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When I was in elementary school, I loved spelling. I
loved the way that letters lined up to make words, and
I always noticed funny and interesting things about
how words looked and sounded. I was a speller!

When I was in elementary school, I loved spelling. I
loved the way that letters lined up to make words, and I
always noticed funny and interesting things about how
words looked and sounded. I was a speller!

When I was in fifth grade, I was very excited because this
was the year that I could be in the school spelling bee! First
we had to have our own bee in our classroom. The two
winners would get to go to the school spelling bee. I could
hardly wait!
The day of the class spelling bee came, and I could barely
eat my sandwich at lunch. There were butterflies in my
stomach, and I could not sit still in my chair. I really wanted
to win so that I could be in the school spelling bee.

After lunch, we lined up in our places and started the bee. My
knees began to shake, and the butterflies fluttered in my
stomach, but that did not stop me. I spelled, and spelled, and
spelled, until there were just three of us left, and then two.
Devan and I were the winners. We were going to the school
spelling bee!

The night of the bee came, and I saw all of the
sixth, seventh, and eighth graders sitting in the gym.
The butterflies in my stomach seemed to be doing
back flips. I took my place in chair number nine.

Mr. Ippel., the announcer, explained the rules of the spelling
bee. “I will give you a word,” he said, “and you must say the
word, spell every letter, and then say the word again. Then I will
tell you if it is correct or incorrect. If you are correct, you can
go back to your seat and wait for the next round. If you are
incorrect, Mrs. M will take you to the art room for cookies and

A few of the older kids went first, and then it was my
turn. I stepped up to the microphone and spelled my first
word apostrophe. “That is correct,” Mr. I's voice boomed in
the microphone. A sense of relief flooded over me, and I
slipped back into my chair, anxiously awaiting the next

I stepped up to spell my second word. “Your word is pragmatic,
said Mr. I.” “Pragmatic,” I began. “P- r- e- g- m- a- t- i- c.
Pragmatic,” I said. “I’m sorry Betsy," said Mr. I, "but pragmatic
is spelled p- r- a- g- m- a- t- i- c. You may go join Mrs. Meeuwsen
in the art room for cookies.”

My heart sank. I was sad to be out already, but I knew
that I had three more years to be in the spelling bee. I
was determined to study even harder next year.
And I did just that! The next year, I got my word booklet
right away, and I studied the words every night. I wrote
them, and I spelled them out loud. My mom even quizzed me.

When the night of the bee came, the butterflies came
back, but I knew I was prepared. After the first few
rounds, I became more and more focused. I was spelling
away. “B-e-r-e-t. Beret!” “F-a-t-i-g-u-e. Fatigue!”

Before I knew it, there were only two of us left— me, and
Josh. We kept on spelling words until I mixed up the
letters in the word curriculum. Josh had won the bee, and I
had come in second. I was excited to be in second place,
but I still wanted to win. Maybe, I thought, if I study even
harder, I can win next year.

So I studied and studied. I studied my old word booklet,
and the new one that my seventh grade teacher gave me. I
studied old words and new words, and words from different
languages and parts of the world. I even practiced spelling
words that I already knew.
Then came the night of the school spelling bee, along with
the butterflies of course. But this year I knew I was
prepared; I had worked hard, and I was ready to do my
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

When I was in elementary school, I loved spelling. I
loved the way that letters lined up to make words, and
I always noticed funny and interesting things about
how words looked and sounded. I was a speller!

When I was in elementary school, I loved spelling. I
loved the way that letters lined up to make words, and I
always noticed funny and interesting things about how
words looked and sounded. I was a speller!

When I was in fifth grade, I was very excited because this
was the year that I could be in the school spelling bee! First
we had to have our own bee in our classroom. The two
winners would get to go to the school spelling bee. I could
hardly wait!
The day of the class spelling bee came, and I could barely
eat my sandwich at lunch. There were butterflies in my
stomach, and I could not sit still in my chair. I really wanted
to win so that I could be in the school spelling bee.
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