They lived a very, very, very long time ago.
No humans were alive when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
All dinosaurs became extinct (no longer living) around 65 million years ago.

Magyarosaurus (mag-YAH-ro-SOR-us) (Magyar (people) Lizard)
Magyarosaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) about 20 feet long, 5 feet tall, and weighed over 2 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (83.5 million years ago) in Europe in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Numerous fossils have been found in Romania by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Maiasaura (MAY-ya-SOR-uh) (Good Mother Lizard)
Maiasaura was a herbivore (eats plants) approximately 30 feet long, 8 feet tall, and weighed around 4 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (70.6 million years ago), inhabiting North America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Numerous fossils have been found in Montana by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Majungasaurus (mah-JOON-gah-SORE-us) (Majunga Lizard)
Majungasaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) approximately 20 feet long and weighed around 1 ton. It lived during the Cretaceous period (72 to 66 million years ago) and lived in Madagascar in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Many fossils have been found in Madagascar by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Malawisaurus (mah-LAH-wee-SORE-us) (Malawi (country) Lizard)
Malawisaurus was a herbivore (ate plants) about 52 feet long, over 6 feet tall at the hip, and weighed about 12 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (125 to 113 million years ago) and inhabited an African terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Many fossil examples have been found in Malawi by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Mamenchisaurus (mah-MEN-chi-SORE-us) (Mamenchi Lizard)
Mamenchisaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) approximately 80 feet long, 30 feet high, had a neck 46 feet long and weighed around 12 tons. It lived during the Jurassic period (112 million years ago) in Asia in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Many fossils have been found in China and Mongolia by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Mapusaurus (MAH-puh-SORE-us) (Earth Lizard)
Mapusaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) approximately 33 to 40 feet in length, 13 feet high, and weighed about 4 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (99 million years ago)and lived in South America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. A few fossils have been found in Argentina by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Marshosaurus (MARSH-oh-SORE-us) (Marsh's Lizard)
Marshosaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) between 15 to 20 feet long and weighed over 500 pounds. It lived during the Jurassic period (157 million years ago) and lived in North America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Several fossils have been found in Utah and Colorado by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Masiakasaurus (mah-SHEE-ah-kah-SORE-us) (Vicious Lizard)
Masiakasaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) almost 6 feet long and weighed about 44 pounds. It lived during the Cretaceous period (72 to 66 million years ago) and lived in Madagascar in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. About 28 fossils have been found in Madagascar by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Massospondylus (mass-oh-SPON-di-luss) (Longer Vertebrae)
Massospondylus was omnivorous (eats plants and meat), over 15 feet long, and weighed over 440 pounds. It lived during the Jurassic period (228 million years ago) in Africa in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Many fossils have been found in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

(Maxakali (Brazilian tribe) Lizard)
Maxakalisaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) about 60 feet long and weighed nearly 12 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (83.5 to 66 million years ago) in South America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Some fossils have been found in Brazil by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Megalosaurus (MEG-a-lo-SOR-us)(Great Lizard)
Megalosaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) approximately 30 feet long, about 9 feet tall at the hip, and weighed about 2 tons. It lived during the Jurassic period (208.5 million years ago) and lived in Europe in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Many fossils have been found in Portugal, France, and The United Kingdom by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).
Melanorosaurus (me-LAN-or-o-SOR-us) (Black Mountain Lizard)
Melanorosaurus was omnivorous (eats plants and meat), approximately 26 feet long, 7 feet tall, and weighed 1.5 tons. It lived during the Triassic period (190.8 million years ago). It lived in Africa in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Several fossils have been found in South Africa by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Mendozasaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) over 82 feet long and weighed nearly 21 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (89 to 84 million years ago) in South America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Its fossils have been found in Argentina by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Mercuriceratops (mer-cure-E-sare-ah-tops) (Mercury Horned-face)
Mercuriceratops was a herbivore (eats plants) approximately 20 feet long and weighed more than 2 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (70 million years ago) in North America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Fossils have been found in Canada and Montana by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

(met-ree-a-KAN-tho-SOR-us) (Moderately-spined Lizard)
Metriacanthosaurus was a carnivore (ate meat) around 24 feet in length, 12 feet high, and weighed around 1 ton. It lived during the Jurassic period (163 to 152 million years ago) in Europe in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Only one fossil example, found in Europe, has been identified by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

(My-er-sore-us) (Meyer’s Lizard)
Meyerasurus was a plesiosaur (a type of marine reptile) and is not a dinosaur. It was a piscivore (ate fish) and was approximately 11 feet long (weight is unknown). It lived during the Jurassic period (190 to 182 million years ago) in Europe in a marine (living in water) environment. It reproduced by live birth. A single fossil was found in Germany by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Microceratus (MIEK-ro-suh-RAH-tuss) (Small-horned)
Microceratus was a herbivore (eats plants) about 2 feet long and weighed about 11 pounds. It lived during the Cretaceous period (89 to 84 million years ago) in Asia in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Several partial fossils have been found in Mongolia, China, by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

(MY-crow-pak-e-sef-ah-lo-sore-us) (Small Thick-headed Lizard)
Micropachycephalosaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) just about 2 feet long and 7 inches tall (weight is unknown). It lived during the Cretaceous period (89 to 84 million years ago) in Asia in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Fossils have been found in Shandong, China, by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Microraptor (MY-crow-RAP-tor) (Tiny Plunderer)
Microraptor was a carnivore (ate meat) approximately 3 feet long, nearly 1 foot tall, and probably weighed about 2 pounds. It lived during the Cretaceous period (129 to 113 million years ago) and lived in Asia in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Ten different fossil examples, found in China and Inner Mongolia, have been identified by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).
Minmi (MIN-mee) (After Minmi Crossing, Australia)
Minmi was a herbivore (eats plants) over 6 feet in length, 2 feet tall, and weighed about 165 pounds. It lived during the Cretaceous period (140 million years ago) in Australia in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Some fossils have been found in Victoria and Queensland by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

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They lived a very, very, very long time ago.
No humans were alive when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
All dinosaurs became extinct (no longer living) around 65 million years ago.

Magyarosaurus (mag-YAH-ro-SOR-us) (Magyar (people) Lizard)
Magyarosaurus was a herbivore (eats plants) about 20 feet long, 5 feet tall, and weighed over 2 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (83.5 million years ago) in Europe in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Numerous fossils have been found in Romania by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

Maiasaura (MAY-ya-SOR-uh) (Good Mother Lizard)
Maiasaura was a herbivore (eats plants) approximately 30 feet long, 8 feet tall, and weighed around 4 tons. It lived during the Cretaceous period (70.6 million years ago), inhabiting North America in a terrestrial (living on land) habitat. It reproduced by laying eggs. Numerous fossils have been found in Montana by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils).

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