“Quick everybody, hide under your desks!” Ms. Payette instructed the class. Our school was going through another lockdown as there must’ve been a coyote sighting nearby. All of this security because of one coyote? How did we get here? Let me start from the beginning.

As our city has started to expand, construction workers have been destroying more and more of the natural habitat of various animals. This lead to more interaction between woodland critters and humans. It started off with skunks, rabbits, and raccoons. Soon frequent coyote sightings around our school became a regular occurrence. After a kid was nearly attacked by one, the school constructed a large fence around the entire property.

Problem solved? Well, not quite. You see these weren’t normal coyotes. Most coyotes are just as fearful of us as we are of them. But not this breed. They were bigger, more powerful, and incredibly dangerous. They were able to easily jump the fence and chase after students and staff. One day Ms. Payette, the grade 7 science teacher was attacked and dragged away by a pack of coyotes.

The terrifying event lead to the popular principal of our school getting fired. So just what was going on with these coyotes anyway? It turns out that somebody had begun leaving raw meat near the school. Inside the meat was a special chemical that turned the coyotes from timid creatures into rampaging monsters. Who was behind this devious plan? And why?

Our school had literally become a fortress as the entire grounds were protected by a large steel fence. The coyote sightings started to become less frequent but the city didn’t want to take any chances. All students arrived at school in military convoys. What’s really strange is that most of the coyote chaos seemed to only be occurring around our school.

How did we get to this point? I felt like I was living in a monster movie. A few weeks ago the only thing I had to worry about was an upcoming math test. Now I’m here in an underground bunker with some of my classmates hiding from a band of rabid coyotes. I really missed Principal Polo. I’d much rather have him in charge than Vice-Principal Anthony. There was always something about him that didn’t sit right with me.

Yeah, Principal Victor Polo. Now there was one cool guy. He would wear a three-piece suit to school every day flashing more bling than a rapper. He’d strut down the hallways as if he owned the place. Mr. Polo had so many different and unique catchphrases. It was almost as if he had created his own language. Principal Polo was like the Frank Sinatra of elementary schools. I know he’d be able to handle this coyote crisis but instead we were stuck with the weasely Mr.Anthony.

I wonder what he’s up to these days? I bet he’s off in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo living the high life. He’s probably sipping champagne surrounded by A-list celebrities and beautiful women. I’m happy for him but I wish he was still here. I’d feel a lot safer.
“Listen up everyone! There’s been a security breech and some of the coyotes have managed to force their way inside” Mr. Anthony announced. Over the speaker. While a panicked student body began to worry, the new principal was nowhere to be found.

"Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be, The future's not ours to see, Que sera, sera, What will be, will be, Que sera, sera"

My entire class was packed inside a cramped bunker. I really get claustrophobic in small spaces and began to hyperventilate. We started to sing in an attempt to calm our nerves but it was no use. I know that there were savage coyotes on the loose but I couldn’t take another second in this sardine can. I had a couple of my buddies give me a boost into the vent overhead.

I began to crawl through the vents desperately looking for a way out. I had to stop a couple of times to catch my breath as I worried that I might end up getting stuck in the vents. That would’ve been awful. Off in the distance I could hear a male and female voice talking and laughing so I kept crawling hoping to find the source of those voices.

“Well, we did it Ms. Payette. We fooled them all. Move over Meryl Streep. The performance you gave when you were “attacked” by the coyotes was brilliant. I finally got to be principal of this school and get rid of old man Polo. Soon I’ll use that antidote you created and wipe out those mutant coyotes once for all. I’ll be hero and become the most popular principal ever! And I can tell all of the stakeholders to keep adding more and more condos. Heck, as long as they pay us big bucks they can build a skyscraper on this site for all I care.”

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“Quick everybody, hide under your desks!” Ms. Payette instructed the class. Our school was going through another lockdown as there must’ve been a coyote sighting nearby. All of this security because of one coyote? How did we get here? Let me start from the beginning.

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