because they love to read
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Chapter 1
The Medieval kids.
Once upon a time there was three kids Jessica Jenifer and Jake. "Finally I'm finished
my book." Jenifer said one day. She was obsessed with the medieval times. She had
been reading about it for months. "Well it's about time." Jake said. "Hey it was 340
pages long!" She protested. "Oh sure!" Jake said sarcastically. "Hey it's true I saw the
pages with my own eye's!" Jessica helped. "Thank you Jes." Jenifer thanked. Jessica
nodded as to say "Your welcome".
That night Jenifer stepped onto her terrace and she saw a shooting star go by. So she
made a wish, "I wish I could see the real medieval times." Then she went to bed.
That night she dreamed of being a princess. Fighting a dragon. She grabbed onto the
dragons tail and started to climb up it. The dragon flailed it's tail but she held on.
Jenifer pointed her sword at the mighty beast. The dragon tried to hit her with fire but
he missed. Sadly Jenifer fell off the dragon trying to duck from the fire. Now she was
mad... VERY MAD! She jumped in hope of surprising the mighty beast. (At least that
would give her a better chance at beating him.) She was just about to hit the dragon
with her sword when...

She woke up.
When Jake woke up he was in a huge house. At least 3 times bigger
than his old house. "Wow!" Jake said admiring his new room. When
he looked in his closet there were several suits of metal armor.
"What?" Jake asked. "I guess I'm a knight. In medieval times. The
real medieval times!" Jake cried excitedly.
While Jake was enjoying his days as a knight Jessica came up on the
other side of the deal.
She woke up in a small peasant home. "What?" She asked herself.
"Where am I?" She asked. She went outside of her room and the
kitchen was right there. "Where's dad?" Jessica asked her mother.
"At his job. He is a black smith." Her mother answered.
Jenifer however woke up to the best thing of all. "I'm a princess."
She said looking into the mirror. "I have to find Jes and Jake" She

And they all had that same thought. But nobody knew where to start. Except Jenifer.
"Mommy daddy I need to talk to the peasant folk." Jenifer said. "My dear why do you
want to do that?" Her father asked. "Because daddy I have to find someone. Actually
two people." Jenifer answered. "Alright honey why don't you go now." Her mother
suggested. "Yes mother." Jenifer said.
Then she headed onto the balcony to make her announcement.
"My fellow villagers!" Jenifer said loudly. Everyone looked up at her. "I have two
people I seek!" She added. "Two new guards?" One of the villagers asked. "No."
Jenifer said. "Two new pets?" Another villager asked. "No." She repeated. People
started to talk at the same time so it made a big mumble. "People please!" Jenifer
yelled. Everyone stopped talking. "Thank you." She thanked. "Now. Where are the
ones called Jake and Jessica?" She asked. A knight on a black horse with a peasant
girl on the back raced forward. "Great! I mean thank you." Jenifer said. Then she
headed to see her friends.

"Hi guys!" Jenifer said excitedly as she walked across the drawbridge. "Hi." The other
two said. Then Jenifer noticed that Jake was a night. "A knight? I personally thought
that you were more of a jester." Jenifer said. Then Jake's knight clothing turned into a
jester outfit and his horse disappeared. "Hey!" Jake yelled. Jessica gasped. "How did
you do that?" Jessica said terrified. "I... I don't know." Jenifer said just as terrified.
"But wait don't we need his horse to get around?" Jessica asked still a little uneasy.
"Right." Jenifer said. Then as if by magic Jake turned back into a knight. "Wow!
Cool!" Jake said amazed. "Want me to change you Jes?" Jenifer asked. "No thanks I'm
good." Jessica answered. There was silence after that. "Well... what now?" Jake asked
braking the silence. "Let's ride." Jenifer said. "Uh... ride where?" Jessica asked.
"Anywhere." Jenifer answered.

Chapter 2
Into dragon forest.
They were riding through the many villages when they saw a forest near by. "Go in
there." Jenifer said pointing to the forest. So Jake changed the direction of his horse.
Soon they were deep in the forest.
Right then a shadowy figure glided through the trees. "What was that?" Jessica asked.
"I don't know." Jake answered. Then another shadowy figure glided through the trees.
"Hey did you see that?" Jenifer asked. "You mean the shadowy figure? Yes!" Jessica
answered shakily. "No! That both the figures were traveling in the same direction."
Jenifer pointed out. "So?" Jake asked. "So that probably means it's a pack of
something." Jenifer said. "So what are you saying?" Jessica asked. "I"m saying we
should follow them." Jenifer answered. "Those flying shadowy figures?" Jessica
asked. Jenifer nodded. "Uh uh. No way." Jessica said. "Guys." Jake said. "You have to
come!" Jenifer said. "Guys." Jake repeated. "I said no." Jessica said. "GUYS." Jake
said AGAIN. "Come on Jes." Jenifer said. "No." Jessica said. "GUYS!" Jake yelled.
They both looked up at Jake. The horse had stopped. "Look." Jake said. They were
amazed at the sight.

