By: Claire Keating

Chapter 1: Her Birthday
One nice sunny day, a girl named Alexa just woke up and she was really happy, because she remembered that today was her birthday! It was a very special birthday. You might think well all birthdays are special, but this one was so special! Well to her anyway. Ok fine... she will tell you why it's really special it's because she is finally old enough to go and take riding lessons on horses!!!! She has always dreamed of it but her mom always put a stop on it. She says that it is really dangerous, and she has no money for it. She also said that she can do it when she is ten.
So Alexa got out of bed, and ran down stairs. When she got down there……. “Happy birthday!!!!!!” Mrs. Lexi said (Alexas moms name is Mrs. Lexi). Alexa said “Yay!! I'm so excited for today, mom!!! But what are all those presents? I thought going to horse lessons was my only present?” Mrs. Lexi said “Ya well…I got you some things to go with it. ” Alexa said “Really? Thank you mom!!! ” Mrs. Lexi said “Well don't just sit there, open your presents!!!!!” So Alexa ran over to the five boxes, 2 were small 3 were big. In box 1 (which was small) had a bunch of riding gear, like pants and shirts, and a helmet and boots. In the 2 box (which was the last small one) was a saddle pad and a crop. Then in the 1st big box was a saddle and bridle.
Then in the last two boxes there was a 100 like a 100!!! picture frames. Alexa said “Thank you mom!!!! But why did you get me picture frames???” Mrs. Lexi said “Well for the horse memories of course!” Alexa said “OHHHH ya, now that makes sense. Thank you again!!!” So it was almost time for Alexa to get ready for her first horse lesson. So she did, and when she was in her truck, she said “Mom don't forget a phone for videos!!” So her mom went and got her phone.Then they were off on the road, but they made a different stop. Alexa looked around confused. Alexa said “Mom this is definitely not a horse place.”
Mrs. Lexi said “Well ya, duh? I took you here to have breakfast.”Alexa smiled and then ran into the restaurant. After 30 minutes they came back out completely stuffed. Alexa said “I don't know if I'll be able to ride horses after that!” Her mom said “ok then, I’ll just take you back home. ”Alexa screamed and said “no no I was just kidding’’. Her mom laughed. Well after a long drive they finally got there.
Chapter 2: Alexa’s First Ride
So Alexa got out of the car and went into the barn. When she got in there she saw a bunch of horses and people. One lady came up to Alexa, and said “Hi you must be Alexa. ”Alexa said “Yep I’m her!” The lady said “Well nice to meet you Alexa. I’m Leah, and I will be teaching you how to ride your whole life! So follow me to see your lesson horse. So Leah walked away. Alexa looked at her mom happily, and then ran after Leah.
Leah turned around real quick with an angry face, and said “Hey no running around horses!” Alexa was kind of surprised that Leah yelled at her. Alexa said “I'm so so sorry Leah, it won't happen again, I promise!” Leah said it's ok. One thing that will take a long time to do is teach you how to do stuff the right way with horses and what not to do around them. It will probably take a whole day to do. Alexa said “Are we doing it today? Because I want to ride today. Can we please not do it today?
Leah said, no we have to do it today. Or else you can’t ride. What we are doing today is first teach you what not to do around the horses. Then teach you all the basics of horses. After that we will get the horse you will be taking lessons on, and show you how to clean the hoof, wash them, and tack up the horse. Then tomorrow you come you can ride. Alexa was a little bit disappointed because she was really looking forward to riding today, but she also thinks it does make sense so she didn’t complain about it.
Leah said “Ok now follow me.” So Alexa did, and of course she didn’t run. So after the whole day they were finally done! Alexa was happy because it was actually fun doing the basics of horses, but the most fun thing was meeting her lesson horse Thunder. So after that long day, Alexa finally went home, but the next day would be even more exciting because Alexa would be riding Thunder for her first time!!!!! Before Alexa left she went and asked Leah when she could come back for a lesson. Leah said “Well you could come back on Friday.”
Alexa said “Yep! That sounds good! See you then!” So Alexa ran out to her mom waiting in the truck. Boom Boom the truck drove off. After a few days it was Friday. When Alexa got picked up from school by her mom, she almost couldn't even stand up with how excited she was. She ran right up to her mom, and said “Mom Mom! I finally get to ride for the first time in my life!!!” Alexa's mom looked at her with a pretty weird face. Alexa noticed and said “Oh now you're not going to support the fact that I'm going to ride?” Mrs. Lexi said “Well of course I don't want you to do it! You could get so hurt! And……well…..I've been.. never mind.”
Alexa said “What mom?” Mrs. Lexi said “Ok forget that happened. Let's go to the stables! I can’t wait to see you ride! ”Alexa knew her mom was hiding something from her, but she never said anything. It was time for Alexa to ride! Alexa got to the stable and said “Leah where are you?’’ Leah came out with thunder all tacked up. Alexa said “Well I thought I was going to tack him up?”Leah said “You should, but I’m busy and have to be somewhere so it has to be quick, next time.” So they led Thunder into the arena. Then Alexa went to the mounting block, and swung her foot into the saddle. Alexa said “Look I’m on a horse Mom!!”Mrs. Lexi said “Yes you are sweetie!”
Leah said “Ok now I’m going to let you go now, and you're going to walk him around the arena ok?” So Alexa kicked Thunder to go forward. Alexa was now walking around the arena on the horse looking perfect. Leah said “Have I been lied to? How are you so good?!” Alexa said “I guess it’s just natural then.” Alexa smiled at Leah. Leah said “Ok now I think we have to trot now.” Alexa said oh ok. What are we planning to do today?’ Leah said "Just walking and trotting. You are not going to canter or jump until you're 11 probably.'' Alexa was sad about that, but it does make sense because Alexa only had a lesson every month. So Alexa was out on the wall walking, but then she kicked Thunder into a trot.
