because she was sick and as Ben said we had two free hours, we could do whatever we wanted, as long as the school rules were not broken.
I decided first to leave the room straight to the cafeteria to buy an apple drink, when I returned I dedicated myself to what I like the most, talking and drawing, Ben was looking at his cell phone, but as soon as I returned to the room he put his cell phone aside and I I look.
-Do you want to talk Mimiu?- Ben said, as I sat in a chair next to him.
-I want to talk about your life, you almost never tell me anything about yourself, I don't know what hurts you or what made you very happy at some point- I said with a firm voice looking into his eyes.
- Emm and what do you want to know? - Ben answered me.
-How is your sister or your mom? ... What does your mom think of your grades? - I told him to start a
topic of conversation.
- They are excellently well, my mother does not care about my grades, she only cares about her boyfriend, since she separated from my father she is no longer aware of me, not even of my sister, do you think that is fair? - Saying it Her voice cracked and her eyes watered, but above all she asserted that she didn't think that act was fair on her mother's part.
-It's not fair, the truth is I don't know what advice to give you, my parents haven't separated, but even so you know that you can trust me with whatever you need or whatever you want to tell me just like your sister, but if I give you a advice, be more patient with your mother, I don't think it was very easy for her to get over the divorce, I assure you that in a while her attitude will change- I said taking her hands, they were cold, tears wanted to come out, she He looked so cute, seeing him like that made me want to cry.
-Mimiu you are always so cute- he said sobbing, he came closer to me and put his head on my shoulder, I hugged him.
Lucy gave me a dirty look, but I ignored her, my best friend was sad, it was my duty to help him and for that I was going to stop looking at how Lucy reacted, not even if it was that important.
-Ben, what do you think if we go outside? To breathe some fresh air- I said, extending my hand for him to take to go out with me.
-Ok and then we can go to my house, could we have a sleepover and eat marshmallows together?- He said with a soft and low voice.
-Of course, I just have to tell my mother and go get my things- I said, responding to her nice proposal.
Hand in hand we walked around the school, on the way Ben decided to take pictures of me and I just posed, he said it was for a drawing he was doing and that he was a very good photographer, that he could take pictures of me for my social networks, in which there were no photos yet. Ben always tells me that in order for people to know me I have to upload photos of myself and not be so embarrassed to talk to other people.
On the way back to the classroom we ran into Mike and decided to walk the three of us together,
anyway there was still an hour left for the next class, as usual he was eating, this time he had toast with an egg.
The three of us walked together, we talked about normal things like homework, jobs, we criticized classmates and teachers. I felt happy, that moment was nice.
We planned that the three of us would go out for a little walk around the city, in short a short trip, we would walk by the sea, we would go by car together, we would eat ice cream and we would do other activities that at this moment I don't remember.
It's already morning, it's Saturday, Ben and Mike are coming to pick me up to go out in their car to go to the sea, he said that while there he will take photos for instagram with his new camera.
My doorbell rang, Ben and Mike arrived.
-Hey guys- I said opening my front door.
-Hello mimiu, are you ready?- Ben said looking at my hair, it was disheveled.
-Hello Mia- said Mike who for some reason had a big suitcase in his hands.
-Hey, what about that suitcase?- I said, pointing at the suitcase with one finger while combing my hair with the other.
-Aaa, is that I brought some things to eat on the way- he said smiling.
After that I said goodbye to my mom and went with them, getting in the front of Ben's car.
-We're here- Ben said.
Mike slept the whole way, instead I was looking out the window at the trees, it's so cute that it looks like the trees are moving, but it's actually the car.
Ben told me to pose for a picture, it was weird.
-You looked very pretty- Ben told me.
He showed me the photo, I really did look beautiful.
-You are a very good photographer, you capture my best features- I said smiling while I kept looking at the photo.
- Right now I feel excluded- Mike said putting his hands under his chin.
When Mike said that, Ben and I looked at him and started laughing.
We get out of the car, Mike with his suitcase, Ben and I with our bags.
-Guys, where are we staying?- I asked, I didn't know where we were staying and we hadn't agreed on that either.
-Emm, I don't know either- Mike said with a surprised face.
