Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A New Home page 18
Chapter 2: The Magical Trick page 39
Chapter 3: Brave Ginger page 79
Chapter 4: Cocoa's New Home page 101
Chapter 5: Hope's Helpfulness page 122

I am Heather, and I am a unicorn.
My name is Cocoa, and I am a bunny.

I am Ginger, and I am a fox.

I am Sophie, and I am a dog.

I am Hope, and I am a parrot.
The story is starting...
Once upon a time, there were a lot of different animals, all living in different places. Ginger was living in a forest...

Heather lived in a magical land...

Cocoa lived in a grassland...

Sophie lived in a den...

And Hope lived in a rainforest.
But even though they were all different animals, they had one thing in common: they were all bullied.

Every day, they get bullied, and they just ignored them. But one day, Sophie just couldn't stand it.
Chapter 1: A New Home

Hi, Fuzzface.

What if I say "Hi, Fuzzface." to you, would you be embarrassed too?


Hmph! They just think they can do whatever they want to do. I'm going to get outta here. This place isn't my home.

*sniff* *sniff* Ahhh. The nice, fresh air.
And she wandered and wandered until dawn to find a new home.


Sophie thought that she would never find a new and comfy home, until...

...She finally found the perfect home.



Hello? Oh, hi little doggy! Let me take you to my room.

Here's my room!

You know, I really wanted to have a dog. And now...like, a dog's right in front of me! It's like my dream came true!

Well...what about I name you...wait. Do you have a name already? Because a lot of dogs have owners, but they got lost. I guess you have an owner already, so I won't name you yet. OH! I have to go to school! Bye!

Bella really wanted to tell the girl that she already had a name, but how? Finally, she thought of the perfect idea.

So now our field trip to the police station is done.



Oh! So you do have a name! And my name is Willow.
Dear little girl,
I have a name: Sophie! So now
you can call me Sophie.
Sincerely, Sophie
P.S. What's your name?

And Sophie lived happily ever after with her new owner, Willow. She never got bullied ever again.
Chapter 2: The New Friends

Blah...blah...blah...funny...blah...blah...so cool...blah...blah...blah...

Um, can me and my friends play with you guys?

What?!! Are you kidding me? Why would you weirdos play with us?!!
Heather, let's go home. I think it's getting late.
Yeah, I think we should go home.
Later, in the garage...

So, we're going to make a plan so that we can play with the cool unicorns tomorrow. Plan A: we're gonna act cool. Plan B: we will act like we're new unicorns and then they might act all friendly and play with us. Plan C: we are not going to go out and play with them the whole day. Got it?
Got it.
Got it.
The next day...

Okay, guys, Plan A, try to look cool.

'kay. Hey, Rosy! Do you remember that cool boy unicorn in our class named Brian? He is SOOO cool!
Yeah, like, he's even cooler than rainbows.

Um, sorry to interrupt you guys, but Brian is actually the most unpopular guy at school. Are you guys joking or what? HAHAHA!!

*sigh* Guys, we have to go to plan B. So remember, act like new unicorns, and maybe they will be friendly to us. So let's get some costumes to put on.
Yay, costumes!

So let's see what I have in my closet...

This is for Lavender, that one is for me, and the last one is for Rosy.

One hour later...

Yeah, that's because you're covering your nose, Rosy!

*gasp* Guys, look at the new kids! They look so cool! Wanna play wi-
Wait, Petunia, don't ask yet! We don't even know their names yet!
Yeah, Celestia is right! We don't even know their names! Let's ask them.

So, what are you're names?
Uh...my name is...Buttercup!
My name is...Sugarplum!
And my name is Rosy. Nononono, I meant my name is...Suzie.

All very cool names! Do you guys wanna play wi-
Wait...something...they... she...they're all...
They look like Heather, Lavender, and Rosy, don't you think?

Wait, let me see.


A girl in Utah: "Mom, what's that sound?!!"



What?!! We are never going to play with you guys anymore, and we won't get tricked by you guys ever again!

*sigh* Guys, I guess plan B didn't work either. But, we still have plan C. Let's go.
Okay, Heather.

So, remember, plan C is to not play with them for 3 whole days, and see what their reaction is. So let's go to the other unicorns' houses and play with them.


Hi, Heather, Lavender, and Rosy! Why did you guys come here today? You don't usually go to our house.

Well, we came because those other unicorns were being mean to us, and we made a plan to not play with them for 3 whole days and see their reaction.

Oh, you mean Rainbow, Celestia, and Petunia? They were mean to us too.
Yeah, and we want to play with you guys.
Half an hour later...
Okay, so you won 2 times, and I won once. Well, I'll get better at it.
Yeah, we'll all get better. So, do you want to play something else? Like...oh, I know! We can make crafts!
Oh, yeah! I love making crafts!!

What Cotton Candy is making...

Yay, I made a trophy!
What Heather is making...

Oooh, I made a snowflake!
What Lavender is making...


Oh, yeah! I made a paper airplane!

What Rosy is making...


I can help you think of something! Hmmm...maybe...you can make...a rainbow!
Oh, yeah! Thanks, Cotton Candy!
It looks like Heather has made some new friends... And she never got left out by
Now, to the forest, where Ginger lives!!
Chapter 3: Brave Ginger

So, class, if 5+5 is ten, then what's 5+6?

Me, me, call me, teacher!!!

Yes, Ginger?
5+5 is 10, so--

Oh, children, class is over, so bye, and have a nice day!
Bye, teacher!

On the way home, bullies came. They were Margarett, Sniffles, and Tom. They all bullied Ginger.





Hi little Ginger. What are you doing? Walking in circles? HAHAHAHA!!*
*Do not bully other people
*sniff* I--I'm not d--doing t--t--that right n--now.

Wait. *sniff* *sniff* I think I smell...PIE!! GUYS, STOP TALKING AND RUN TO THE PIE!!

Not again!! Wait, Sniffles!! COME BACK RIGHT NOW!!!


My pie trick ALWAYS works.
Later, in Ginger's house...

Hey Sweetie, How was school?

*sigh* It was those bullies again. Margaret, Tom, and Sniffles.

Ginger, you can't let them get to you! Be STRONG! Okay?
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A New Home page 18
Chapter 2: The Magical Trick page 39
Chapter 3: Brave Ginger page 79
Chapter 4: Cocoa's New Home page 101
Chapter 5: Hope's Helpfulness page 122

I am Heather, and I am a unicorn.
My name is Cocoa, and I am a bunny.

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