"I love being Canadian. I think growing up in Canada gives you a world perspective that I certainly enjoy." - Ryan Gosling


"What was that?" asked an angry Jon Kidd, Lieutenant of Spec-Ops. The Order of the Honored Sky was a top secret worldwide military operation designed to protect the globe from danger. "Your mission is to keep people safe, not blow stuff up." "Sorry Lieutenant, we just got carried away with all of the cool weapons we had available and went a little overboard in Spain" a soldier replied. "A little? Not only did you destroy several buildings but you blew up the wrong ones! Thankfully they were abandoned. This foolish display cost us millions of dollars and allowed for the dangerous group of mercenaries to escape. As of now, I'm suspending you all."


"Stand at ease!" "Sir, Yes Sir!" the group of soldiers replied. "After your reckless actions I decided that we needed someone who is cool, calm, collected......and Canadian. Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Master Spy, Hervé Sartre. "Bonjour! Hello everyone!" Satre said as he greeted all the soldiers with kisses on both cheeks. "Alright, that's enough Sartre." "Follow me to the war room so I can get you up-to-date on the next mission." "Yes sir. It was very nice meeting all of you. I hope we get a chance to work together in the future." "Let's go Sartre" the Lieutenant barked, a little annoyed by the French Canadian's extreme politeness.

"They call themselves The Feral Kingsmen. Our intelligence services believe they're former military members who turned to the dark side. We've been after them for years yet they continue to avoid capture. They've formed a massive motorcycle club that has been terrorizing countries all over the world. They're involved in all types of international espionage, selling their services to the highest bidder. I need you to infiltrate this band of mercenaries and bring them to justice. Do you think you're up to the task?" "I was born ready. Actually I was born in Quebec City. Ha! Ha!" "Okay, enough of your gentle Canadian comedy. You have work to do."


"There it is boys, Fort Knox, the biggest gold reserve in the world" the leader of the Kingsmen said. "All we gotta do is break in, take the gold, get it to our client, and enjoy our lives as multimillionaires." "I don't know Tresher. This is going to be a tough nut to crack. The place is surrounded by steel fences, they have lasers, landmines, and machine guns. Then we have to deal with 40,000 soldiers before we even get to the vaults." "You disappoint me Rusher. Who said anything about 'us' breaking in?" "What do you mean?" "Watch and learn my boy." Thresher took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed several buttons. "And here we go!"

"Listen up boys, here's the plan! Phase One: hundreds of drones will disable the security at Fort Knox. As we ride our bikes towards the entrance, a group of fighter jets will strategically fire missiles scaring off the soldiers protecting the Fort. From there we storm the entrance and dispatch of any remaining guards. Our explosives expert, Berzerker will plant a series of bombs throughout the fort. But wait, there's more! We will load all of the gold onto some private jets which will take us to the docks where we will board a series of freighters and head to Phantomcross Base. Got all that?" "Excusez moi but I just got here. Could you repeat that?"

"Who the heck are you?" Thresher asked the stranger. "I'm the newest member of your team." "Oh yeah, well in which branch of the military did you serve?" "Uh, I worked for....Poutine?" "Very nice. Any friend of Poutine's is a friend of mine. "What's with the accent though? You sound French and we're all American." "I'm from, uh.... New Orleans? My code name is Brigadier ." "Welcome aboard Brigadier" Thresher said as he shook Sartre's hand. "Merci.........I mean mercy, we shall show them no mercy." "Good. Help the other guys load up the gold." "Hey Squire!" "Yes Thresher?" "Keep an eye on the new guy. Something doesn't feel right."

The Order of the Honored Sky
"So, how's Pepe Le Pew doing Lieutenant? Let me know when you need The Ghost Division to swoop in and save the day. Again." "Sorry to disappoint you Paladin but Sartre is on board with The Feral Kingdom as we speak. They're on their way to the rogue nation of Vosnialand. They were part of the old Soviet Union back in the 1980s but when it split up, the entire world seemed to forgot that they ever existed. Their leader's a former KGB operative named Vinogradov Vyacheslavovich. He's rich, powerful, and very dangerous. He's working with The Kingsmen on the Fort Knox job. I have no idea what he'd do with all that gold."


"But why bring in some Canadian guy Lieutenant?" "He's got ice water running through his veins. I apologizes a lot so he's able to win the trust of the criminals he's trying to stop. He's also the world's top spy and the pride of the Francophone Aerial Resistance Team or F.A.R.T. as they're known." " Ha! Ha! You said fart!" "Oh, grow up Paladin. I will update you and the rest of your squad shortly.You are dismissed." Paladin stopped smiling, brought his arms to his sides, and saluted before exiting the war room. After Paladin had left the room, Lieutenant Kidd looked around before snickering to himself, "Heh, heh, I said fart"

The Kingsmen's mission was a complete success. All the gold had been taken from Fort Knox. They arrived at the docks and boarded a couple of freighters. A team of workers stored the gold in the hull of the ships. Thresher ordered the ship's captains to set sail for Vosnialand. Sartre and Thresher stood on the deck of a freighter, enjoying the ocean breeze. "This is going to be a long journey Brigadier, but once we get to Vosnialand, we will be handsomely rewarded. Every man involved in this mission will have more than enough money to buy their own tropical island." "Très bien! Oops, I mean tremendous!" "It will be. Why haven't we left yet? What's the holdup?"
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"I love being Canadian. I think growing up in Canada gives you a world perspective that I certainly enjoy." - Ryan Gosling


"What was that?" asked an angry Jon Kidd, Lieutenant of Spec-Ops. The Order of the Honored Sky was a top secret worldwide military operation designed to protect the globe from danger. "Your mission is to keep people safe, not blow stuff up." "Sorry Lieutenant, we just got carried away with all of the cool weapons we had available and went a little overboard in Spain" a soldier replied. "A little? Not only did you destroy several buildings but you blew up the wrong ones! Thankfully they were abandoned. This foolish display cost us millions of dollars and allowed for the dangerous group of mercenaries to escape. As of now, I'm suspending you all."


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