This book is dedicated to... the girl who can't keep her nose out of a book- Eve Hannah Folstad

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
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Chapter One
Izzy's Story
Dear Children,
If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Well, if I had that choice to make again, I’d go back home. I would not recommend going somewhere else, because I did, and now I’m stuck here.
I can’t go back home because of the lady in the blue. Her name is Melina. You're probably thinking you know who she is, maybe a witch or my evil stepmother who tortures me, but nope, you would be wrong. Melina is about the size of my thumb -- approximately two inches tall. She wears a dark blue, sequined, fairy dress and has dark black, curly hair. You can imagine my surprise when I first saw her long ago.
My name is Izabella Frances. I wear , a hooded sweatshirt, and bright pink shorts. I have brown curly hair with subtle blonde highlights.
At just 12 years old I’m pretty tall for my age standing at an astounding 5’7”. I can’t remember much from my childhood.One day I was out hunting when I found a small birdhouse that looked just as my own. Curiously, I tapped on the door, and waited for someone to answer. It hadn’t taken long for a little woman to appear in the open doorway.
“Oh my goodness! I’ve been expecting you!”
she exclaimed.
I was surprised and immediately asked how she could possibly know who I am since I have never seen her before that moment.
“Oh, you’re Izabella Frances, and it's spelled with a “z” instead of an “s”. You’re twelve years old, and an orphan. Not long ago you ran away from the orphanage you had been placed in and found an abandoned homestead a couple of miles from here.” Smiling with a gentle curve to her tiny mouth she continued, “Why don’t you come in for some tea, Izzy.” I was confused by the invitation because just like the lady standing in the doorway, her home was tiny and I would never fit inside. All of a sudden, “Poof!” The house became as big as my house and the lady was as tall as me! I was shocked and frightened by the power it took to create this change, but she clasped my hand to introduced herself as Melina Barnes, my fairy godmother. It was too much to take, and everything went blank as I passed out.
I woke up lying in bed, and realized I was already in the house. Melina was sitting next to me and asked
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine” I said.
“You’ve been out for six years.”
“Six whole years?!” I screamed.
The house can only stay big for three days, but you haven’t aged a bit. Well, of course six years in fairy godmother words is six days and three days is only thirty minutes. “Oh,” I said thankfully. All of a sudden I saw a head on the table and screamed “I want to go home.” Then poof, I was sent to a land called Schroederville. Schroederville is a very dense forest almost enchanted as I would describe it.
One thing that I noticed is lilies and pine trees everywhere.
When I woke up I felt very woozy and all of sudden I panicked. I ran miles and miles until I found town called Wanderville. I walked to a huge building and saw two guards there. I nervously asked them if I could speak to the head of the castle.
Then they screamed, “How dare you insult our queen you foolish child!”
“I’m sorry; I’m sorry,” I cried, “Please don’t hurt me, I’d like to speak to the queen.”
“Well of course,” said one of the guards. “Who are you?”
“My name is Izabella Frances of Frog River, Wisconsin
The two guards introduced themselves in return.
“I am Sir Andrew, and this is my partner, Sir Tyler. Now why don’t we get down to the queen.
”Walking down the hallway I saw many children walking very fast.
“Oh, don’t mind them,” said Sir Tyler the Mighty, “those are the queen’s children.”
“How many children does she have?”
“Fourteen. Their names are; Emma, Lindsey, Jordon, Shyanne, Dominik the First, Cali, Kale, Mykenzie, Zachery, Brandon, Dominic the Second, Jasmine, Marcus, and lastly Elizabeth.
"Okay.” I said.
“We’ve arrived!” exclaimed Sir Andrew. “My lady, you have a visitor.”
“Come in, come in,” she groaned. When I walked into the palace room, I realized that it was huge, and I mean huge: a full, life-size model of the Titanic could fit in there! I walked up to the Queen, bowed, and introduced myself.
“My name is Izabella Frances of Frog River, Wisconsin. I’m lost and I need help finding my way back home. I hope you can help me!”“My name is Rebekah Schroeder of Schroederville.
Did you say home you silly child, home, there’s no home here!”
“What do you mean?” I questioned.
“I mean that you can’t leave this land because of a fairy named Melina.”
“My fairy godmother?!” I screamed.
“Everyone here has been placed here by that cursed fairy.”
“I thought fairies were good?” I said.
