American Red Cross Books

    This is a collection of dog jokes that will tickle your funny bone.
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  • Roses Red, Roses White
    This is a reimagined tale of Snow White, where the Wicked Witch is her mother who turns into a witch to protect her. The story revolves around a rose named Snow White, a dwar…
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  • Little Red Riding Hood
    A modern rewrite of the classic tale "Little Red Riding Hood"
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  • Little Red Riding Hood
    Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her grandmother, but encounters a wolf who pretends to be her grandmother. A woodcutter saves the day.
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  • Ms. Rivard's Colorful Classroom
    Every child is special in their own way and being different is a good thing. It doesn't matter the color of your skin - it matters who you are within!
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  • All About Clara Barton!
    In this book, I'll be sharing all my facts about Clara Barton. Please read! I worked hard on collecting these facts! :D
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  • A New Red Silk Bow
    Pining for his dearest, and eager to have an excuse to take his new motor-car out, Charles sets out for the railway station. Elizabeth, equally longing for her beloved, is so…
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  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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