Bamboo Trees Books

  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • Red Pandas
    A brief introduction to red pandas, including their diet, habitat, behavior, and population status.
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  • The Lonely Panda Bear
    Panda Bear is lonely in the woods and can't find anyone to play with. Various animals offer to play, but Panda Bear can't do what they can. Finally, butterflies lead him to a…
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  • The Baby Panda Bear
    Maya, a little panda bear, ventures into the forest to make friends and finds Dotty, a deer. They visit Maya's home and live happily ever after.
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  • Facts about Japan
    An informative book about Japan, covering its flag, food, capital city, language, martial arts, origami, bamboo trees, and pandas.
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  • Trees (A Haiku Collection)
    This is a haiku collection of trees. It has poems about maple trees to bristlecone pines. Have fun reading and stay tuned for the following haiku collection, Precious Stones
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  • Saint Giong
    A legendary hero named Saint Giong helps Vietnam regain freedom from Chinese invaders.
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  • Tiki the Toucan's Amazon Rainforst Adventure
    Tiki the Toucan and her friends in the Amazon Rainforest encounter various relationships and work together to stop humans from cutting down trees.
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