The Orphan’s
Hi, I’m Sarah and I am 13 years old. I have an older twin Caroline and my other older sister Lyndi she is 14. This story takes place at an old beat-up orphanage that we call jail. We were sent here because our mother and father got killed saving us from a fire when we were babies. Now our life is nothing, well that’s what we thought of course in the orphanage. Before the orphanage we lived on the street for 10 years until Ms. Violet found us. “You kids better not be playing on the floor with dead rats!” That’s what Ms. Violet said, she owns the orphanage, and some kids call her a witch. “We aren’t Ms. Violet!” Everyone yelled back, but
sadly we were I mean we didn’t have any toys.
What were we supposed to play with? “You kids better clean your rooms before supper! Or else you will go in the death cell!” I just sat there making my bed looking at Evan, our dog outside. “I wish Ev could come in with us...” My two sisters just stared at me. “Ev?” Asked Caroline I responded surprised “Yes, Ev it’s short for Evan.” “Oh.” Replied Caroline and Lyndi. “I thought I told you guys when we found him on the street.” Lyndi looked at Caroline then at me and said “well, sometimes we get distracted and don’t listen.” I just stared at both of them and kept cleaning. “You know I think I might know a way out of here,” said Caroline. Me and Lyndi just stared at her and asked her the only word we could think
of “how!” Caroline continued, “We can escape through the tunnel that’s covered up by the fridge.” “What fridge?” I asked scared. She just pointed to the jail cell across from ours and said, “the death cell.”
Some say kids died in there and they did, but one lucky kid got a shovel in time and dug his way out. Some think it was a miracle. “Sarah, Caroline, and Lyndi! Why are you guys just sitting there?” said Ms. Violet. I responded for my sisters “well, we finished.” I said as I made a mess on my bed. My sisters did the same. “Well! It looks like you three want to go to the death cell, is that it?” I nodded. “All right then... Come with me.” She said as she pulled all three of our wrists really hard. Once we got there, she threw us in
and said, “You three will come out tomorrow morning!”
After she said that and locked us in, she left and Caroline said, “Tomorrow! That’s it! Tom, that’s who we go to next!” “Tom?” I asked surprised “Yes, Tom! Tomorrow! The word has Tom in it right?” “Yes?” I responded surprised.
“Tom is our godfather, and he is supposed to take care of us when our parents die.” Said Lyndi explaining it to me. “Oh, why don’t I remember him then?” I asked. Caroline moved the fridge as Lyndi helped and explained more to me. “Well, he never really had us over before, because Ms. Violet said he was immature.” I went over to help move the fridge. “Immature? How can a 50-year-old man be immature?” asked Caroline “I don’t know...” replied Lyndi. I just pushed
as hard as I could and it worked, we moved the fridge! Yes, there was a tunnel behind it! “It worked!” I yelled. My sisters were out of breath, but they still smiled. “Sis? How did you find Tom and know where he was?” I asked Caroline. “I snuck into the office where Ms. Violet works when we first got here when we were 10, and I looked for our file.” “Oh.” I said as we were halfway in the tunnel.
Once we were out, we went to get Ev then we started running to Tom’s house. Soon enough it was dark outside, and we didn’t know where to go. “Sis? How much farther? I can’t keep walking anymore.” I complained. Lyndi just stopped and said, “If we keep walking, we should be there in the morning.” I just kept walking and chased Ev for
entertainment. Back at the orphanage was worse because Ms. Violet came to let us out early and give us a bath before bedtime. But instead, she came into the cell and saw the tunnel. She called Tom to let him know we were coming, and to call her when we get there. It was finally morning and there was a two-story house up ahead.
“Tom!” I yelled racing Ev to Tom’s door Once we all made it to the door Lyndi knocked. “Come on in!” yelled Tom but it sounded like a 5-year-old.
Before we came in, I looked at Caroline and Lyndi and said scared “Maybe he has a kid?” Lyndi and Caroline looked at me and agreed. As Lyndi opened the door and we saw a guy with pink curly hair, my little pony T-shirt that shows his
bellybutton, a my little pony tutu, and he was even holding a pink ice cream cone. Once Ev saw the ice cream he barked. “Ev!” I yelled looking around the room for a 5-year-old. But the only 5-year-old in this room was Tom. Caroline and I stared at him. “Umm, Hi! I’m Lyndi and these are my two sister’s Caroline and Sarah. They are 13-year-old twins and I’m 14...” She paused and just stared at him; we all did. “Hello! I’m Tom, hang on while I make a call. You three can rest upstairs.” Tom ate all of his ice cream as he skipped over to the phone. “Ok!” I yelled calling Ev up with me. Caroline came up too as Lyndi stayed downstairs watching Tom. “Hello, violet?”
Lyndi froze then ran over to Tom and took the phone away
right when violet said, “Yes?” “Hey! Why did you push me?” Tom said like he was about to cry. “I’m sorry Tom...” Lyndi said as she hung up the phone and continued “Please don’t call her, we came all this way to be free... me and my sisters won’t go back, let us stay for a while? Please?” “Fine... Just don’t push me...” Replied Tom. “Ok... Thanks so much Tom!” After Lyndi thanked Tom, she ran upstairs to tell her sisters, but sadly they were sound asleep. I just slept with the dog. Lyndi walked over to her bed. “Goodnight...” Lyndi sighed and laid down to take a nap.
