For my little cousin Stavros; to never give up in whatever you desire.

Hi, I'm Johnny and I am the proud owner of Johnny's Jolly Bakery. In my store, we have a variety of loafs and baked goods. My business is falling downhill as my bakery is no longer popular in Mont-Valley as it is as old and small as my Nan!

"My first customer for the day!”
Johnny whispers.
Johnny has a nervous gut feeling in his stomach as he stops his bread making and skips to the front counter.

Mr. Adam Boston the business man walks into the store and comes to the front counter,
"Hello, Mr. Johnny Thompson are you there?" Mr. Boston Questions sadly.

“Mr Boston! Hello, Hello! What can I do for you today?” Johnny greets happily.
“I am very sorry Johnny but I have been assigned to tell you that your business ‘Johnny’s Jolly Bakery’ needs to be shut down as the customer list has dropped and is in no good condition.” Mr. Boston replies sadly.
Mr Boston looks just as upset as when I have a graze on my knee, he looks down at a white sheet of paper in his hand,

“Ok, thank you for the information Mr Boston.”
Johnny’s face drops as low as the ocean floor to the fact that he must sell his pride and joy ‘Johnny’s Jolly Bakery’.

He needs to think of something fast to help him keep ‘Johnny’s Jolly Bakery’ if he wants to stay in business.
“What to do, what to do? I don’t have enough money to make a whole new bakery and I have no staff to help me!” Johnny exclaimed,

He sternly walks out of the bakery and heads home to work on posters saying ‘HELP JOHNNY!’ This way, Johnny may be able to receive donations from his neighbours so he can build a new and better bakery.
“I got it!”
Johnny cheers,

Soon Johnny received many donations by friends and family and he now has enough to renovate his bakery, but; he can’t do it alone. Do you think people will accept another offer from Johnny?
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For my little cousin Stavros; to never give up in whatever you desire.

Hi, I'm Johnny and I am the proud owner of Johnny's Jolly Bakery. In my store, we have a variety of loafs and baked goods. My business is falling downhill as my bakery is no longer popular in Mont-Valley as it is as old and small as my Nan!

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