"Oh- my- gosh!" Jessica said terrified. "Shh!" Jenifer and Jake shushed.
But it was to late! The dragons had noticed them and were getting ready to charge.
"Jake... go... now!" Jenifer commanded. Then Jake pulled on his horses ranees and
they were off. The dragons weren't far behind though.
"Hide in the trees! Hide in the trees!" Jessica screamed at Jake. "A little less pressure
please!" Jake yelled. Then he pulled his horse into the trees. Bad idea. The long green
snake like dragon was there too! "AAAAHHHH!" Jessica screamed.
Through all this Jenifer was looking for an escape route. Then she spotted one.
"Skid out." She whispered to herself. "What?!" Jake asked. "Skid out!" She screamed.
"What?!" Jake asked again. "Just do it!" She yelled. So Jake made his horse skid.
Jenifer was smart because right then the dragon breathed fire. When they got back up
right again Jake said, "Jenifer you are the smartest person ever!"
They had survived the dragons. For now. But they knew an attack was coming. Soon...
VERY SOON! "Lets go alert the town about the up coming attack." Jenifer said.

When they got to the castle one of the guards asked, "Who goes there?" "A knight."
Jake answered. The guard said or did nothing. "The daughter of the black smith."
Jessica answered. The guard still said or did nothing. "The princess." Jenifer
answered. "Oh sorry ma'am." The guard said.
The drawbridge came down and they walked inside.
The inside of the castle was so grand. The walls were shiny, the ceilings had designs
on them, a long hallway all covered in red carpet and there were three steps covered in
red carpet leading up to the king and queen's throne.
Luckily at that moment the king and queen were sitting in their thrones.
"Daughter you are back." The king said. "We were wondering where you went." The
queen said. "She was safe. She was with me." Jake said proudly. Jenifer elbowed Jake
in the chest. "I'm wearing amour." Jake said. Jenifer grumbled. "Who is that?" The
queen asked pointing at Jessica. "Oh this is my friend Jessica. She's the daughter of
the black smith." Jenifer answered. "Don't forget about the dragons." Jake whispered
to Jenifer. "Oh yes. Mother father there is an attack coming." Jenifer told them. "Of
other knights?" The king asked. "No... dragons." Jenifer said. "And we have to fight

Jessica said uneasily. Both Jenifer and Jake looked at her. She hated
the dragons! Now she was okay with fighting them? But she just
smiled. "Alright then. Get I'll get our knights at the ready." The king
said. "No." Jenifer said. Jake and Jessica looked at her angrily.
Jenifer took a deep breath then said, "Only us three can stop the
dragons." "Your crazy!" Yelled the queen. "Mother! We have to. For
the fate of the village." Jenifer said.
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because they love to read
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Chapter 1
The Medieval kids.
Once upon a time there was three kids Jessica Jenifer and Jake. "Finally I'm finished
my book." Jenifer said one day. She was obsessed with the medieval times. She had
been reading about it for months. "Well it's about time." Jake said. "Hey it was 340
pages long!" She protested. "Oh sure!" Jake said sarcastically. "Hey it's true I saw the
pages with my own eye's!" Jessica helped. "Thank you Jes." Jenifer thanked. Jessica
nodded as to say "Your welcome".
That night Jenifer stepped onto her terrace and she saw a shooting star go by. So she
made a wish, "I wish I could see the real medieval times." Then she went to bed.
That night she dreamed of being a princess. Fighting a dragon. She grabbed onto the
dragons tail and started to climb up it. The dragon flailed it's tail but she held on.
Jenifer pointed her sword at the mighty beast. The dragon tried to hit her with fire but
he missed. Sadly Jenifer fell off the dragon trying to duck from the fire. Now she was
mad... VERY MAD! She jumped in hope of surprising the mighty beast. (At least that
would give her a better chance at beating him.) She was just about to hit the dragon
with her sword when...
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