"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -Bernard Meltzer


Dr. Harlow Sawyer is one of the world's top scientists. She was invited to speak in Stockholm, Sweden at The Grand World Counsel, a collection of major dignitaries from across the globe. "I am here to warn you of an invasive alien species of mutated insects known as Wicked Wasps. They were initially detected by government satellites in January. Little is known about this species but they are believed the size of small car and very aggressive. Based on their appearance, their stingers could prove to be highly venomous and deadly. I'm asking for the leaders of the world to work together to prevent this potentially lethal swarm of wasps from attacking Earth."

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA HA!"
But instead of heeding the Doctor's warning, many of the leaders began to laugh and taunt her. "I don't bee-live you!" one ambassador chuckled. "Maybe we'll just tell them to buzz-off when they arrive!" another dignitary scoffed. The entire hall was filled with hooting and hollering. This was not the reaction that Dr. Sawyer was expecting. Once again, science had been dismissed by the doubters as the world was poised to face its most dangerous threat. The only thing the doctor didn't know was just how serious the attack of The Wicked Wasps could really be. Unnerved by the experience, Dr. Sawyer ran off the stage in tears.

After the conference was over, the diplomats boarded their private jets to return to their home countries. "HA! HA! HA!" "What is so funny sir?" asked the security officer. "Some kooky scientist was trying to warn us that the world was going to be attacked by giants wasps. Have you ever heard anything more absurd?" the American Ambassador cackled. THUMP! "What was that?" "Stay seated sir and I will go check it out" the security guard worriedly said. The Ambassador looked out the window to see what looked to be a giant insect buzzing beside the jet. "No, it couldn't be....... Wicked Wasps!" The plane soon burst into flames and disintegrated into thin air.

For the first time in a long while, Sgt. Jori Byrd was enjoying some vacation time in Miami, Florida. Sgt. Byrd is the charge of an international intelligence agency that often uses superheroes to protect the world. The organization is known as The Alliance of Guardians and they handle any and all threats to world peace. As he looked for a place to relax on the beach, Byrd heard an incessant buzzing noise. "What is that? Can't I get a moment's peace?" The buzzing sound began to grow louder as people on the beach began fleeing in terror. When Byrd looked up he saw a swarm of giant wasps heading straight towards him.

Byrd literally had half the Marvel Universe on speed dial which would've been cool if he hadn't left the phone in his hotel room. As the massive wasps charged toward Byrd, he braced for the worst. But before the wasps could attack, someone or something had swooped in and saved him. Byrd struggled to free himself from whatever had him by the ankles. He eventually passed out from being upside down for so long as the blood rushed to his head. When he woke up Byrd found himself in a bale of hay. He was greeted by a familiar face. "No way! It's you!" remarked the shocked Sargeant.

"Welcome to Elysian Farms Jori." "Captain Jasper Treadway? Is that really you?" "You betcha. Good to see you again my friend." "Likewise. So what is going on? What is this place? And what were those gigantic insects that attacked the beach?" "I'll have all the answers for you when we get back to the farmhouse. For now, hold on tight." "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???" The pair hopped onto Treadway's high-tech tractor that zipped through the countryside like a race car. "We're here" Treadway announced a few seconds later.

"Have a seat Jori and I'll fix you a glass of lemonade." "Sorry to be a bad house guest but could we skip the lemonade and get to what's happening here?" "You got it. You're on a tropical island that I share with some rather unique 'friends.' After our time together working in counterintelligence I decided to retire to southern Florida. I started to get bored and began flying tourists around part-time. It was fun, kept me busy and most importantly, out of danger. Long story short, on a routine flight back to the hangar, the engines in my plane began to fail. I crashed into the Atlantic Ocean and washed ashore on this mysterious island. I've been living here ever since."

I was in rough shape when I arrived on the island but they were able to nurse me back to health. "Who's they?" Byrd interrupted. "The pigs." "Oh, I see....wait, what?" "As you know, pigs are incredibly intelligent animals. But these pigs are super intelligent. I'm talking Young Sheldon smart. They have been living on this island for years and had formed quite a sophisticated infrastructure." "Great story Treadway but I'm not buying any of it." "It's all true Byrd." "I'll believe you when pigs fly." "They can. Look over there."

"Meet Pigsley, Captain of The Amazing Warhogs Air Brigaide. He's the one who pulled you to safety when the wasps attacked." "I see it but I don't believe it" a bewildered Byrd uttered. "Let me show you around the place. On the outside it looks like a regular farm but these little piggies are on the cutting edge of technology." As he accompanied his friend to the barn, Byrd was still trying to wrap his head around what he was seeing all around him. "I've lead teams of heroes with special powers into battle against aliens and super-villains but flying pigs was not something I expected to see."