Ben looked at us and laughed, he seemed to be hiding something, Mike and I looked at him wryly.
- Ben, where are we staying to sleep? o Mia sleeps in the car and you and I outside.
-Hahahaha, don't worry, my family has a cabin here in the woods- he said as he pointed to a path in the woods.
As we walked into the woods, at that moment Ben had the idea to take a picture of me, he indicated where I had to sit.
-You look beautiful in the photo- Ben said as he admired the photo he had taken of me.
-Show me- I said as he hid the camera behind him.
-Ben, why are you so red?- Mike said smiling and looking at the two of us, the truth is that I hadn't noticed.
After Mike said that I also got very red, I felt my cheeks burn, I walked away from Ben's side I didn't want him to see me like that, what a shame I said in the depths of my being, Ben so I wouldn't look at his face Red simply looked away and I covered my face.
-What an awkward moment- Mike said.
-Well changing the subject, I'm hungry- I said while I touched my stomach.
-Take this soda- Mike pronounced as he held out his hand with a soda.
-Thank you- I replied receiving the soda, opening it and drinking it.
We walked until we reached the cabin, on the way the boys were talking about random things, I didn't pay attention to them.
-It's like a fairy tale- I said as I looked at the cabin with my mouth open.
-Wait till you see it inside- Ben said, making me want to go in and see the inside of the cabin.
-Ben, it's clear that your family has a lot of money- Mike said shocked looking at the cabin.
We entered the cabin, it is more beautiful inside, I thought, it was really like a dream.
-Well, organize yourselves in your room and prepare your things to go to the beach, it's not very far but we'll still go in my car- Ben said as he headed to his room in the cabin.
For some reason I got the room that had a large window, I mean the one on the second floor at the back of the cabin is beautiful, it's a dream, so much natural light comes in, the bed is very soft.
-I love this place- I thought out loud, I said it without thinking that someone would listen to me.
-Did you like the place so much Mimiu?- Ben said as he came out from behind the wall laughing.
-Yes, it's beautiful, since when has your family had this cabin? And why didn't you tell me? - I said looking into his eyes.
-Emm, I didn't even know that my family had this cabin, my mom gave me the idea of coming here when I told her about the trip we wanted to do- she said while scratching her head expressing
-What a good choice your mom made- I said a little confused.
-But… She thought that only you and I came- she said while smiling with a little embarrassment.
-Oh, and what did he say when he found out that it wasn't like that? - I asked, Ben's mom wasn't easy to convince so she wanted to know how they left him knowing that there was another person besides the two of us.
-She said yes, that it wasn't the same as Lucy, nothing happened, that Mike wasn't a person who didn't get into trouble with you, because for my mom everyone gets into trouble with you for being my friend- she said while speaking in a squeaky voice , in the last thing he said.
We were laughing and I was about to ask her something out of place, who she liked, but at that moment Mike arrived, interrupted the moment, but I know that was not his intention.
-Guys, are you ready yet?- he said as he looked at us, he really wants to go to the beach and it shows.
-Sure- I said getting up from the bed and putting my suitcase on my shoulder.
We left the cabin about twenty minutes later, because Ben hadn't packed his things.
-Guys this time I'm going to drive the car- I said with a firm voice, while I saw Ben's angry face, he didn't like that they didn't let him drive.
-Well then this time I want to go ahead- Mike said, Ben glared at him.
-No, I'll go- Ben said as he looked furiously at Mike, as if with that look he was telling him that if he dares he will do something bad to him.
-Guys leave it like this, Ben you go ahead and when we return Mike goes ahead and I drive- I said trying to get them to stop fighting by proposing that idea.
-Well I'll go back- Mike said supporting my proposal.
Ben stuck out his tongue at Mike as a gesture that he had won, they look like children, but thinking about it, the two of them are hiding something, at that moment many ideas came to my mind, like what would happen if they had a bet on who I fall in love with faster like in love movies and series or
they just argued about who sat in the front only for me to give up driving, I thought as we headed to the car.
Getting into the car, Mike looked sad, but I didn't want to create any more trouble so I kept quiet, Ben had the camera in his hands. The walk felt very long because they didn't talk or do anything besides look out the window, only Ben took some pictures of me, I realized it was because he was looking at his camera.