Alexa said “I’m doing it! This is so fun!” Leah said “It might be fun, but once you get better at riding it is a big deal. You can’t just have fun. Sometimes you have to be really serious and make sure you do everything right.” Alexa said “Yep I understand.” So Alexa kept on trotting around the arena. Soon she was a pro at doing it. In just 1 day!! So Leah said “Ok I think that's enough for today.” So Alexa dismounted Thunder, and then led Thunder out of the arena. Alexa untacked Thunder and gave him lots of treats to eat, and put him back in his stall. Leah said “You can come on Sunday next month. ”Alexa said “Ok sounds good.” So Alexa left the barn and got in the truck with her mom.
Mrs. Lexi said “You did awesome today up there.” Alexa said “Thank you mom, but what’s wrong?” Mrs. Lexi said “What do you mean what’s wrong.” Alexa said “With you this morning getting upset about me riding.” Mrs. Lexi said “Well the thing is I have been hiding something from you and you're probably not going to like it.”
Chapter 3: The Secret
Alexa said “Well what? It can't be that bad. Everything is perfect now.” Mrs. Lexi said “Ok do you really want to know?” Alexa said “yes yes I do.” Mrs. Lexi said “Well I got a really cool job offer in a different state and we are moving there.” Alexa said “What?! How could you keep that from me? And how long have you been keeping it from me?”Mrs.lexi said “Umm for about 2 weeks now.”
Alexa said “Well where?” Mrs. Lexi said “Like really far away in a different state.” Alexa said “No!” Mrs. Lexi said “Well we are moving in two more days so enjoy the last two days.”
Alexa started crying and crying, and said “But I just started fitting in here and riding.”Mrs. Lexi said “Well we are moving in 2 days.”Alexa said “No! I refuse to go!” Mrs. Lexi said “Well too bad.” Alexa opened the car door and ran to the horse barn.
Chapter 4: The Runaway
Alexa saw that Thunder was all tacked up for someone else to ride, but Alexa had a different idea. Leah asked “Alexa? OMG what’s wrong?!” Alexa just said nothing and cried. Alexa mounted Thunder from the ground and kicked him into a gallop. Everybody was surprised because Alexa only ever trotted a horse, and she was galloping Thunder! They all yelled Alexa's name and chased after her.
Mrs. Lexi got out of the truck and said “No come back Alexa!” But nothing worked. Alexa was officially a runaway. Mrs. Lexi was mad. Leah ran over to Mrs. Lexi and said “Don’t worry we will find her ok?” Mrs. Lexi said “In 2 days?" Leah said "probably not in that short of time." Mrs. Lexi said "That’s the thing that made her run away because I did not tell her for two weeks that we were going to move to a different state. I told her that we were moving, but only 2 days left here.” Leah said “Well you should have told her.” Mrs. Lexi said “I know ok. Please keep her safe ok?” Leah said “What wait why?” Mrs. Lexi said “Well I have to leave in two days so I guess we will not live with each other.”
Leah said “Ok we will keep her here nice and safe.’’ “BOOM BOOM.” The truck drove off. Leah was very stressed out, but then she told the group members that just arrived a couple of days ago that they had to go find Alexa. Their names were Jade and Becky. Jade said “We will find Alexa than become best friends!”Becky said “Yes we will!” Leah said “Ok I don’t care if you're her friend, all I care about is finding Alexa.'' Jade and Becky said “Ok we will get our horses tacked up.'' So Jade and Becky ran to get their horses, and tacked them up. Becky's horses name was Bob, and he was a gelding.
Jades horses name was Cheese, and he was a gelding. So after getting Bob and Cheese ready they mounted them, and galloped away. So Alexa was going like really really fast on Thunder. Alexa was really sad about her mom, but she had to prove a point. Alexa was galloping Thunder when a big log appeared. Alexa said “Ok Thunder you got this! You're my help right now.” So Alexa clicked to Thunder and then they soared over the big log. Alexa said “Maybe I won’t miss my mom. Like how could she do that to me, and how could I not be happy with you by my side.”Alexa let Thunder rest a little bit so she walked him. After about an hour of being a runaway Alexa hopped off Thunder.
Alexa had a little pouch around her hip with carrots, water, and some snacks. Alexa saw that Thunder was eyeing up her carrots. Alexa said “Oh don’t worry Thunder I brought lots of carrots for you!” Then Alexa gave Thunder a carrot. Becky and Jade were not that close to where Alexa was. Jade said “We should go back. We have been looking forever now, and there's a storm coming.”Becky said “Ok you could go back but I’m not!” Jade said “Ok I guess I’ll keep looking.”So they galloped off into dark rain clouds. It was really hard for them to see since it was cloudy out. Becky screamed “Ahhhhhhhh.” Jade said “What did you find her?”
Becky said “No but I found Ghost Pony. It’s coming, run!!!” And Becky took off at a gallop into the forest. Jade said “Stop Becky it’s just a deer!” Becky came out of the forest and said “Oh ya me and Bob knew that, right Bob? See Bob says yes.” Jade laughed at her friend. So they took off galloping again. Becky said “Oh no look at this big log in our way. Alexa can’t be this way if she never jumped before.” Jade said “No we have to jump it Becky. Leah didn’t think Alexa could ride like that so she could be able to jump it.”Becky said “Yep your right. That does make sense. But me and Bob are feeling lazy today so we aren’t going over that big of a jump today.” Jade said “It’s ok Becky that Bob can’t jump that.”
