Title of Chapter 1: "The Funeral Procession"
This is an appropriate title for this chapter because the first group of Jews to be deported from Sighet left in almost an eerily, but orderly fashion. They were “cringing like beaten dogs” while walking out of the ghetto, and Wiesel thought they were almost envious of him.
The symbol of a "blind eye" stands for denial. This concept shows up in Chapter 1 when the people of Sighet refuse to listen to Moche the Beadle's warnings about his death, therefore "denial" is an appropriate concept to tie to this chapter.

“Optimism soon revived.” (page 19)
Earlier this year my pet passed away due to old age. Instead of grieving for months after his death, I alternatively looked at the brighter side of the matter and knew that he is ultimately in a better place now without suffering. This optimism was beneficial to me because if I were to continue the grieving process, I would still be very upset and distraught.
"He was as awkward as a clown" (page 13) - Simile
Wiesel uses this simile to clarify that Moche the Beadle was physically odd because clowns are usually associated with being silly-looking, which is what Wiesel wanted to help the reader understand.
Title of Chapter 2: "Delusional fire-seeker"
This is an appropriate title because halfway through the chapter, a woman named "Madam Schachter" imagined that there were fires outside of the cattle wagons which caused everyone to believe she had gone mad. The fires were not present until the wagons reached Birkenau.
The symbol of a jail cell stands for claustrophobia. 80 people being packed into a cattle wagon is just one example that can relate closely to that of a feeling of confinement in jail.

"Powerless to still our own anguish, we tried to console ourselves..." (page 34)
There have been many times in my life where I have been very upset, but I helped myself cope by trying to make things seem better than they actually were. Like in the case of grades for school, "B's are better than C's" is one common thing I used to tell myself.
"As she continued to scream, they began to hit her again, and it was with the greatest difficulty that they silenced her." (page 52) - Foreshadowing
Wiesel uses foreshadowing to emphasize that physical violence and inhumane practices are going to play a large role in the rest of the book. This reference stresses violence as a very important concept.
Title of Chapter 3: Godly Beating
This is an appropriate title for this chapter because when the men are sitting in their bunks at Auschwitz, Akiba Drumer begins a discussion about the real purpose of the camp. He states that it is something like a test in which you defeat your inner demons, but interprets it as a challenging gift from God.
The symbol of names being drawn out of a hat is an appropriate symbol for this chapter because when the prisoners arrive at Birkenau, their fate is decided on the spot. The process of deciding if they will live or die is not completely random, but is an anxious thing to endure, just like picking names out of a hat.

"You must never lose faith, even when the sword hangs over your head..." (page 40)
This quote is very applicable to my life because my mother has an illness called Fibromyalgia, which affects her and her family. She has waves of pain in which it is painful for her to even move, but I always remain hopeful that she will overcome it and feel much better afterwords.
"Our new head was savage, and his assistants were real monsters." (page 52) - Metaphor
This metaphor was used to clarify that the new head and assistants that took the positions were very inhumane and torturous towards the prisoners.
Title of Chapter 4: "The Soup Worthy of Death"
This is an appropriate title for this chapter because while the prisoners are ordered to be confined in their blocks, one man crawls up to a cauldron of soup. He is immediately spotted and killed in front of everyone. To the man that crawled out, the soup was apparently worthy of his life.
The symbol of an empty gas tank stands for Wiesel's faith. In this chapter we get a bit of insight into how he feels about God and the role God has taken on. He feels that God has died and abandoned the Jews to save themselves.

"Bite your lip...don't cry..." (page 61)
This quote reminds me of when my father was hospitalized. My mother told me before we went into the room that I shouldn't cry because if I were to cry, my father would most likely start crying as well. For the benefit of all of us, I "bit my lip" and tried to keep myself calm.
"Terror was stronger than hunger..." (page 66) - Personification
This is an example of personification because there was food sitting out without any guards around it. The prisoners were temped to steal the food, but their fear of punishment was "stronger" than their desire to eat.
Title of Chapter 5: "The Questionable Almighty"
This is an appropriate title for this section because it is in this chapter that Wiesel's loss of faith in God begins to show. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are Jewish holidays celebrated at this time in the novel, and Wiesel cannot find a reason to celebrate either of them in this time of suffering.
The symbol of a red question mark stands for the rabbi that Wiesel knew from a town in Poland. The rabbi talked to himself and asked himself questions often. One day he came up to Elie and told him "It's the End. God is no longer with us." (page 83)

"He would have liked to say so many things." (pg. 81)
This quote ties to me because 2 years ago, I met my closest online friend. We had known each other for about 3 years prior to meeting. We only spent about 5 hours together, and there was so much I would have liked to say before they left.
"It snowed relentlessly." (page 90) - Situational Irony
This is ironic because the snow only adds to the downfall of Elie's spirits. The cold winter is growing worse, just like Wiesel's faith and hope for the unguaranteed survival of the concentration camps.
Title of Chapter 6: "The Medal Not Earned"
This is an appropriate title for this chapter because of the marathon-like running that the prisoners endured. They ran for miles and miles, only to arrive at a new concentration camp. This arrival was not even close to something like an achievement.
The symbol of a weeping angel stands for the death that may occur if attention is not paid to staying awake. Weeping angels attack when they are not paid attention to, and in this chapter, if anyone falls asleep in the snow they will die.

"Courage! Only a few more hours!" (page 98)
This quote is applicable to my life because in show choir we do something called muscle memory. We hold a position for up to 10 minutes at a time. It's very difficult and requires a lot of willpower to overcome the pain.
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Title of Chapter 1: "The Funeral Procession"
This is an appropriate title for this chapter because the first group of Jews to be deported from Sighet left in almost an eerily, but orderly fashion. They were “cringing like beaten dogs” while walking out of the ghetto, and Wiesel thought they were almost envious of him.
The symbol of a "blind eye" stands for denial. This concept shows up in Chapter 1 when the people of Sighet refuse to listen to Moche the Beadle's warnings about his death, therefore "denial" is an appropriate concept to tie to this chapter.

“Optimism soon revived.” (page 19)
Earlier this year my pet passed away due to old age. Instead of grieving for months after his death, I alternatively looked at the brighter side of the matter and knew that he is ultimately in a better place now without suffering. This optimism was beneficial to me because if I were to continue the grieving process, I would still be very upset and distraught.
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