Hair Salon Books

  • ...A Note For You...
    "Dear Best friend... a Note For You..." 2 Best friends Made a promise at 6 that they will always be friends & they Will never ever leave each other sides but that changes…
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  • New Hairstyles
    Delilah visits Funkins Dunkins Hair Salon for a new style. There are some mishaps, but she ends up with a new avatar and merchandise.
  • Cosmetology
    A description of a hair salon and the job of a cosmetologist, including education, salary, and daily routine.
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  • Cyerrah Loves Luna Lovegood
    There is a whole lot of love in every child's heart and Cyerrah's heart was overflowing.
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  • The Adventures of Genevieve and Pickles
    Genevieve and Pickles start their glorious friendship through a lovely fashion show, Froot Loops, and wrinkly skin.
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  • hairstylist
    A young girl dreams of becoming a hair stylist and opening her own salon, describing her plans and ideas.
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  • Haley's Horrible Haircut
    Haley, a fashion-conscious teenager, rushes to get a trendy hairstyle but ends up with a disastrous cut. She avoids school until her mom encourages her to go back, only to fi…
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  • My Grandma Jane
    This is the story of a girl named Lori and her grandma Jane who has Alzheimer's disease. It is meant to educate children about what Alzheimer's is in a compact, fast paced, e…
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