Compounding Books

  • The Magical World of Morphology
    Wordy Wendy embarks on a linguistic adventure, learning about morphology, borrowing words, compounding, clipping, blending, and more.
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  • Say What You Meme!
    This informative text explores the evolution of language and its connection to memes, showcasing various morphological concepts.
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  • The Word Factory A word creation workbook for Middle Schoolers
    A guide to word formation, including compounding, borrowing, clipping, blends, acronyms, abbreviations, and back formation.
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  • Think Before you Throw Away!
    Think before you throw away! We want the earth to be clean for generations to come!
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  • Investing in You Future
    A guide to financial management for kids, covering topics such as saving, investing, compounding, and goal-setting.
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  • Sami's Bright Journey A Tale of Light and Hope in Ethiopia
    Sami, a boy from a rural village in Ethiopia, seeks to bring electricity and clean water to his community through renewable energy sources and community effort.
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  • All About Sodium
    A brief introduction to the element Sodium, including its properties, uses, and fun facts.
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  • Cooking Up Word Formations
    This book explains different word formation processes in language, such as backformation, compounding, abbreviations, acronyms, blending, clipping, and borrowing.
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