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Hans, a young boy in North Korea, shares his life under the strict government control and food shortages.

A family of giraffes in the Savannah faces a food shortage after a forest fire. They learn to stretch their necks to reach leaves in tall trees.
by siennazuco

Timmy, a strong goat, helps his hungry herd members learn to scavenge for food, fostering a spirit of community and support among the goats.
by 25rutac

Poli the bee and his hive face a food shortage due to a drought. They learn about pollination and its importance in plant reproduction.

Simon the snake and Molly the mouse are best friends. During a food shortage, Simon must decide whether to eat Molly or preserve their friendship.
by asfraser

Fred is a frog he wants all the flies for himself but when the flies move away somewhere the frogs can't get them. It's all up to Fred to put things right, with his fellow fr…
by RosyChhum

Leo, Ginger, and Mickey face a food shortage in the Savannah. They seek help from Leo, who suggests moving closer to the forest. They encounter a fire but escape and are save…
by nimishagoel

In a forest, animals face a food shortage. Wise eagle suggests hard work and sharing, while bear suggests collecting and distributing. Animals in both groups face challenges …
by Tytydonnelly

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