Fundraising Books

  • Life Without Food
    A book to inspire people to support Feed My Starving Children, an organization that sends food to hungry children all over the world.
    Eye Icon 1858
    Star Icon 137
  • Saving Society from COVID-19
    A story about school-aged children showing appreciation to healthcare workers while demonstrating leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Eye Icon 1714
    Star Icon 198
  • My Art and Craft Club
    It's a story about the girls who has got passion for the art, craft and teamwork.
    Eye Icon 114
    Star Icon 13
  • Paws
    Learn what Samantha thinks,
    what she believes,
    and what she can do.
    Eye Icon 23
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  • Poverty
    The story discusses the contrast between people who have many belongings and those who live in poverty, and encourages readers to make a difference through fundraising and do…
    Eye Icon 625
    Star Icon 54
  • How Does It Feel To Be A Student Council President
    Good day everyone this is my book about being a student president.
    Eye Icon 46
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  • Max & Neto Give Back
    Max and Neto, two friends from different backgrounds, come up with ideas to raise money for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
    Eye Icon 41
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  • My dream pet
    The narrator expresses their love for corn snakes, provides some information about them, and asks for help to buy one.
    Eye Icon 156
    Star Icon 14
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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