Constitutional Convention Books

  • Constitutional Convention Timeline
    The story explains the problems with the Articles of Confederation and the creation of the US Constitution, including its three branches of government.
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  • Constitutional Convention
    A brief history of the Constitutional Convention and the creation of the U.S. government.
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  • The Constitutional Convention
    The story of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, where delegates debated and compromised to create a new government for the United States.
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  • Constitutional Convention
    An overview of the Constitutional Convention and key figures involved, including Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Roger Sherman.
  • The Constitutional Convention
    A brief overview of the Constitutional Convention, including notable attendees, plans proposed, compromises made, and its lasting legacy.
  • The Constitutional Convention
    A historical account of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, where delegates debated and compromised on the structure of the new government.
    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • The constitutional convention
    A brief overview of the Constitutional Convention and the creation of the US Constitution, with some inaccuracies and lack of detail.
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