A few more minutes passed until I broke the silence, I didn't like the silence so much.
-Guys, what are we going to have for lunch?- I said, because I was already hungry.
-Emm, I don't know Mimiu when we're there we'll look at that- said Ben, in his voice you could tell he was bored.
Other minutes passed in silence until we arrived, we stopped the car and I turned to see them.
-Guys, what's going on? Why are you so silent? - I said angrily, something was happening and they didn't want to tell me.
-Nothing happens, I just told Ben that I have to leave after lunch and he got angry because the plan was to stay all weekend- Mike said angry I think because of Ben's reaction.
-You don't need to say anything else Mike- Ben said looking furiously at Mike.
-No- Mike replied.
Ben stopped to look at the camera and smiled, I took it off and saw a photo of me just as I turned to look at them, I returned the camera and looked at them.
-Real guys don't hide anything from me, you know you can tell me everything, I'm not going to criticize you or tell you what you tell me if you want to- I told them taking the phrases from my heart.
Mike looked at me and his eyes watered, I looked at him in surprise, I had never seen him cry.
-Mia, the truth is I have something to confess to you, but I want to tell it only to you- she said as tears came out of her eyes.
I wiped away her tears and opened the car door.
-Well then let's go out and tell me on the way to the sea- I said smiling tenderly.
We got out of the car with our things, Ben went ahead he seemed angry, I'll talk to him later, Mike looked very sad.
-Well Mia, where do I start, two years ago when I met you you didn't seem like a pretty girl to me, I thought you were the self-confident girl or so Lucy told me that she thinks that being my cousin can tell me who should be my friends and who shouldn't, but I gave myself the opportunity to meet you and you are the complete opposite of what Lucy says about you... - Mike began to count as tears quickly slid down his rosy cheeks.
Mike cried some more before continuing with what he was telling me.
-Mike then, does Lucy say bad things about me? What kind of things does she say? - I asked, taking advantage of the fact that she paused for a moment what she was saying.
-Yes, he says that you are a hypocrite, a horrible person, a liar, two-faced and he says more things that I don't remember- he said wiping his tears.
Lucy is horrible, how can she say that about me if she is the one like that? I can't believe that after
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I am currently in the ninth grade, I am a cheerful, tender, kind person, I like to draw, I am creative, honest and I always try to make sure everyone is well.
I grew up in a united family, with love, trust, fun, family time, in short, the perfect family. That was until 2018, when my parents had a lot of problems and decided to get a divorce.
I am in full adolescence, I have known what a false friendship is like and I have also had real friends, my so-called friends have betrayed me, I have met interested people, I have felt alone, I know how the loss of a loved one feels, that they make you aside, being used, feeling insignificant, distrust and many other things.
In my first years of study, elementary school, I was the best student, better grades but few friends.
My name is Danna Sofia Romero Blanco, I was born on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 in Bucaramanga, Santander. I entered the Escuela Normal Superior de Bucaramanga in 2013.

In third grade I had my first real friends, Luisa and Isabella, there were only three of us, but we were only friends for three long years.
In sixth grade I had a group of friends, we were like six or seven girls, inseparable, loving, we wrote
letters to each other, but at the end of the year one of them lost the year, another left school and another changed classes and so on. little by little the group was separating and we are no longer friends.
In my life I have had four pets, the cute dog Lila was in my family in 2016, then she had to leave when she was six months old. Strawberry was very tender, but it also had to go after six months. Currently my dad has a dog called Docky, he is a year old or so, he is playful and very mischievous, with my mom we have a cat, my daughter Cookie, she is six months old, she is very playful, affectionate and sometimes very disobedient.
I am in full adolescence, I have known what a false friendship is like and I have also had real friends, my so-called friends have betrayed me, I have met interested people, I have felt alone, I know how
the loss of a loved one feels, that they make you aside, being used, feeling insignificant, distrust and many other things.
When I grow up I aspire to be a fashion designer, I would love to be able to create my own clothing brand and go see the world, I don't know if I want to have a family, but what I am sure of is that I will fulfill my dream.

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