Arrest Books

  • The True Story of the Cat in the Hat
    The story follows the life of Adam Holland, also known as the Cat in the Hat, from his troubled childhood to his arrest and trial for various crimes.
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  • Star Wars
    This book is about some of the beloved Star Wars characters!
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  • The Great Battle
    Two teams, Red and Blue, argue about who is better at fighting. They have a battle, but it ends with one of them getting arrested. They realize that fighting doesn't solve pr…
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  • paul the police officer
    A small story that will help your students remember the use of -s in the third perrson singular in Simple Present forms.
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    In a puppy village, the puppies are arrested for no reason and have to escape. They return and defend their village against humans.
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  • Strangers
    A little boy encounters a stranger in the woods and alerts his family, leading to the stranger's arrest.
  • Piggy Vs Players:Part 2
    They escaped piggy last time but this time its back.Can they escape forever this time?
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  • The Salt Satyagraha
    During the British rule in India, Mahatma Gandhi led a march against the salt tax. Many Indians joined the march and were arrested.
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