Dedicated to my past work in 4th grade, the "Rocks and Minerals Slideshow" which turned into a great story.
©2019 by Emerald Miner

The piece of the ground lied on the floor. You picked it up. It exploded. Dynamite. We decided to dig to find more awesome minerals and saw some pyrite. “Boring,” I said, and kept digging. Soon, we landed on an un-sturdy plateau and fell...
We fell and we fell and we fell. We landed and saw silver, hematite, coal, and gold. Water rushed in and sent a warm splash over the mine. We looked up. Ground was so far away! Then, something burst into flames a few feet away. “Hmm?” I said, as a bat flew down and hit the wall of the mine. The deep mine, which had many different rocks, was glowing with the light of bat’s eyes and a yellow-orange liquid, which was pouring down in different direc-wait, lava? LAVA?! RUUUUN!!!
We ran until the ravine opened up into a great cave, full of diamond. Stopping to mine it out, the lava closed in on us. Making a wall with the rocks, we dropped the diamonds to the surprise of a ray of light. “If only,” I said
The lava broke down the rock wall as we were building a tightly packed staircase up. The sunlight, meanwhile, seemed to be getting closer as we stopped to look at the flowing lava below us. Only then did we realize that the ‘sunlight’ was lava...
We were closed in! We ran up our stairs as the lava knocked down the bottom of the stairs. We fell down until I grabbed onto a ledge as my 3 miner partners fell into the flames. Getting up, I saw the entrance to a great fortress, as the miner friends burned
Collecting their bodies with a long net, I followed the fortress. Something set to fire with a piece of flaming rock. I looked up. The mine was under a lava ocean...
I ran away, leaving the flaming net to collapse in the lava flow. In this, I found rocks like pyrite and slate, obsidian and coal. Then, the lava knocked me off a ledge, and I fell on and on and on
And I landed in more lava! Flaming, I got out of the burning liquid and saw a great emerald laying there. Before the lava drowned me, I grabbed the emerald...
and it bit my hand! Running deep into the cave, drilling into the wall, got to find a way out of here, biting emeralds behind me
I mined out into a great staircase, and I ran up as the emerald bit into solid stone, and, teeth paralyzed, the emerald fell into a rush of lava
I saw a light up ahead! But, I saw a wolf at the front. Running down into the mine, the wolf chased after me. Getting out my mining pick, I ran at the wolf...
...and the wolf ran at me! Hitting the wolf, it fell back, as I ran up to get more biting emeralds (the cave had more than just one biting emerald.) The wolf ran up to the top as the biting emeralds flew closer to it. I ran back into the main mine, the wolf was chasing after me. I hit him with the drill, and he stumbled back. I fell back, into a deep hole, and the wolf jumped after me...
The wolf walked back. The purple rock shook and fell of the rock. I hit it with the drill once more. Suddenly, all the hematite went flying out at me. Falling down, I was hitting poor wolf with a pick, and I got back up to a ceiling of diamond. I looked up at the wolf, who barked with a force to explode a car. I jumped out to the Cave of Hematite once again. I hit the wolf with my pick, who bit me, slowed down, battered, falling, wanting to run, dead...
I ran out of the Cave of Hematite to see the miner friends washed up on the shore. The wolf was chasing after me! I ripped the net, and tied a long rope onto a plateau of rock, pulling myself up. The wolf was running so fast, he forgot to stop where I was and ran straight into a flow of lava. Squealing, the wolf was washed away
I blew up a staircase with dynamite, and walked up the staircase, when a knocked-over tree blocked the top of the staircase. I was out of dynamite, do I had to go out to find the first staircase...
I grabbed a falling rock, threw it into the lava, and jumped on it! Surfing on lava, I made my way through the collapsing mine until my rock split in half. I fell into the lava, heat burnt, the final chapter...
I grabbed on to a flowing rock, and pulled myself up, to get into the staircase, I ran at the stairs, and fell into a dark hallway...
Then, a bat swooped in. Rocks fell from the ceiling. The Torchless Hallway was ahead. Running to some light, I saw some gold sitting on a pedestal, but it was not the source. Running to see it in the dark, it was a giant bat. The giant bat swooped into lava, bathing in it like it was in water! It fell on the ground, laughing. I looked up as 50 dozen bats came flying out of the vents in the hallway. I hit the bats with my pick, but it stood up, and shot a baby bat at my face. I blocked it off with my pick, to get a burn on my back from an everflowing cascade of lava. Hitting the bats, I ran at the miner friends to get the miner #1 back...
In the Torchless Hallway, I revived at miner #1. He woke up, hitting at the bats, his pick flowing back into the lava of the mine
I finished off the battle by throwing my pick, which knocked all the bats into the lava. As it came back to me like a boomerang, the Giant Bat chased after us, and fell into a deep hole as we climbed up the stairwell and out of the Torchless Hallway...
I ran up with miner #1, ignoring the squeals of the giant bat. We ran through lava falls that shot bubbles into the air. I hit at a hard rock wall that blew off like the lid to a soda bottle. The inside had a note that was stained with lava and ripped...
Miners of the Future--
We are the Lost Miners, a group of miners that live here in 1283. We had mined and found a large diamond, but it fell in lava. Thirteenth-century fortune-tellers had said the prior day that we would die in lava. I mean, seriously, who would think that? We also found this ray of sunlight that, somehow, is getting closer and closer and-
“That’s what we thought,” said Miner #1. “But we actually escaped.” “Yeah, let’s try to find an exit now,” I said, and looking up, I added “because people always do that so that big plateaus of lava don’t fall on their heads.” “Umm that was weirdly specific,” ...
“Because people don’t always do that.” Suddenly, the miner #1 was crushed by falling rocks. I ran out of the way, as bats swerved around and grabbed me by the shirt, and took me to a pool of lava. I fell into it, and just before I burned, I ripped a rock off the side of the pool...
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Dedicated to my past work in 4th grade, the "Rocks and Minerals Slideshow" which turned into a great story.
©2019 by Emerald Miner

The piece of the ground lied on the floor. You picked it up. It exploded. Dynamite. We decided to dig to find more awesome minerals and saw some pyrite. “Boring,” I said, and kept digging. Soon, we landed on an un-sturdy plateau and fell...
We fell and we fell and we fell. We landed and saw silver, hematite, coal, and gold. Water rushed in and sent a warm splash over the mine. We looked up. Ground was so far away! Then, something burst into flames a few feet away. “Hmm?” I said, as a bat flew down and hit the wall of the mine. The deep mine, which had many different rocks, was glowing with the light of bat’s eyes and a yellow-orange liquid, which was pouring down in different direc-wait, lava? LAVA?! RUUUUN!!!
We ran until the ravine opened up into a great cave, full of diamond. Stopping to mine it out, the lava closed in on us. Making a wall with the rocks, we dropped the diamonds to the surprise of a ray of light. “If only,” I said
The lava broke down the rock wall as we were building a tightly packed staircase up. The sunlight, meanwhile, seemed to be getting closer as we stopped to look at the flowing lava below us. Only then did we realize that the ‘sunlight’ was lava...
- END >
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