Becky said “No he could he just does not want to.” Jade said “Becky say the truth.” Becky said “Ok ok I admit it.” Jade said “I don’t know if Cheese can jump this, but I’ll try.” Becky said “Ok don’t get hurt!” So Bob made it through the forest, and out the other side. Jade got Cheese to back up, and then kicked him into a canter “Thud, Thud, Thud” Jade got a perfect stride to the log and flew over it. Becky clapped and said “Great job Jade!” Jade said “Thanks but now we really have to get moving.”So they galloped off. It was storming like crazy out in the forest. Trees were getting blown down, and power lines. Becky said “This is not good. Now we have no service if anything happens.” Jade said “We will be ok. Alexa is getting soaked and probably wants to come home.”
And then a voice came from the bushes, but Jade and Becky didn’t know what Alexa sounded like so they didn’t think it would be her. That voice said “Yes your right. I do want to go home, but only if I had one.” The voice said sadly. Becky said “Alexa?” The voice said “Yes?” Becky jumped off Bob and hugged Alexa and said “Oh!!!!!! I’m so happy you're back!! Are you ok are you hurt?”Alexa said “Yes actually I am.”Becky said “Well what?’’ Alexa said “My mom hurt me.” Becky and Jade both said “Wait how?” Alexa said “I’ll tell you on the way back to the stable.” So Becky and Alexa hopped on their horse. Then they walked along a path. Jade said “Ok before you say what happened how could you go from walking and trotting to galloping and jumping over huge logs?’’
Alexa said “I don’t know.Maybe what my mom did to me it just made me do some crazy stuff.” Becky said “Ok ok please tell us about what happened to your mom.” So Alexa started telling them the whole story. By the time the story was over they were coming to the stables. Becky and Jade said “Wow that was terrible of her to do.” Becky said “But why did you leave her to live without you? If my mom did that to me I would be mad but still go.’’ Alexa said “Well it kinda just felt right I guess. Because I don’t miss her at all!” Jade said “You sure? Because I know I would.” Alexa said “No I’m sure.” Leah and the others saw them coming back. Leah ran to them.
Leah said “What were you thinking Alexa?” Alexa said “Well it just felt right, but can I still stay and live here with Becky and Jade?”Leah said “Of course you can. But I have a little tip for you. DON'T RUN AWAY! You got that?” Alexa said “Yes I do, and I have a little tip for you. DON’T RUN AROUND HORSES! Do you got that?’’ Leah laughed and said “Yes I do. Now come untack Thunder and put a cooler on him sense he was out in the rain. Then go dry yourself off. We went and got all your clothes from your house and put them in Beckys and Jade's room because its your room now to. Same for you Becky and Jade!” So Alexa, Becky, and Jade did just that.
Then at night Becky told stories about Ghost Pony. “Cock doodle doo! Cock doodle doo!”The rooster crowed.
Chapter 5: The Bad News
So Becky, Jade, and Alexa got dressed and walked to the stable. Leah came over to Alexa and said “I’m sorry Alexa, but your Aunt called and said that she doesn't want you riding for a year.” Alexa looked shocked. She said “What why?” Leah said “Well because of what you did to your mom.” Alexa said “Leah you can’t, please don't.” Leah said “Sorry Alexa but I can’t. I have to follow your Aunts word. See you next year. Well riding horses, you can still help out with them a little bit.” Alexa started crying and Leah said “Oh can you two girls take her back into your cabin?”
Once they were in there Jade said “Becky I could go take care of our horses so Alexa has some company.”Becky said “Yes thanks. That would be great.” Jade left and closed the cabin door. After a little while Alexa finally stopped crying. Becky said “Ok I’m against you not being able to ride for 1 year. How about this? At night whatever night you want we can sneak out to the stables and ride. Because the indoor arena has lights. So what do you say?” Alexa's face immediately put on a big smile. Alexa said “Yes Becky!!! You are the best!!!!” Becky said “Well I try to be haha”Alexa said “But what about Jade. She thinks I should follow Leah's rules. And like we will definitely get caught, and she might even tell."
Becky said “True, but Jade is not the type of person to tell. Especially on her two BEST FRIENDS!” Alexa said “I know, but I will feel more comfortable with it just being you. So please don’t let her join.”Becky said “Ok I’ll try my best because when I lie I start saying like “Oh I’m totally not hiding something.” So yeah I’ll try not to get caught.” Alexa hugged Becky and said “Oh I love you Becky!” So Becky ran and got a calendar out of her bag. Alexa asked “What is this for?”Becky said “Well to put when we are sneaking out to the stable.” Alexa said “Oh ok.” Then Becky got a pen, and Alexa started saying a bunch of dates to ride. Becky was writing so fast. After Becky put down all the dates, she felt like her hand was going to fall off.
Alexa said “There, is that enough for you?” Becky said “Wow you must really want to ride.” Alexa said “Yes I do. The reason why I got so mad was because she knew that I was just starting to fit in here, and love riding horses. So I thought that if I would take off far away you guys wouldn't get me and I’d get to stay." Becky said “Well you're smart because your plan worked!” Alexa said “Ya, it did, but now I can’t ride for 1 YEAR!!” Becky started to talk about the folder, and sneaking into the barn at night when Jade came in! Becky froze with the folder in her hand. Then Becky threw the folder under their bed. Jade said “What folder is that? I don’t remember having a yellow one. Can I take a quick look in it?” Becky said “No because we're totally not hiding something he ha.”
