Healthy Lifestyle Books

    A collection of healthy food recipes from Greece, Poland, and Portugal, along with tips for a healthy lifestyle, the effects of sport on general health, and living a healthy …
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  • Healthy Living Activities For Children
    Excellent for educators of preschool/elementary age students. A book of suggested children activities to inspire awareness in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Written by a …
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  • Halle's Heart
    Halle's Heart is a book about the circulatory system and how to keep your heart healthy. It provides information about the heart's structure, function, and importance of a he…
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  • 6 Healthy Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
    Pets are cute and cuddly, and they can also teach people some important lessons about being healthy. Find out 6 healthy habits that help pets - and people - live healthy ever…
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  • healthy lifestyle
    A brief guide to living a healthy lifestyle, including tips on diet, exercise, and the dangers of smoking.
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  • The Importance of Exercise
    This book explains the importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle and how different exercises benefit muscles and bones.
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  • Payton Learns About Diabetes!
    Payton is a young girl who is diagnosed with Diabetes. Her mother and doctor help to teach her about her condition. This is an educational book for children who are diagnosed…
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  • Healthy lifestyles
    Giana asks Benedita about her healthy lifestyle changes. Benedita shares tips on exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management, inspiring Giana to make positive changes too.
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