Soon it was the next day, and the girls still didn’t know Tom didn’t know how to cook. “Wake up!” Tom yelled at us in our room, “Wake up!” He yelled again. We all woke up thinking
he was Violet “Yes, Ms. Violet?” We all yelled.
Tom just died laughing. “I’m not Ms. Violet!” Tom kept laughing. I moved Ev out of the bed so I could get up. I stood next to my bed as my sisters sat there still trying to remember where they were. “Tom? Why did you wake us?” Asked Caroline trying to wake up. Tom answered that question with red cheeks. “Can some one cook breakfast?” We all froze and let Lyndi respond “you don’t know how to cook Tom?” I interrupted her “if you don’t know how to cook how have you been living here? All by yourself?” Tom didn’t respond he just stared at nothing. Until Lyndi spoke for him “ok? Well, what do you want?” Me and Caroline were about to say eggs, or pancakes, but Tom beat us. “Bacon!” “Ok it
will be ready in 15 minutes.” Said Lyndi as she headed downstairs. Me and Caroline looked at each other than went downstairs.
Tom fallowed Lyndi into the kitchen as he drooled and stared at the bacon. Once it was done and Lyndi put it on the table me and Caroline came into the room. To tell Tom once again why we want to stay and why not to call Ms. Violet. As we all sat down Ev laid down next to my chair to listen. I stared at Tom trying to get his attention and spoke, “Tom? We aren’t going back... I may be the youngest, but no matter what I’m not going back to get separated from my sisters.” Lyndi stopped me “Sis, we aren’t getting separated.” “Yes, we are! I overheard her talking to us when you two were asleep.” I
added. My sisters stared at me scared.
Tom stopped eating right when he stopped the dog stood up and started begging for food. “No Ev not now!” I yelled. Tom froze. “Is something wrong Tom?” Asked Lyndi.
Caroline filled in for Tom “The farm! The family farm!” Ev barked I just sat there. “Oh yeah! The farm! We could hide there, since Tom called Violet and said hi. She must know we are here!” Lyndi said not meaning too. “Wait what Tom told Violet we were here!” I yelled. “I didn’t mean too; I loved that farm! I used to run around all day and night there with my friends.” I stared at Tom then Lyndi. Lyndi picked up the plates to do the dishes so I wouldn’t stare at her. “If only I knew where it was.” Added Tom, right after Tom said that Ev
left the kitchen to go to Tom’s room then he came back with something in his mouth. “Ev! Drop it!” I yelled and Ev listened he dropped it in the middle of the kitchen table. Lyndi came in to help with Ev, but she stopped right when she saw the picture of the farms address. “Good boy Evan!” Yelled Lyndi as she petted Ev.
Caroline stared at the picture than said “That’s it! We will take the bus and hide at the farm.” We all agreed and went upstairs to get ready. “Ev! Come boy!” I yelled because Ev went into Tom’s room by mistake or so I thought. “Guys? What does Ev have in his mouth?” I asked pointing at him; he came. Lyndi came over to me once she did Ev came over too. “Evan! Drop it!” And he did he dropped the five dollars.
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The Orphan’s
Hi, I’m Sarah and I am 13 years old. I have an older twin Caroline and my other older sister Lyndi she is 14. This story takes place at an old beat-up orphanage that we call jail. We were sent here because our mother and father got killed saving us from a fire when we were babies. Now our life is nothing, well that’s what we thought of course in the orphanage. Before the orphanage we lived on the street for 10 years until Ms. Violet found us. “You kids better not be playing on the floor with dead rats!” That’s what Ms. Violet said, she owns the orphanage, and some kids call her a witch. “We aren’t Ms. Violet!” Everyone yelled back, but
sadly we were I mean we didn’t have any toys.
What were we supposed to play with? “You kids better clean your rooms before supper! Or else you will go in the death cell!” I just sat there making my bed looking at Evan, our dog outside. “I wish Ev could come in with us...” My two sisters just stared at me. “Ev?” Asked Caroline I responded surprised “Yes, Ev it’s short for Evan.” “Oh.” Replied Caroline and Lyndi. “I thought I told you guys when we found him on the street.” Lyndi looked at Caroline then at me and said “well, sometimes we get distracted and don’t listen.” I just stared at both of them and kept cleaning. “You know I think I might know a way out of here,” said Caroline. Me and Lyndi just stared at her and asked her the only word we could think
of “how!” Caroline continued, “We can escape through the tunnel that’s covered up by the fridge.” “What fridge?” I asked scared. She just pointed to the jail cell across from ours and said, “the death cell.”
Some say kids died in there and they did, but one lucky kid got a shovel in time and dug his way out. Some think it was a miracle. “Sarah, Caroline, and Lyndi! Why are you guys just sitting there?” said Ms. Violet. I responded for my sisters “well, we finished.” I said as I made a mess on my bed. My sisters did the same. “Well! It looks like you three want to go to the death cell, is that it?” I nodded. “All right then... Come with me.” She said as she pulled all three of our wrists really hard. Once we got there, she threw us in
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