Alexa said “What Becky means is that it is just a folder of something called trust.” Jade said “Trust?” Alexa said “Ya, trust.”Jade said “But why trust?” Alexa said “Whenever your having a hard time trusting one of us you take the folder and hug it tightly in your arms. But you never open it because if you do you will let out all of our trust for each other. So never ever do it! ”Leah came busting into the cabin.
Alexa said “What?” Leah said “Your Aunt just called and said that she will let you ride again!” Alexa, Becky, and Jade all held hands and were jumping up and down. Alexa said “Yes I’m so so sooooooo happy! But how did she change her mind?” Leah said “I heard that Jade called her and said how much you like to ride. So don’t thank me, thank Jade. Bye girls.” And Leah left the cabin. Alexa looked at Jade and said “I feel terrible.” Jade said “What why?” Alexa said “Well because we are keeping this huge secret from you” Becky interrupted and said “What she means is that she feels terrible that you had to tell her Aunt.’’ Jade said “Oh no big deal Alexa. I was hoping that Leah would come and say it soon because friends should not keep secrets from each other.
So I didn’t want to because I knew that you two would never keep a secret from me!” Jade ran over and hugged Becky and Alexa. Then she left the cabin. Once she was gone Alexa said “Ok I’m really starting to feel terrible about the secret.”Becky said “Me to Alexa.”
Chapter 6:Keeping The Secret
So it was night, and Becky woke Alexa up and said “Alexa?Alexa? It’s time to ride.’’ Becky said quietly so she would not wake Jade. Alexa said “Becky we don't need to do this. I can ride now.” Becky said “Well a little practice won’t hurt will it?” Alexa got out of bed and smiled at Becky, and got dressed. Alexa slowly and carefully opened the cabin door. When Becky was shutting the door, the door made a creaking noise and Jade moved her arm, but never woke up.
Alexa said “Becky! It's the first time and you almost busted us!”Alexa said quietly. Becky said “Sorry Alexa!” She said quietly. So then they left the cabin and went to the horse barn. When they opened the barn door all the horses were sleeping. Becky wiped out her phone and said “Omg!!! This will look so cute on my story! Sense it’s at night.” Alexa said “Becky! You can’t post these. We will get busted.”Becky said “Ok I won’t post them.” So Alexa got thunder out, and Becky got Bob out. While they were tacking their horses up Alexa got a call. Alexa picked up her phone then said “Oh no! What do I do!?” Becky said “What do you mean what do I do?” Alexa said “Jade is calling me.”
Becky said “Well just say your using the bathroom.” So Alexa picked up the phone and answered it. Jade said “ Alexa where are you and Becky?” Alexa said “Oh….um…m-me…….and Becky are…..u-using the bathroom.” Jade said “Oh, but I checked the bathroom.” Alexa said “Oh not the bathroom in our cabin the main bathroom.” Jade said “Well what's wrong with the cabin bathroom.” Alexa said “A-a Becky just came out! My turn. Bye!”Jade started to say wait, but then Alexa hung up. Alexa said “Well that was a close call.” Becky said “Yes it was.” So Alexa and Becky started to take their horse to the indoor arena. Becky mounted Bob from the ground. Alexa walked Thunder over to the mounting block.
Becky said “Oh don’t be a baby! When you ran away you hopped right on to him from the ground.” So Alexa got on Thunder on from the ground. Becky and Alexa were cantering around the arena when Becky jumped over a crossrail. Alexa slowed Thunder to a halt. Becky said “Come on Alexa try to jump it.” So Alexa turned in a circle, and kicked him into a canter then flew over the jump. After an hour Becky said “Ok that's enough for today. Or should I say night.”Alexa said “ This was so fun because we don’t have to listen to an instructor. We just do what we want.” Becky said “Ok let's put them away now.” So Alexa and Becky hopped off their horses. Then they led them into the stable.
Once they were done untacking their horses, Becky grabbed treats from the tack room. Becky gave some treats to Alexa for Thunder. Alexa said “Thanks Becky. Thunder was amazing tonight.” Alexa said while feeding Thunder the treats. Becky said “Yes he was, and you were too. You did so good jumping. It might have only been a crossrail, but it was really good.” Bob whinnied to her. Becky said “Oh and of course you did awesome Bob!” Becky said while giving Bob his treats. But then Jade came through the barn doors. Becky and Alexa ran to the other side of the corner so Jade wouldn’t see the horses. Jade said “What are you doing here?”
Becky said “Well what are you doing here!?” Jade said “Well I heard a noise out here so I came to look. What about you guys?”Becky was starting to get nervous so Alexa said this “Well same. We heard a noise so we came out.” Jade said “Well why didn’t you wake me up?” Alexa said “Well I was shutting the cabin door then Becky was awake so she came, and I didn’t want to wake you up.”Jade said “Oh ok I understand. Come back in with me.” Alexa said “Oh we were going to sweep the…..a….b..b-barn floor.” Jade said “Ok so can I help?” Alexa said “No!!” Jade said “Why?” Alexa said “Because there are only 2 brooms, and you deserve to sleep. Ok bye!” Alexa said while shoving Jade out of the door, and closing the door.
Alexa said “Woooo…..That was close.” Becky said “Yes it was.” So Jade was sad that they were leaving her out. While she was walking back to the cabin she thought to herself that something was up. Once Jade got back to the cabin she looked under the couch at the folder called the trust folder. When Jade thought about what they said about “only touching the folder if you really don’t trust one of us.” Jade thought “Well I don’t really trust them. But I guess I will let it go.” So Alexa was actually using the bathroom now. Becky was outside of it waiting. Becky went on her story and posted the pictures of them riding tonight!
