Gravity Books

  • Gravity and the Baby Bird
    A baby bird that falls out of his nest and the
    friends that he meets on his way back home. It is also about friction, muscular forces, lift and gravity.
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  • Gravity Guy
    A boy named Zac discovers his powers of gravity and uses them for good, but faces a conflict with a man named Robert.
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  • gravity falls
    I love gravity falls so uh I hope you like the book!
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  • Gravity and How it Works
    Jack and Travis discuss gravity, its effects, and how it was discovered. They explore different examples of gravity in action.
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  • Gravity The Invisable Force
    An informative book explaining the concept of gravity, its main ideas, importance, and effects on different substances. Includes a glossary.
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    An informational book about the Sun, Earth, and Moon, covering topics such as gravity, seasons, moon phases, eclipses, and tides.
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  • A world without gravity
    Lilly, a girl abandoned on a green planet without gravity, is found by two men and reunited with her real parents on Earth.
  • The Three Little Lemons
    Three little lemons make boats to go swimming, but only one of them succeeds in making a boat that floats.
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