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Also please don't get offended by this book because we just want to make you laugh.

White pumpkin knock out roblox noob

Guys Squiddy is gone I think the white pumpkin got her!!!!

Oh no!!!!!

Hey where is roblox noob

Missing person

I think Galaxy did it

Why would you think it's me I just did my task!!!

Oh yeah name one task you did

This man doesn't know what he is talking about

Go ahead think we have time

Blah blah blah!!!!

Blah blah blah!!!

You know what guys lets just skip


Super Ryan



Hey I wonder what's in that door

It's so dark in here


Hey theres no one in there

I found the imposter's costume

May I take a look at it

Oh my
What is it

This is a robotic suit. Only someone really small could fit inside.

And doge is the only one that is small

So than that must mean

Doge is the imposter

What!!!! it's not me

Ok than let me check your locker

Oh no you don't need to do that it's fine

No wait stop!!!!!

How to be sneaky imposter.

How to be sneaky imposter.

How to be sneaky imposter.
Well at least theres no crowbar

How to be sneaky imposter.

Why Doge what did we ever do to you

You don't remember we need a flash back scene

Flash back scene

I have a idea for your books how about it's just about me and you two are the bad guys

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
HA ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
HA ha ha ha ha
I should be more famous!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
HA ha ha ha ha

He really thinks Chris and Ryan are bad guys

Doge you are already famous!!!

But I want more

Well we will stop you!

You won't because soon I will be the most power dog in the world

And then I will take over the world!

And how are you going to do all that?

I made a machine that sucks all the powers from a super hero and gives the power to me

And all your friends are in a cage where I can suck all the power from them and I will have their powers

Not if we can help it your have to go through us first

Hey ain't that mickey mouse over there

Where I need to see mickey mouse!!!

Wait wait come back he has our friends!!!

Doge doge give me my friends give them to me

Open this door open this door!!!!!

This has gotten far enough Doge

Oh no

This is supposed to be a kid's movie!

Soon I will have their powers

Turn on the Vacuum Siri


Yes give me the powers!!!!

What happen

Ryan I have defeat all of your friends but one

Why are you doing this

You never knew it Ryan but I was always there

Lord Of The Swords The Two Maps

Five Nights at Freddy's

Jeffy Meets Super Ryan!

Super Ryan vs Mewtwo

Now all I have to do is to destroy you

Take this!!

Ha ha ha

My turn


Hey over here!!!


Ha ha you really think throwing a pizza will defeat me


Run Ryan run!!!
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