Becky didn’t remember that Alexa said not to and that we would get busted. When Jade was trying to fall back asleep…. “Ding!” Her phone got a message. Jade picked it up and saw that it was on Becky's story. Jade said to herself “Oh what did Becky post this time. It’s probably not that important anyway. But Jade opened it up anyway. And let me tell ya. She was happy she did. Alexa came out of the bathroom with a scared face. Becky said “What what happened?! Did Ghost Pony get you!?” Alexa said “BECKY!!!”Becky said “What?” Alexa said “YOU POSTED THE PICTURES OF US RIDING TONIGHT!!! AND JADE COULD SEE IT. NO NO NO! I just looked and Jade already saw it.”
Becky said “I’m so so sorry Alexa. I didn’t think.” Alexa said “Ok thank you for saying sorry, but next time will you please listen to me. Please?” Becky looked sad that Alexa was kind of mad at her, but Becky said “Yes I will. I promise, and do you promise you're not mad at me?” Alexa said “I promise.” Then they hugged, and Becky said “Well time to go see if Jade is going to yell at us.” But when they walked in Jade said “What is this?” Becky said “Oh umm……..It was from yesterday.” Jade said “It’s dark out and you just posted it.” Becky said “Oh ya I wanted to try the filter to see if it worked and I just thought about posting it now.” Jade said “Um……..ok” Jade wanted to believe Becky so bad but she just didn’t. So it was morning at the stable, and Becky said “Jade do you want to come with me and Alexa for breakfast?”
Jade said “Thanks, but no. I still have to get all ready with my hair, clothes, and makeup.”Becky said “ Ok, but when have you started wearing makeup?” Jade said “Wow guess you really never paid attention to your friend.” Becky said “What's your deal?” Jade said "Nothing. Sorry, just did not get enough sleep. See you at breakfast.” Becky said “Ok bye." Then Becky and Alexa left the cabin. Jade looked back at Becky's post on her story. After Jade looked at it she grabbed the trust folder and held it tightly. Jade said to herself “I might as well look in it. I already don’t trust them.” When Jade did she saw all of the dates for sneaking out. Jade was so mad and upset at the same time.
Jade got ready really quick, and stormed out of the door. Becky was talking to Alexa when she saw Jade coming at her fast. Becky said "Umm Alexa. I think we have a tiny problem.” Jade said “Becky!!! Alexa!!!” Becky and Alexa said quietly “Yes?” Jade said “Look when I opened up the folder I saw this!” Jade said while showing them the folder. Becky started to cry a lot.
Then Alexa started to explain everything. After Becky was not crying, and Alexa finished explaining Jade said “I forgive you guys, but please promise not to keep anymore secrets.” Alexa and Becky said “Deal!” And they all hugged.
Chapter 7:Shows
So it was time for Alexa’s first show. Jade and Becky woke up Alexa, and then Alexa said “What guys? Why are you waking me up so early!?” Becky said “Well it’s because it’s your first horse show of course?!” Alexa said “Oh ya I forgot.” Becky said “How could you even forget!?” Jade said “I know right. I couldn’t sleep last night because of how excited I was.”Becky said “Same!”
Alexa said “Well it was hard. I have never ever been to a show before.”Becky said “Don’t worry you'll be fine.” Jade looked out the cabin window and said “Actually I don’t know.” Becky said “Why would you say that?” Jade said “Well look out the window.”Becky said “Oh no! That's not good.” Alexa said,"What's not good?!” Becky said “Is it time to tell her?” Jade said “Yes I think so. Here we go. Well there is a really mean and rich girl. Her name is Mia and she has a friend called Susie, and Susie is not really that rich.” Alexa said “Will they be mean to me?” Becky said “Mia and Susie are mean to everybody.” Alexa said “Where were they when I was first here?” Jade said “They went on a vacation.” Becky said “Mia knows all about you. She said she wants to have a word with you when she gets back.”
Alexa said “Are they going to the show?” Jade said “Yes they are.” “Knock Knock!” The cabin door made. Jade opened it, and went outside. Jade came back in and said “Alexa Mia wants to talk to you.” Becky made a scared face at Alexa. Alexa said “Wish me luck.” And Alexa walked out of the cabin. Mia brought Alexa to the side of the cabin by some windows. Becky and Jade went over to the window to see what they said. Mia said “Hey! Just so you know I will always be the best rider, and I will win this show today. Also don’t get in my way.” Alexa said “Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”Mia said “Susie tell her!” Susie said “I would watch your mouth little girl.” Alexa said “I’m the same age as you!”
Mia said “Now you have to pass the check with me so come to the stables.” Alexa said “No I think I’ll pass.” And Alexa shoved Mia to the side and went into the cabin. Mia shouted “This isn’t over yet!” Mia and Susie stormed to the stable to get their horses ready. When Alexa walked in the cabin Becky said “Wow Alexa you totally just took down Mia!” Jade said “Good job Alexa, but we should really be getting ready for the show now.” So they all did. They got their clothes on and got their horses ready. Once they got there they tacked up their horses and warmed up. After a long long day of showing, they were finally done. Alexa did amazing! So did Becky and Jade.
Jade got 4 ribbons. They were 1st, 2nd, 5th, and lastly 4th. Becky got 5 ribbons.They were 1st, 2nd, 1st, 3rd, and lastly Grand Champion! Alexa got 6 ribbons. They were 1st, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd, and lastly GRAND CHAMPION!!!!!!!! Everybody was so happy for Alexa except for Mia and Susie. Alexa and Thunder went to many other shows and won. There were 2 people that were really unhappy about it.
Their names were Megan and Jake. They were brother and sister. They were the same age as Alexa, Jade, and Becky. But they were at a different stable. They took things very seriously. And they were very unhappy with how good Alexa and Thunder were doing. So they knew they had to do something. And what they do will shock you.