“Not all fairies are good, especially not Melina. Melina was once a young girl who was in line to become a fairy. However, she had taken innocent children and forced them to make her the head of the council. She did make it, but she went evil with power. Now she takes people who are in line for the fairy council and sends them here. So we’re all related in some way. I lost my first child twelve years ago simply because I was banished to here. Nevermind that though; carry on child, make yourself comfortable in this town because you cannot leave.”
“Okay, I hope our paths will cross again my Queen,” I said while leaving the palace.
After I left,I went out into the woods and set up camp. I began by making a tent and building a fire. I went to grab some wood when I discovered some paper and a pen. Now, here you are reading my story. Watch out for the lady in the blue she could be watching you.
Izzy Frances
Chapter 2
Walleye's Story
“YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!,” I screamed as my owner kicked me.
“I said leave them alone you mutt!!!!”
I have no idea what I did, but he had his last straw with me I assumed . Then he came picked me up oh my he forgave me already that’s a first, he usually gets so angry with me all that I did was sniff the puppies he and his mate had they had a very small litter only three puppies. Then he opened up the door and threw me outside into my cage.
He said stay there until you get it through your thick skull that YOU LEAVE THOSE TRIPLETS ALONE!
All I thought in my head after he said. FINE I’LL STAY OUT HERE UNTIL YOU GIVE THOSE PUPPIES AWAY INTO NEW HOMES JUST LIKE YOU DID ME! I barked angrily. He walked like in the dome like he didn’t even hear me yell.
Two Years Later*
We were boarding a ship to go on vacation the triplets were now two years old and a heck of a hand full they pulled on my ears and tail 24/7, but yet I never nipped or bit them.
We were in the middle of the ocean thousands of miles away from the dome it was amazing I saw dolphins and whales, and giant water cup birds.
Later That Day*
A giant storm hit. The Waves were massive and strong, Then the boat capsized.I heard the desperate screams of the triplets as they tried to stay up I got to the girl named Izzy Frances, Frances was their last name of course. She grabbed onto me and I paddled into shore then I went for the boys, but it was already too late I watched the little boy go under I was to far away.
The other boy had drowned first he did even scream, but he was trapped underneath the skiff. I had no idea what happened to my master and his mate. I assumed they were also trapped.
The little girl was screaming, Mommy, Mommy where are you I don't want to play hide and seek!
I cuddled up next to the girl she hugged me close I then went to go find some food I quickly grabbed a rabbit not trying to be too long knowing that the girl could go any minute looking for me. I hoped she liked the rabbit the rabbit would be for her I hate to admit it but I was starting to get pretty chubby from eating all the mice and rats on the boat. MMMM they were so delicious. The girl was not sure to do with the rabbit at first but then when I caught a squirrel and ate it she eventually caught on to it.
At first she spit out and said
Icky! I like mommy’s food better, she said stubbornly.
That’s when she started pulling off the hair on the rabbit and the ate it she actually began to like it after a while. Once in awhile I’d change it up give her a pheasant or a partridge instead that was like her and mine dessert.
A Year Later*
The girl got up from her bed in our den we heard the deafening sounds of a loud metal bird with giant wings that could snap you in half. Then to boy standing dogs jumped out and scooped up the girl and I and threw us in the giant metal bird they put me in a cage and fed the girl lots and lots of liquids and food. They were amazed when the girl told them that I took care of her, fed her, and made a dirt house for her.
When we got back to giant toothpick land.
They hopped out of the giant metal bird with the girl and another boy standing dog took me another direction Izzzzzyyyy I barked Izzy come back. The man groaned
“Shut up ya stupid mutt.”
Then I heard the screams of the girl.
"Walleye, Walleyeeeee!!!"
Then they took her away from me. I haven’t seen her since. I really miss her. I know I will find her one day don’t worry Izzy I shall find you.
Chapter 3
Lairxa's Story
“Klunk, Klunk, Klunk, as my hooves hit the ground each time the noise growing louder each and every time. I was starting to enter the snowlands somewhere were the tiny two legs called Schroderville. I saw a girl earlier named Izabella but she calls herself Izzy, I watched her write something on this magical white flat bark that she put in a magical white folded bark piece thing that looked very delicious surprisingly, then I saw her open a portal with her magic as I would call it and sent it out into some foreign world. ‘Ehh whatever not my problem anymore I mean yeah if she gets arrested for it and they want it who’s going to believe a talking horse!!’
(Lairxa can’t really talk, but she has the power of telepathy and mind reading, little did she know that the girl in the forest had saw her and heard her talking.)
