Industrial Revolution Books

  • The Industrial Revolution: Agriculture
    The story explains the Agricultural Revolution and its impact on the Industrial Revolution, including changes in farming practices and technology.
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  • ABC's of The Industrial Revolution
    An alphabetical overview of key aspects of the Industrial Revolution, from Austria's early use of steam engines to the invention of the Zeppelin.
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  • Industrial Revolution
    A story about the Industrial Revolution and its positive and negative impacts on society, economy, and environment.
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  • Industrial Revolution Fun Facts
    A brief overview of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on society, including natural resources, workforce, inventions, free enterprise, railroads, robber barons, rise o…
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  • Industrial Revolution
    A historical overview of the consequences, social changes, political changes, and economic changes during the Progressive Era in the United States.
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  • A-Z Industrial Revolution
    An alphabetical exploration of the Industrial Revolution, covering key concepts, inventions, and impacts.
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  • Children in the Industrial Revolution
    A comparison of the lives of poor and rich children during the Industrial Revolution, highlighting their living conditions, education, health, and playtime.
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  • Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution
    This is an informational book to raise awareness on what happened to children who worked during the industrial revolution.
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