Chapter 8: Drugged
It was a week after all the shows Alexa did with Thunder and it was night. Everybody was asleep except for Megan and Jake. Megan and Jake had their mom drive them to Bright Field Stables. Megan and Jake got out and got a bag with drugs in it. Then they snuck out to Thunders pen. When they were in there, they took out the drugs and put them in a shot. Then they gave Thunder the shot.
After that they ran back into the car. Megan said “Come on mom! GO GO GO!” So they went out so fast that they left skid marks in the driveway. It was another normal morning for Alexa, Jade, and Becky. They got ready for their group lesson at 11 am. Alexa said “At night I woke up and it sounded like someone was here.” Jade said “I don’t know but let's go!” So they went out of the cabin. Leah came and said “Guys I got your horses in the barn for you. Alexa you better be careful. Thunder was acting really weird. He is full of energy.” Alexa said “Oh ok. I will be safe. And that is weird.” So Alexa said “Becky, Jade what do I do?” Jade said “It’s ok Alexa, he is just feeling good. He will probably be perfect!” So they went and tacked up their horses, and led them into the arena.
They all mounted, but Alexa couldn’t. Leah came in and said “Alexa come on and mount. Don’t waste riding time.” Alexa said “I’m trying! Whenever I put my foot in the stirrup and go to get on he puts his ears back and starts backing up.” Leah said “Don’t be scared. Come on I will give you a leg up.” So Leah came over and said “On 3 push in my hand to get up.1, 2, 3!” Alexa pushed and got on. But Thunder started to back up and rear. Alexa said “There is something wrong with him today.” Leah said “He's just feeling good. Now everybody trot on the rail. Becky and Jade could tell that Alexa knew something was wrong, and felt uncomfortable. But they picked up a trot.
So did Alexa. Alexa was going around when Thunder took off a 100!! Bucking and Kicking. “Thud!” Alexa hit the ground. Becky and Jade looked panicked. Cheese started to take off bucking too. Jade said “AHHHHH!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!” Jade hung on as hard as she could and stayed on. Jade ended up calming Cheese, and made him halt. Bob wanted to run to, but he was good and didn’t. Thunder was still bucking around the arena when Mia and Susie went to come into the arena. Right when Mia opened up the door Thunder ran towards Mia and Susie knocking them over. Mia said “What on earth was that Leah?!” Susie said “Ya what was that. Me and Mia could have died!” Leah said “Whoa whoa not helping Mia and Susie by yelling!”
Mia got back up and saw Alexa on the ground and said “Haha!! Looks like someone isn’t that good of a rider after all!” Leah said “Mia and Susie leave right now or you can’t ride your horses for a week!” Mia said “Fine!” Mia and Susie stormed out of the arena. Becky and Jade hopped off their horses and tied them up. Leah and Becky and Jade ran over to Alexa. Leah said “Alexa?Alexa? Are you ok?!” Becky said “Let me handle this. I can wake her up.” So Becky did her stuff then Alexa woke up!” Jade and Becky said “OMG!!!! Are you ok!?” Alexa said “Yes yes I’m fine.” So Becky stuck out her hand and Alexa grabbed on to it to get up.
When Alexa was getting up she said “Owo owo!” Leah said “What?” Alexa said “My arm!” So Leah said, “Jade, call 911!!” So Jade got her phone and dialed 911. Alexa came back a day later with Becky, Jade, Leah, Mia, and Susie waiting for her in the driveway. When Alexa got out she said “I have a broken arm.”Alexa said “When I went to the hospital how long did it take to catch him?” Jade said “About 4 hours!” Alexa said “Wow!” So it was the next day and the vet was checking Thunders blood. The vet said “Omg!” Leah said “What?” The vet said “He was drugged.”Leah said “What?!” Alexa said “No no no!”
Becky and Jade said “It’s ok Alexa.” Alexa said “Well what are the drugs doing to him and what will they do?” The vet said “Good question. Right now the drugs are making him crazy! And what they will do is he won’t ever be calm again. If you let me give him this shot he will calm down a little bit, but still be crazy.” Alexa said “Well could I ever ride him again?” The vet said “I don’t know. You would really have to have a strong bond with him.” Leah said “Give him the shot please.” So the vet did. Then before the vet left she said “Good luck taming him.” “Boom boom!” The vet drove away.
Chapter 9:Thunders Training
So it was 1 week after the vet was here. Alexa, Becky, and Jade woke up. A bell rang “Bingbing!” They went outside and heard Leah say “We are going to put down Thunder, so say your last goodbyes.” Alexa said “What!? She can’t do that!” Alexa ran to Leah and said “Why!?” Leah said “Well because there is no place for him now. He can’t be rode. And no one is going to train him.’’ Alexa said “I will.”Leah said “No that’s ridiculous, you can’t train him.”
Alexa said “Why can’t I?” Leah said “You are not ready at all!” Alexa said “How about if I get hurt you don’t have to deal with it.”Leah said “Ok deal.”Leah said “ Ok everybody Thunder is staying we have someone to do it. And that is Alexa!” “Whoa!!!!!!!” *Clap Clap* Alexa ran over to Jade and Becky and said “Yes! I get to train him!” Becky and Jade were jumping up and down. Jade said “We can watch sometimes if you like?” Alexa said “Ok.” They went back into the cabin. Becky said “That’s exciting isn’t it?” Jade said “Ya, but what if Alexa gets hurt.”Becky said “Don’t even say that.”Alexa said “Oh I actually think I’m going out now to train Thunder.” Jade said “Well do you want us to come?” Alexa said “Well ya. That’s why I brought it up.”
