“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
– Anais Nin

"Okay Daniel, I'm going to bring some food home for later. Don't wander off again. We can't afford to have any humans spot us. We've been able to live on this quiet little island for years and I don't want to risk that." "Yes Mama" Daniel responded. Dinosaurs on an island off the coast of British Columbia? It's true. Daniel's family are distant relatives of the Brontosaurus, a large, lumbering reptile that ate plants and vegetation.

"How did you enjoy your first plane ride Ursula?" "It was awesome Dad!" "I knew you'd like it up here. Gives you a whole new appreciation for the wonderful world we live in. Hmm...." "What is it dear?" Ursula's Mom asked. "I've never noticed that island before. I think it might be worth exploring." "Are you sure it's safe?" "It looks deserted. Probably nothing there but I'd like to check it out anyways" Ursula's Dad replied as he began to look for a place to land below.

"Holey Moley! A giant bird!" Daniel exclaimed. "I know Mama told me not to wander off but I gotta see this huge bird. It's pretty lonely being the only dinosaur family on the island. Maybe the bird and I can become friends." Daniel left the grassy field where he and his Mama were grazing to find the giant bird. "What is that down there?" Ursula inquired. "What was what?" her Mom responded. "I think I saw a dinosaur." "Oh, you're so silly. Dinosaurs don't live here anymore. They haven't been around for millions of years."

"Now I just need to find someplace to land on that island." "Maybe this isn't such a great idea after all Ulysses. Let's head back home to Vancouver." "Don't worry darling, I'm a graduate of The Harrison Ford School of Flying. I can land this baby no problem." After a bit of a shaky landing, the plane finally came to stop. Despite the rough landing, Ursula's family was in good health and good spirits "Alright, let's go explore!" Ulysses cried out as his wife jokingly got out of the plane and kissed the ground. "Very funny dear."

"Oh my gosh! She's beautiful! She's going to be my new BFF" Daniel thought to himself when he laid eyes on Ursula. "Okay Top Gun, what now? It's chilly, damp, and there's absolutely nothing to see here." "Don't be such a party pooper Ursa." "Yeah Mom. Let's at least take a look around. Maybe I can find some cool souvenirs to show my friends." "Fine but only on one condition. Your father has to take off that ridiculous looking helmet." "It is pretty nerdy Dad" Ursula chimed in. "Okay ladies, you win. The helmet comes off."

While Ursula's parents lollygagged behind, she raced off in search of something strange and exotic. But all she saw were miles of dirt, rocks, and some vegetation. The island was totally silent as there were no signs of life either human or animal. Even though she was all alone, Ursula felt like she was being watched. Her parents began to call out her name. "Ursula! Ursula! Where are you?" But before she could respond a dinosaur appeared in front of her. She tried to scream but nothing came out. "Hello Ursula. I'm Daniel. Would you like to be my friend?" In a state of shock, Ursula stood there frozen with her mouth wide open.

"You're a dinosaur. I thought you were all extinct?" "A small group of us survived. About 66 million years ago, The Cretaceous–Paleogene Extinction Event wiped out all of the dinosaurs on Earth. Before he passed away, one of the dinosaurs buried two eggs in what is now known as British Columbia. They would stay buried for centuries. The Ice Age kept the eggs preserved and in pristine condition. Eventually due to all of the changes to the environment, the eggs hatched. First my Dad popped out of his shell and then my Mom. And then they had me. Unfortunately my Dad wasn't able to adapt to this new world and he passed on." "I'm so sorry to hear that Daniel."

"For years we had the entire province to ourselves. There was so much lush vegetation for us to feed on. During an earthquake, a patch of land broke off from the coast and drifted off into the ocean. I don't know how that icy land turned into this island or how anything was able to grow here but it did. Sadly there are no records of what happened. As far as I know Mama and I are the only living dinosaurs in the whole world. Unfortunately our island is getting smaller and smaller and soon we'll run out of food."

"Oh dear! What's going to happen to you?" "Barring a miracle, it looks like we will go extinct again." Ursula looked at Daniel's sad puppy dog eyes and decided that she had to do something. "Let's go talk to my parents. Maybe they'll have some suggestions." "Ursula! Where are you? We need to head back to shore soon! It looks as though a big storm is brewing!" her father shouted. "Go see your parents. I'm sure Mama is worried about me as well." "But what about the island? You're such a sweet dinosaur Daniel. I can't let you go extinct." "Maybe we were never meant to exist in the modern world" Daniel said as he sadly walked away.

As Ursula made her way back to the plane, she passed by a recently hatched egg. Distressed about her new friend Daniel's plight, the little girl reluctantly reunited with her parents. "Never run off like that again" her Mom scolded her. "Sorry Mom. I promise to stay close next time." "I've got some bad news ladies" Ursula's Dad began. "We're not going to be able to make it back home tonight. It's too dark out and the plane could end up skidding into the ocean. We'll spend the night inside the plane. We have extra clothing and food so we should be alright." A loud booming growl could be heard in the distance. "Sounds like a thunder storm is on its way."

"There you are! Where did you go? I looked everywhere for you! Didn't you hear me calling for you?" "I'm sorry Mama. I wanted to go see the giant bird." "Giant bird?" "And guess what. There were people inside including a sweet little girl named Ursula. She's my new best friend." "Wait a minute. You saw humans here on the island?" "That is not good news. We could be in danger." "But I am so lonely. I want to have friends of my own to play with." "I know dear but it's not meant to be for us dinosaurs. I hope the giant bird flies away and leaves us alone. It's time for bed so go put on your Jurassic jammies."
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“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
– Anais Nin

"Okay Daniel, I'm going to bring some food home for later. Don't wander off again. We can't afford to have any humans spot us. We've been able to live on this quiet little island for years and I don't want to risk that." "Yes Mama" Daniel responded. Dinosaurs on an island off the coast of British Columbia? It's true. Daniel's family are distant relatives of the Brontosaurus, a large, lumbering reptile that ate plants and vegetation.

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