Hi! My name is Lightbolt, and I'm a Pokemon trainer.
Let me tell you my adventure.

I started out my journey with no Pokemon. Just Pokeballs. I went to a forest. The I spotted an eevee! It was so cute. I threw my pokeball at it. But it didn't let me catch it so easily. I thought, what is an eevee's weakness. I remembered: fighting types! I lured the eevee my way with some Pokemon food. I ran until I found a fighting type. Mankey! While the eevee was surprised by the mankey, I threw my pokeball at it. I caught it!

I strolled along with my new eevee. Suddenly, we came along another trainer! He asked me to battle! I said, "Come out eevee." He said, "Come out Lapras!" I said, "Wow, your lapras looks strong!" He said," I bet my lapras could beat you're little eevee." "Eevee," I said, "lets prove him wrong!" "Evah!" My eevee shouted.

My opponent started the game off right away! He said, "Lapras, use water gun repeatedly!" "Eevee, jump up and use swift!" Eevee chose the perfect spot to aim. Lapras's horn. Lapras took the blow and fainted! " You may have won this time but I'll win next!" my opponent shouted.

I gave eevee a big hug and said,
"Thanks to you, we won our first match," I said, "You're the best eevee!" Right then, eevee was starting to glow. Eevee was evolving! She had evolved into sylvy! "Wow, sylvy, you evolved!"

Now that eevee had evolved, sylvy and I had some Pokemon catching to do. I said, " Hey sylvy, we have work to do!" "Let's catch some Pokemon!" "How about we go to the Kalos region?" "Sylvy," Sylvy said. We headed toward the airport. We went to our gates and entered the plane. Inside, there was a girl who was challenging opponents. I told her I wanted to challenge her. She said ok but also warned me, be prepared. I said, "Go sylvy!' She said, "Go, beedrill!"

I started the match this time. I said " Sylvy, use moonblast!" The girl said, "Beedrill, use poison jab." I said, "Try to use your moonblast to attack beedril and stop its poison." Sylvy managed it. She blocked the poison with one moonblast, then fired another one to attack beedrill. The beedrill was to surprised to dodge it and the moonblast won us the battle. The trainer who I had challenged gave me a moonstone and told me it could evolve my sylvy.
Soon, we were out of the plane and in the Kalos region. " Sylvy," I said, "After we won the match, our opponent gave me this. I held up the moonstone. "Do you want to evolve?" Sylvy stared at the stone for a long time. After a while, she nodded her head. "Ok," I said. Sylvy walked forward and touched the moonstone. Suddenly, she was a sylveon.

Sylveon and I explored the town, then we went into the wild. Soon after we left the town, we saw a cave with a Pokemon. I was a charmander. I wanted to catch it! I said "Sylveon, use baby doll eyes!" Charmander swayed because sylveonn was being so cute! I said "Go, pokeball!" Yes! I had had caught charmander.

Now that I had charmander , it was time for even more pokemon! We walked through the woods and stumbled upon a chatot and a bulbasar! I needed to make them weaker to catch them. I said, "Come out charmander, come out sylveon!" I said "Charmander, flamethrower," then, "Sylveon, baby-doll eyes," Then I said, "Go pokeballs!"

"Good job, charmander and sylveon!" I said. "Now we have a chatot and a bulbasaur!" Sylveon and charmanders eyes twinkled. They started to glow. Standing before me was a charmeleon and a sylviana. "Hey, why don't we tell the other pokemon you evolved?" I said. "Come out bulbasaur, chatot," "Bulba," "Chatot," Bulbasaur and chatot said. "They evolved bulbasaur, and chatot," I continued, "But it's no time for party now," "We need to go to nurse joy," I said. "We'll be staying there."

As we were walking, it started to pour. I said, "Charmeleon, return so your flame doesn't go out," Then " The rest of you let's run. That building over there is Nurse Joy's,"

Soon, we were in Nurse Joy's pokemon clinic. She led us to our room. We got all cozy. Sylviana decided to sleep in the window. Bulbasaur decided to just lay down. Chatot decided to go outside and rest in a tree branch. I said, "Charmeleon come out," and charmeleon curled up too. I decided it was a good idea for me to fall asleep also.

Soon, everyone was awake and we headed out to catch more Pokemon. I had my heart set on a few. I wanted a squirtle, and maybe an audino. But back to reality. We headed out of the clinic and spotted a Pokemon trainer. He challenged me. I accepted. He chose charizard. I chose charmeleon, and the battle began.

My opponent started the game off with something I'd seen only once before. He MEGA EVOLVED his charizard. "Wow," I said. He said, "Mega charizard, use inferno," I said "Charmeleon, use inferno too," Charmeleon was starting to glow. He was charizard! His flame got bigger and defeated our opponent.

He said "Good job." "The strength you and your charizard showed were remarkable," "Here, I want you to have this," He handed me a MEGA STONE for charizard. "Thanks so much!" I said, "Now charizard can MEGA EVOLVE,"

I decided to continue my journey. "Bulbasaur, chatot, silviana, come out!" I said. We headed toward the lake, hoping to spot a squirtle. I got my wish. I saw a squirtle. But wait! There was another pokemon. Froakie! I decided to catch them both. I said "Bulbasaur, use vine whip, chatot, use double team, then use air cutter,"The squirtle wasn't to lucky. It fainted because it got hit with the air cutter.

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Hi! My name is Lightbolt, and I'm a Pokemon trainer.
Let me tell you my adventure.

I started out my journey with no Pokemon. Just Pokeballs. I went to a forest. The I spotted an eevee! It was so cute. I threw my pokeball at it. But it didn't let me catch it so easily. I thought, what is an eevee's weakness. I remembered: fighting types! I lured the eevee my way with some Pokemon food. I ran until I found a fighting type. Mankey! While the eevee was surprised by the mankey, I threw my pokeball at it. I caught it!

I strolled along with my new eevee. Suddenly, we came along another trainer! He asked me to battle! I said, "Come out eevee." He said, "Come out Lapras!" I said, "Wow, your lapras looks strong!" He said," I bet my lapras could beat you're little eevee." "Eevee," I said, "lets prove him wrong!" "Evah!" My eevee shouted.

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