To Elsamae, who makes everything prettier.

Santa and the elves were having a rough time of it at their North Pole workshop. “Look at the mess we are making!” cried Mrs. Claus “we are spreading trash all over the North Pole!”
“Oh Mrs. Claus!” a tired Santa replied “What else can we do? We are so far behind. There was that terrible snowstorm last month, then the elves went on strike for more flavors in their snowcones, then we couldn’t find the key to the tool crib for several days. If we don’t hurry we won’t ever get all the toys ready for the good girls and boys all over the world. This is our toughest year ever. What can I do?”
Far way in Littleton, the nicest little girl ever was making her wish list for Christmas. She had three brothers and a sister, and they all had lists a mile long. But little Elsamae had just one line on her list and it was filled out in less than a second. Her brothers wanted firetrucks, and spaceships, and basketballs, and bikes, and cars, and racetracks, and books, and trains, and – you get the picture, they wanted all kinds of stuff. Her sister was happy in her crib, but Mom and Dad had a long list for her. But little Elsamae just wanted one thing – a Unicorn! Her parents tried to talk to her
about this. They warned her that Unicorns were hard to train and ate only fairy dust and would not always cone home at night and all sorts of things. But Elsamae’s heart was set. “What if Santa is out of Unicorns?” Mom asked.
“Then I’ll just wait until next year” Elsamae replied. “What if he can’t stuff a Unicorn in his sleigh?” Dad said, looking concerned. “Santa can do anything, Dad. Remember how he got the guy next door a real racecar?” Dad thought a minute. “Yeah, how could I forget? He drives home from work in the middle of the night with his loud mufflers, and squeals his tires when he
pulls out. You have been such a good girl this year, and Santa knows that. I just am so worried if you have all your hopes set on one thing you might be disappointed.” He said through his graying moustache. “Then I guess we’ll just wait and see, Dad,” replied Elsamae.
Meanwhile at the North Pole, Santa was reading his letters from boys and girls all over the world. He stumbled when he got to one sent from Littleton. “Just what is a Unicorn?” He asked the head Elf. “Oh Santa, don’t you remember? They are those funny looking horse-like things with a sharp horn that is good for nothing right in the middle of
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To Elsamae, who makes everything prettier.

Santa and the elves were having a rough time of it at their North Pole workshop. “Look at the mess we are making!” cried Mrs. Claus “we are spreading trash all over the North Pole!”
“Oh Mrs. Claus!” a tired Santa replied “What else can we do? We are so far behind. There was that terrible snowstorm last month, then the elves went on strike for more flavors in their snowcones, then we couldn’t find the key to the tool crib for several days. If we don’t hurry we won’t ever get all the toys ready for the good girls and boys all over the world. This is our toughest year ever. What can I do?”
Far way in Littleton, the nicest little girl ever was making her wish list for Christmas. She had three brothers and a sister, and they all had lists a mile long. But little Elsamae had just one line on her list and it was filled out in less than a second. Her brothers wanted firetrucks, and spaceships, and basketballs, and bikes, and cars, and racetracks, and books, and trains, and – you get the picture, they wanted all kinds of stuff. Her sister was happy in her crib, but Mom and Dad had a long list for her. But little Elsamae just wanted one thing – a Unicorn! Her parents tried to talk to her
about this. They warned her that Unicorns were hard to train and ate only fairy dust and would not always cone home at night and all sorts of things. But Elsamae’s heart was set. “What if Santa is out of Unicorns?” Mom asked.
“Then I’ll just wait until next year” Elsamae replied. “What if he can’t stuff a Unicorn in his sleigh?” Dad said, looking concerned. “Santa can do anything, Dad. Remember how he got the guy next door a real racecar?” Dad thought a minute. “Yeah, how could I forget? He drives home from work in the middle of the night with his loud mufflers, and squeals his tires when he
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