Enthusiastic Books

  • Pink Ice Cream
    A book written by my nephew of 7 years old himself read it please!
    Eye Icon 92
    Star Icon 9
  • Minecraft's Wonders
    An enthusiastic introduction to the game Minecraft, highlighting its creative potential, multiplayer options, educational benefits, and mod features.
    Eye Icon 5315
    Star Icon 263
  • I love Kindergarten
    A confident and enthusiastic student describes their love for school, learning, and their teacher.
    Eye Icon 1030
    Star Icon 27
  • All about me.
    A young girl shares her interests, school, and friends in a casual and enthusiastic manner.
    A fan's enthusiastic description of the popular YouTuber Dantdm and his content.
    Eye Icon 181
    Star Icon 18
  • Let's Bee Loving, Optimistic, Valuable, Enthusiastic, Veracious
    Various stories of love and acts of kindness, including bringing gifts to the elderly, hospitalized children, and animals in need.
    Eye Icon 125
    Star Icon 1
    Kenzie, an enthusiastic and confident girl, shares her adventures and interests with her family and friends.
    Eye Icon 58
    Star Icon 3
  • Pokemon
    A child's enthusiastic love for Pokemon, sharing facts and personal experiences.
    Eye Icon 90
    Star Icon 9
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