Defense Books

  • The Ultimate Comeback
    My name is Malachi, I am 8 years old. I enjoy playing baseball. I have played this sport since I was 4 years old. I enjoy reading and writing books in my spare time.
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  • Project 5.1.6 Lines of Defense
    A little boy learns about his immune system and how it fights off foreign invaders, becoming healthy again.
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  • Andre's Adventures
    Andre, a 4th grader, shares about his life, including his dream of becoming a firefighter, his family, and encounters with a bully and sibling rivalry.
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  • The Royal Defense
    Queen Annabelle defends her kingdom from an attack by Queen Vera's invaders with the help of her guards and defense system.
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  • Lines of Defense
    A princess faces an angry dragon, while a scientific explanation of the immune system is interwoven into the story.
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  • Army
    An introduction to the different branches of the military and their roles in defending the country.
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  • In Defense of Food
    The story discusses the importance of healthy eating, the impact of chemicals in food, and the benefits of natural and whole foods.
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  • World War II Civil Defense Procedures
    The story explains civil defense measures used to protect citizens during war, including bomb shelters, border patrols, air raid sirens, and first aid kits.
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