Jade said “Oh ok.”Becky said “It’s basically like Thunders a baby and you're training him to ride.” Alexa said “Ya it is kinda like that.” So they all walked out of the cabin to the stable. Alexa grabbed a lead rope, and walked out to the pasture. Alexa yelled to Thunder to come to her. Thunder came, but was bucking and kicking on his way to her. Becky said “Wow the calmest horse at the stable is now the craziest!” Jade said “Tell me about it.” Alexa said “The day when Thunder broke my arm, from the start I knew that something was wrong, and look now, something was wrong.” Becky said “You really know Thunder don’t you?” Alexa said “Yes I do. Leah says I have a connection with him.”
Jade said “Well because you do!” Becky said “Ya, Thunder never ever liked someone as much as he likes you.” Alexa said “Thanks.” Then she clipped the lead rope on Thunder's halter. Alexa led Thunder to the stable. Once she got there she clipped him up to the cross ties. Becky said “What are you going to work on him with today?” Alexa said “Ummm, brushing him and tacking him up and lunging him with tack on.'' Becky said “Ok." Alexa brushed him carefully. Then she tacked him up carefully. And after 1 month of doing that Thunder was a pro at that.Now it was time for Alexa to ride him. Becky said “Are you excited Alexa?”
Alexa said “Yes, but scared at the same time.” Jade said “Don’t worry we will be there.” Alexa said “Thanks guys.” So Alexa went to the stable. Alexa tacked Thunder all up then led him into the arena. Alexa lunged Thunder before getting on. Alexa went to the mounting block, and swung her foot into the saddle. Becky said “You did it Alexa! You're riding Thunder!” Alexa did this everyday for 1 month. Then soon he was back to normal with riding. Alexa was also jumping him over cross rails. One day when Alexa was riding Thunder Becky and Jade got Leah, Mia, and Susie to come watch. Alexa showed them everything! Leah said “I am so proud of you Alexa!” Mia said “I could do that any day.” Alexa said “Then prove it!” So Alexa hopped down then Mia tried to get on Thunder, but he started freaking out.
Leah said “Alexa since Thunder only lets you on him, how would you feel about him becoming YOUR horse?” Alexa started jumping up and down. Leah said “I think that's a yes.” Alexa said “OMG!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!” Mia was mad so she stormed out of there, and of course Susie had to follow. Alexa put Thunder away and went to her cabin.
Chapter 10:The Case
So when they were back in the cabin, Alexa said “But this isn’t over yet.”Becky said “What do you mean this isn’t over yet?” Alexa said “We need to go on a mission.” Jade said “What kind of mission?” Alexa said “To find out who the heck drugged Thunder.”Jade said “Oh ya, yes we do!” Becky said “We can call the mission The Case!” Jade said “Maybe we can use a notebook to write down some people that go to our horse shows. Then we can go to their place to get clues to who did it.
After that whoever has the most clues that they did it we can confront them!” Alexa said “You're a genius Jade!!!!” Alexa said “Here Becky go buy us a notebook!” Alexa said while handing Becky 10$. Becky said “Got it!” And Becky left the cabin. After about 5 minutes Becky came back in with a notebook. Alexa said “Where's my change? Because I know for a fact that a notebook was not 10$.’’ Becky said “Ummmm I kinda got hungry on the way back.” Alexa said “Becky!” Becky said “I’ll give you the money back.” So it was night time and everybody was still asleep except for Becky, Jade, and Alexa. Becky was telling scary stories about the gp, which stood for Ghost Pony.
After that Alexa said “Tomorrow do you two want to go looking back on photos to see who was at our shows, and then writing them down?” Jade said “Yes I can.”Becky said “Same!” So they all went to sleep. Becky really liked going on like a hunt, and finding who drugged Thunder was kinda like that. Becky was the first one up so she woke up everybody. They all got dressed and went to the stable. They got their horses ready to ride. Then they hopped up into the saddle. They went to all of their local people that ride horses, and asked them if they go to their shows. Then Becky said “Were forgetting somebody.” Alexa said “who??”
Jade said “ Hollow way.” Becky said “Ya, but they're not nice like us. Their really really mean.” Alexa said “Well we're still going.” So they started walking on the trail to the stable. Then Alexa said “Race you there!” ZOOM they took off at a gallop. Becky yelled "Hey you know Bob isn't fast!!"
They were galloping as fast as they could to Hollow way. Alexa got there first. Jade got there 2nd, and Becky came last.
Becky said “The one thing me and Bob aren’t good at you pick to do!” Jade said “Ummm Becky you want to go jump that log with us?” Becky said “No Bob doesn't like to jump.” Alexa said “See Becky Bob isn’t good at most things. No offense.” Becky said “Ok let's walk to Hollow way.” So they walked the rest of the way to Hollow. Alexa said “Wow this stable is beautiful!” Jade said “I know right.”
So they walked into the stable. Megan and Jake saw them. Jake said to Megan “Isn’t that the horse we drugged?”Megan said “Ummm yes yes it is.’’ Jake said “Well did you use the right drug?” Megan said “Yes…..well I mean I think.I checked."
Jake said “Ugggg!!!! This is why I wanted to do this!!!! You always mess up!!! I hate you!!!” Jake said while running away. Megan went to talk to Jade, Alexa, and Becky. Megan said “Hi I’m Megan. Who are you guys?” Alexa said “I’m Alexa, this is Becky, and this is Jade.” Megan said “Ummmm Alexa how is your horse. Did he ever act up before???” Alexa said “Umm funny you asked because yes he did but I broke him outta it.” Alexa also said “Umm Megan I’m going to talk to my friends real quick.”
