Abduction Books

  • Abduction!
    Denny Thurman dresses up like a pirate and steals his best friend's dog, Pookie. He has an evil plan, but Matt and Bonnie outsmart him with the help of the police.
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  • The Goddess Demeter
    The story of Demeter, the goddess of the earth and her daughter Persephone's abduction by Hades, resulting in the seasons and the cycle of life.
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  • The Abduction of Europe
    the myth of Europe, narrated by a Greek pupil for an ERASMUS+/KA229 project needs.
  • Abduction
    A teacher's boring class is transformed by alien visitors who introduce technology and make it more interactive.
  • Abduction
    Zok, an alien from Planet Zrg, goes on an adventure to Earth, where he learns the importance of friendship and acceptance.
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  • stickman adventure!
    A stickman goes on an adventure, gets abducted by aliens, and returns home as a hero.
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    Bob has a nightmare where he is abducted by aliens and his brain is displayed on a laptop. He wakes up in a panic.
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  • Mean Squirrel
    Cedar the squirrel finds hungry friends, but refuses to share. He is abducted by aliens and his friends don't help him due to his earlier actions.
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