“I galloped away into the grazing field where I saw that, Dang girl again. She was walking around digging in the field and then she opened up a portal and grabbed an apple off the tree I was next. That’s when I made my move I grabbed the apple before she had a chance to bring it all the way through and bite it. It was indeed very stupid of me to do that because I had just blown my cover. The girl was on my trail I made a run for it, but I forgot that the girl had the teleportation portal thingies whatever ya wanna call it she had landed right on top of me. It was horrible and I knew one thing from my mum don’t ever let anyone boss you around or ride you. So I bucked, the girl went flying off and she landed with a THUNK!“ Man it's been a long time."
“Hey I heard that missy!“
“What the what do you mean you heard that!! You can invade my head too, what else can ya do see the pacific ocean from where you’re at.!!!“
“Uh no you have the power of telepathy.“
“No I don’t !! Quit trying to get in my head stupid girl! Wait your already in my head that’s not fair! I won’t fall for your petty mind games!!“
“UH!! Horses they're so Gosh dang stubborn! This is not me, It’s you!“
“Fine then let's see if I can access my mother’s mind then little girl!!“
“Trust me it’ll work because you could access my thoughts whenever you thought about me. Unless your mother's dead, you can reach her.“
“How do you know so much about me??“
“When your in my head you can access my secrets and I can access yours.“
“Ohhhhhhh, let me try and contact her then. Um mother are you there.“
“Uuuuuuggggghhhh, you don't know anything do you!!!?? You have to narrow it down. Say what breed your mother is, then what her name is and if you end up with the wrong horse still, say her age and color.“
“Hey, well excuse me I'm new to all this stuff okay I'm not a master at my powers yet.“
“So I'm not either what's your point?“
“Nevermind that, just let me try. Quarter horse, Niay, 16, Black and White. Um, mother hello, please don't freak out its Lairxa. Izzy, nothing my mother's not answering.“
“Oh, Lairxa I'm so sorry.“
This can't be true my mother was the smartest horse I ever knew.“
“It all happens to the best of us I lost my parents ten years ago.“
“I'm sorry Izzy.“
“It’s okay X can I call you X? Now will you finally let me see you so I can teleport to you already!!“
“Fine. I stepped out just so she could see my eye. Then just like that she was on top of me again. I bucked her off immediately. There’s one thing you can never do and that’s ride, and yes you can call me X if you like.“
“Lesson learned mate, Now will you explain, why you keep talking through mind. said Izzy“
“I can’t actually talk, no horse can.“
“Oh yeah, I forgot, my apologies.“
“It’s after having a full blown conversation with you inside my head, it seems as if you can actually talk if you know what I mean.“
“Yeah I understand.So,.... um what do you exactly want to do now. “ “Well, um first of all starving for some hay and grass, huh or apples.Well, since I am not a horse, I would really enjoy some, uhhhh breakfast burritos. My foster mother used to make them, uhh they were so good. Maybe if I think and remember where she lives, I can teleport there. Let’s see.“
“Then that portal opened up, then she was gone, just like that. Then two seconds later she was back with a burrito, inside my head it made absolutely no sense. MMmmmmmmmm so delicious, she said chewing with her mouthful.“
“Um where did your manners go while you were there and how did you get that so quickly.“
“I didn’t get it that quick I was visiting with her for two hours, and I do still have my manners your my friend or horsefriend not me mum.“
Okay so what your saying is for every minute in the Snowlands is an hour in the actual human world.
“I mean I guess you could say that, I don’t understand this at all so we literally pretty much don’t age here because when I got there, I guess I felt older and looked older to as if I was fourteen already.“
Okay this doesn’t make any sense at all.I guess it doesn’t make any sense, well now what do you want to do know that you got your breakfast burrito.
“I don’t know I guess we'll find out.“
Chapter 4
Mr. Alexander
12 years ago
“Get out right now, Mister Alexander! I trusted you! We were friends! I can’t believe you’d do this to me!! You used, me! “
“Hey don’t say I did this to you, you were the one who agreed to let me give you your true powers, so now you have them.“
“I said okay because I thought what you meant by unlock your true powers I thought you meant you were giving me a promotion!! I never wanted them you tricked me you monster!!!“
“Myrai Frances is now the newest powered person that tricked and have transformed!!!!!!! Muhahahahaha!!!!“
“I never wanted this take them away right now!! I don’t want to teleport or be a shapeshifter. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, MISTER ALEXANDER!!!!!!!! “
"Oh, Ms. Myrai so helpless now that the big bad man gave her powers. You don’t get do you there's only a few certain people who carry this special enhanced gene called PROTO XYA and you my dear have it, there's a very likely chance that you will pass this gene onto your children deary little do you know but my power is I can tell the future. You will have triplets and the girl will be able to teleport and open up portals. Only contact with other enhanced can unlock this gene’s abilities. All over the world this gene is only spreading, and not only is it in humans, but it is in many animals and ordinary objects. Why do you think all of these supers are just appearing out of nowhere huh?!"