"Here it is Byrd, our state-of-the art headquarters. Prepare to be amazed." "No offense but it looks like an ordinary barn to me." "Au contraire, it is much more than a simple barn my friend. Little pig, little pig, let me in." "What was that?" "It's our security code Byrd. You can't access any of the buildings around here without it." From the outside the barn looked like the kind you would find on any farm. The front door slowly began to open as Treadway and Byrd strolled inside. "Don't worry Byrd, there's no retinal scan required." "Very funny Treadway. Wow! Would you look at this place!"

"Byrd, welcome to Cenral Command. The epicenter of our counterintelligence forces. We monitor situations across the globe as we attempt to maintain peace and goodwill on planet Earth." "Ah, Mr. Byrd, so nice to finally meet you. Treadway has told us a lot about you. Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Dr. Einswine. This place is kind of my baby as I helped to design it and implement all of the technology involved." "Uh huh" Byrd mumbled. "Let's go Byrd. I want to fill you in on our next mission and why we brought you here." "Pleasure meeting you Sgt. Byrd" Einswine smiled. "Uh huh."

"Sgt. Byrd I'd like for you to meet General Snortimer. He has been following the progression of The Wicked Wasps." Snortimer saluted Byrd with his hoof. "Nice to meet a fellow military man like myself." "You're in the military?" Byrd asked. "I was until I got injured in battle. Then this little piggy cried 'wee, wee, wee' all the way home. Changing gears, The Wicked Wasps are a mutated group of deadly alien insects that were somehow able to burrow a hole in outer space and into our galaxy. They possess deadly stingers filled with lethal venom. We have to stop them before they begin to build nests across the globe. Once they've done that, it's only a matter of time before we meet The Queen."

"So what do you want from me Treadway?" "You have one of the best military minds I have ever known Byrd. You've lead men and women into battle, overcome great obstacles, and always came out a winner. I need you to train and motivate The Amazing Warhogs Air Brigaide. From what I've heard, the world leaders are dismissing this impending attack as a hoax. But as you know, The Wasps pose a real and impending threat to mankind." "You've got a lot of experience. Why aren't you leading the charge Treadway?" "I was hurt pretty bad in that plane crash a few years ago. As you can see I walk with a limp and don't have the fight in me that I used to."

"C'mon, let's go meet the pilots. They're extremely talented, enthusiastic, and courageous. They're also a little brash and seem to be lacking the proper discipline. If anyone can motivate these pigs into a cohesive fighting unit, it's you. Oh, and forgive the mess. This place is a real pigsty. No pun intended." "Okay troops, gather round. This is a tale about an unprejudiced heart, and how it changed our valley forever. There was a time not so long ago when pigs were afforded no respect, except by other pigs." "Hey! You ripped that off from the movie Babe" one of piggies replied. "Sorry, I'm not used to giving motivational speeches to pigs."

"How about this one? Altogether now!"
"Peppa Pig! Oink! This is my little brother, George! Oink! This is Mummy Pig! Oink! And this is Daddy Pig! Peppa Pig! Oink!"
"Oh yeah, we're ready" Byrd smiled.
It's time to get up, stretch, walk the dog, take a nap or grab some snacks before we start Part Two of this epic saga.
Now please enjoy this musical interlude by
'The Electric Frost Pigs Jazz Trio.'
Hit it boys!

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Part Two starts now!

"Why did you guys bring me to this silo?"


"This is where we suit up for battle. Einswine has developed mechanical wings and other doohickeys for us to use. Treadway had wings built for him but he wasn't able to join us due to his injuries. Since then there hasn't been anybody to wear them, until now. Suit up Sarge! It's time for The Amazing Warhogs Air Brigaide to save the world!" Impressed by the enthusiasm shown by his troops, Byrd donned a pair of mechanical wings. The top of the silo began to slowly open and soon the sky would be filled with flying pigs and gigantic wasps.

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"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -Bernard Meltzer


Dr. Harlow Sawyer is one of the world's top scientists. She was invited to speak in Stockholm, Sweden at The Grand World Counsel, a collection of major dignitaries from across the globe. "I am here to warn you of an invasive alien species of mutated insects known as Wicked Wasps. They were initially detected by government satellites in January. Little is known about this species but they are believed the size of small car and very aggressive. Based on their appearance, their stingers could prove to be highly venomous and deadly. I'm asking for the leaders of the world to work together to prevent this potentially lethal swarm of wasps from attacking Earth."

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA HA!"
- END >
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