Centripetal Force Books

  • Cars
    A race between two cars on a bumpy dirt road, with explanations of the physics concepts involved.
    Eye Icon 2182
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  • The Lion King
    Simba, a lion, experiences various forces like gravity, buoyancy, and centripetal force. He overcomes challenges and becomes king.
    Eye Icon 720
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  • Uniform Circular Motion Project
    A curious young prince with a unique swing set learns about circular motion and centripetal force through his studies and observations.
    Eye Icon 106
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  • The Three Greedy Pirates
    Three greedy pirates that are racing to find the hidden treasure. Along the way they find out about balanced and unbalanced forces, gravity, buoyancy, centripetal force, and…
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  • The Three Black Knights
    Three black knights in the world of Fortnite build houses out of different materials to protect themselves from an enemy.
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  • The 3 Boats
    A girl learns about the principles of buoyancy, gravity, and friction while sailing in three different boats.
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  • Science in the Sea
    Lola, a mermaid, learns about buoyancy, gravity, centripetal force, and friction while encountering various challenges in the ocean.
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  • The Elite Forces
    Ash Ketchum encounters various Pokemon and uses scientific concepts to battle the Elite Four.
    Eye Icon 414
    Star Icon 19
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