This book is dedicated to Zach and Micah as they begin their exciting journey of life together! May these words remind you of the simple, sweet joys and abundant beauty that is always around us to take pleasure in.
Zach, I just couldn't let our brilliance go unpublished! I savor all our moments of hearty laughs, creative dreaming and genuine friendship. Thanks for being the "greatest" big brother; (maybe Muhammad Ali did rub off!!?) Thanks for being the kind who will make bird songs and even sing them with me. May this always be so!
I am wishing you both now, a life of joyous 'sing, sing, singing' together! May you look to the birds to see how simple it truly is.
Love you always! -Sissy Sass

Chirp! Chirp! Goes the birdie.
Chirp! Chirp!
Flap! Flap! Goes his wings.

Chirp! Chirp! Goes the birdie, as he sing, sing, sings!

Slurp! Slurp! Goes the birdie,
As he eats up a worm...

Slurp! Slurp! Goes the birdie. It's just the norm!

Sloop, Splat!
Goes the birdie...

As he poos from the sky...

Sloop! Splat!
Goes the birdie...
humans, run and hide!!

Scurry! Swoosh!
Go the birdies
as they ready
up their nests...

Scurry! Swoosh! Go the birdies,
They will make their very best.
Squeeze! Plunk! Go the birdies, as they lay all their eggs.
Squeeze! Plunk! Go the birdies, in their cozy nesting beds.

Sit! Wait! Goes momma bird, as she lays on her nest.
Sit! Wait! Goes momma; it's a patient quest.

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This book is dedicated to Zach and Micah as they begin their exciting journey of life together! May these words remind you of the simple, sweet joys and abundant beauty that is always around us to take pleasure in.
Zach, I just couldn't let our brilliance go unpublished! I savor all our moments of hearty laughs, creative dreaming and genuine friendship. Thanks for being the "greatest" big brother; (maybe Muhammad Ali did rub off!!?) Thanks for being the kind who will make bird songs and even sing them with me. May this always be so!
I am wishing you both now, a life of joyous 'sing, sing, singing' together! May you look to the birds to see how simple it truly is.
Love you always! -Sissy Sass

Chirp! Chirp! Goes the birdie.
Chirp! Chirp!
Flap! Flap! Goes his wings.

Chirp! Chirp! Goes the birdie, as he sing, sing, sings!

Slurp! Slurp! Goes the birdie,
As he eats up a worm...

- END >
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