Heritage Books

  • My Family
    A child narrates the history of their family, highlighting various ancestors and their unique stories.
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • Mi Familia: Los Maldonados y Juarez
    This is a heartfelt narrative about the author's Mexican-American family, focusing on their grandparents and the traditions they instilled. The story is filled with vivid mem…
  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Grandma's Humongous Suitcase
    A tale of Ethiopian history and culture in a child voice...
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  • Heritage Day
    A play about different countries and their flags, food, and customs.
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  • The Last Moon Lizard Wolves
    In the magical land of Heart Sweet Land, Moon Lizard Wolves face danger from humans. Rachel, a lost Moon Lizard Wolf, meets Blue and discovers her royal heritage. The queen p…
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  • About me
    Samuel G. Marsilio shares some facts about himself, including his heritage, hobbies, and favorite things.
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