“Fine then just leave me be!! If you can’t take them away then just help me master them so I can have a normal life with my husband and our future children. Mister Alexander.
Nope, the value of having powers is learning how to use them and master by yourself.
Now stay away from me then you horrible, no good, holligan, and and scoundrel!!!!! Myrai said it so angrily.
Running out of ideas are now aren’t ya.
Shut up!!! I said leave me alone.
Excuse me, but this my house madam, and your the one who needs to leave.
"Oh yeah okay now if you don’t mind I’ll be leaving, and if I ever see you again even in my dreams I will hunt you down and make sure and that I’ll have your head as my prize. Understood??
Uh Yup got it.
Goodbye you lying scoundrel.
Yup see you too. Goodbye doesn’t even seem right.
That was the last time I saw her and after that two years later I reached new power greater than hers would ever be and that’s when I stole Akeyisha’s powers the power of controlling the weather. That’s why that storm hit that’s why Myrai Frances is dead. But now evil will overtake my body and soul. There will be no Mister Alexander left. Just the evil soulless Krypto okay that’s not evil at all. Let me retry that. Just the evil soulless Dr. Kane. #notreallythatevilyet. Little did he know but after 5 years of trying to deal with the evil that had possessed him he finally gave up fighting it it had finally overtaken and soon enough Dr. Kane was real. He set his main goal would be to find Izzy and kill her and all the other supers and super animals. So he’d be the most powerful man in the world. No one can stand in his way as he gathers all the villains to help him.
Chapter 5
Finding Walleye
Oh no I have to get to that portal, I see her, I see her!! Gotta go, gotta go gotta go, gotta go before that dang thing closes that she went through. Noooooo I was so close to finally getting back to her. Why, Why, Why all I wanted was to get back to her. I’ve been searching for her for 8 years!!!! (Izzy and Lairxa)
Sorry, I forgot my purse at my old foster mom’s house. I’ll be right back. Whatever humans and their stupid little trinkets and carry-ons always forgetting stuff. I said I was sorry okay but that’s the only thing I have left from my mum., It was her’s before well ya now before the ship took her.
Sorry hun. FLOOOSH! She was gone again why doesn’t she ever say anything. It so annoying.
What were you saying about me be annoying remember you have telepathy. Miss Lairxa..
Why me!!!! When I think of you I talk to you it’s horrible! Well at least you don’t teleport everywhere in your sleep. Come, Come I have someone you’d like to met.
Remember the little dog from my childhood.
I’d like you to meet Walleye.
Hello little friend, how are you on this fine day.
Fine how about you, the little dog yipped.
What’s your actual name, little friend, I said
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This book is dedicated to... the girl who can't keep her nose out of a book- Eve Hannah Folstad

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
Preview audio:
Chapter One
Izzy's Story
Dear Children,
If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Well, if I had that choice to make again, I’d go back home. I would not recommend going somewhere else, because I did, and now I’m stuck here.
I can’t go back home because of the lady in the blue. Her name is Melina. You're probably thinking you know who she is, maybe a witch or my evil stepmother who tortures me, but nope, you would be wrong. Melina is about the size of my thumb -- approximately two inches tall. She wears a dark blue, sequined, fairy dress and has dark black, curly hair. You can imagine my surprise when I first saw her long ago.
My name is Izabella Frances. I wear , a hooded sweatshirt, and bright pink shorts. I have brown curly hair with subtle blonde highlights.
At just 12 years old I’m pretty tall for my age standing at an astounding 5’7”. I can’t remember much from my childhood.One day I was out hunting when I found a small birdhouse that looked just as my own. Curiously, I tapped on the door, and waited for someone to answer. It hadn’t taken long for a little woman to appear in the open doorway.
“Oh my goodness! I’ve been expecting you!”
she exclaimed.
I was surprised and immediately asked how she could possibly know who I am since I have never seen her before that moment.
- END >
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