Crossover Books

  • Attention Everyone!
    I planning to do the biggest crossover in history! Read more to find out.
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  • A Few Questions For Some Authors
    If you're Stephen Bae, GalaxyGamer21, RizzyPages, or MarshMelon. Then please read this book!
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  • The Crossover
    Josh and JB, twin basketball players, face challenges in their relationship and family. Their father's death brings them closer together.
  • New Crossover Coming Soon
    The author announces the release of a new crossover book, gives hints about the characters, and mentions future projects.
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  • Super Jake Vs Super Ryan!
    Super Jake challenges Super Ryan to a fight, but Super Ryan doesn't want to. Super Jake comes up with a plan and eventually they have a battle.
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  • Little Red Holmes
    Sherlock's twin sister. Red. Is visiting them in 221b from her home in the woods but things take a turn. Red, Sherlock, and John investigate for their client, Henry, who says…
    A collection of descriptions about various SUV models from different car manufacturers.
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  • The wizard of star trek
    Dorothy Gale tells the story of how she got sucked into Star Trek after a series of events on her farm. She ends up as a doctor on Deep Space 9.
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