Hercules Books

  • Hercules
    Hercules, a demigod, must complete 12 tasks to reclaim his honor. He seeks the help of Titan Atlas to get golden apples. Hercules tricks Atlas and completes his task.
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  • Hercules
    Hercules, a demigod, embarks on a journey to prove himself as a true hero and regain his godhood. Along the way, he faces challenges, battles monsters, and discovers the powe…
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    Rocco and his family take a family trip to Greece. During a bus trip to visit the sights, Rocco runs into Hercules. Hercules takes Rocco on an exciting trip where he meets ch…
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  • The Journey of Hercules
    The story follows Hercules, the son of Zeus, as he faces challenges and learns what it means to be a true hero.
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  • Let the Games Begin
    Hercules, a young boy from Sparta, leaves his family to train with soldiers. He becomes a skilled wrestler and wins at the Olympic Games.
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  • My Dog Hercules
    A girl gets a new dog, Hercules, after her other dog Bella passes away. She shares some funny and challenging experiences with Hercules.
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  • Hercules: An Epic Hero
    The story of Hercules, an epic hero who completes twelve labors to become a legend.
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  • hercules
    the years of hercules and what he went threw and what the things he would do to everyone and how great of a person he was.
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