So Alexa backed her horse up and said to them “Guys look she asked if he has been acting up. That might be a sign. Write it down.” So Becky did. Alexa went back forward. Megan said “Ummm well what are you doing here anyway?” Alexa said “Ummmm……w-we a-a-are leaving now! Bye!” Alexa kicked Thunder into a gallop, and galloped away. Alexa said “Come on Becky, and Jade!” Alexa said while galloping away. So Jade and Becky did gallop away after her. Once they were outta sight, Becky said “What was that for?!” Alexa said “I could not think of what to say!” Jade said “Well you could have invited her to our pony camp.” Alexa said “What pony camp?” Becky said “Oh that’s why you had nothing to say
she didn’t know about pony camp. Tell her what it is about on our way back.” So Jade did. They were coming up on the stable when Alexa said “What does inviting her do for finding out who drugged Thunder?” Jade said “Well you know how Megan and her brother Jake were acting a little weird with all those questions?” Alexa said “Yes.” Jade said “Well if they come we can get more signs.” Alexa started to talk but then a girl on a horse came galloping to them. Alexa said “Megan?” Megan said “Here is a gift from me to you!” Megan handed Alexa a toy horse that looked like Thunder. Alexa said "Thank you Megan! But I don’t have a place to put this.”
Megan said “Funny you asked.” Then Megan handed Alexa a bag. Megan said “Bye!” Then Megan galloped off. Alexa said “That was weird.” Jade said “Tell me about it!” Alexa said “Ok we should start heading back now.” So they did, and then they were back at the stable. Leah asked “Where did you girls go?” They all said something different. Alexa said “Umm it doesn't matter.” So they untacked their horses and went into the cabin. Once they were in the cabin Alexa said “Is Megan always that nice?” Becky said “No not at all!” Jade said “She had to be up to something.” Alexa emptied the bag onto the bed and said “Nope were right! She drugged Thunder!” Jade said “How do you know?” Alexa said “I just emptied out the bag she gave me, and there are drugs in them!”
Becky said “No way! We caught the bad guy! But it’s a girl.” Alexa said “How are you ok right now?! We should sue her!” Jade said “No no!” Alexa said “Why!?” Jade said “Because Thunder is rideable. So why should you?’’ Alexa said “Fine I won’t, but we're going to confront them.”
Jade said “Tomorrow, we can leave at dusk.” Alexa said “Ok.” So they went to sleep. Becky woke up first, and woke up everybody else. They were all awake and headed to the stable. They galloped down the road to Hollow way. Once they got there Megan was outside. Megan looked like she had a weird container in her hand.
Megan said “Hey!!! What are you doing here!?” Alexa said “Better asked, what are these drugs doing in your bag!?” Megan said “What drugs?” Alexa took them out of her bag. Megan said “Urggggg!!! OK FINE!!!! I DID DRUG THUNDER, SO WHAT!!!” Alexa said “Why!?” Megan said “Well you were doing so good showing that I had to do something about it. And Jake gave me the idea. We did it at night.”Becky said “ Wait now that we know you did it, you are still intimidated because since you saw how good Thunder was doing, you are worried. When we were here you looked surprised and worried. And you have drugs in your hands right now! You were going to drug him again weren’t you!?”Megan quickly hid the drugs in her hand. Megan said “What drugs?”
Alexa said “Ok Megan, there is a few things you should know. I could have called the cops on you, or sued you, but I choose not to. So I would recommend not to lie or try anything else. I can change my mind on that real quick.” Megan said “Why wouldn’t you tell?” Alexa said “Well because I'm not a bad person unlike you.” Megan said “Becky, Jade? Would you mind leaving? I want to talk to Alexa in private.” Jade said “Alexa?” Alexa said “You two can go. I’ll catch up with you two later.” Jade and Becky both said “Bye!” And they walked away. Megan said “Look Alexa I-I’m so so sorry!”
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By: Claire Keating

Chapter 1: Her Birthday
One nice sunny day, a girl named Alexa just woke up and she was really happy, because she remembered that today was her birthday! It was a very special birthday. You might think well all birthdays are special, but this one was so special! Well to her anyway. Ok fine... she will tell you why it's really special it's because she is finally old enough to go and take riding lessons on horses!!!! She has always dreamed of it but her mom always put a stop on it. She says that it is really dangerous, and she has no money for it. She also said that she can do it when she is ten.
So Alexa got out of bed, and ran down stairs. When she got down there……. “Happy birthday!!!!!!” Mrs. Lexi said (Alexas moms name is Mrs. Lexi). Alexa said “Yay!! I'm so excited for today, mom!!! But what are all those presents? I thought going to horse lessons was my only present?” Mrs. Lexi said “Ya well…I got you some things to go with it. ” Alexa said “Really? Thank you mom!!! ” Mrs. Lexi said “Well don't just sit there, open your presents!!!!!” So Alexa ran over to the five boxes, 2 were small 3 were big. In box 1 (which was small) had a bunch of riding gear, like pants and shirts, and a helmet and boots. In the 2 box (which was the last small one) was a saddle pad and a crop. Then in the 1st big box was a saddle and bridle.
Then in the last two boxes there was a 100 like a 100!!! picture frames. Alexa said “Thank you mom!!!! But why did you get me picture frames???” Mrs. Lexi said “Well for the horse memories of course!” Alexa said “OHHHH ya, now that makes sense. Thank you again!!!” So it was almost time for Alexa to get ready for her first horse lesson. So she did, and when she was in her truck, she said “Mom don't forget a phone for videos!!” So her mom went and got her phone.Then they were off on the road, but they made a different stop. Alexa looked around confused. Alexa said “Mom this is definitely not a horse place.”
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