Jewish Culture Books

  • My Bubbe lives in Boca
    A bubbe is a Jewish grandma. A lot of Bubbe's live in Boca Raton Florida. Henry's bubbe is all his own.
  • The Golem of Prague
    In Prague, Rabbi Loew creates a clay man called the Golem to protect the Jewish families. But the Golem's desire for more leads to chaos.
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  • The Story of Hanukkah
    Lucy and Max learn about Hanukkah in Israel through a magic elevator. They discover the history of the menorah and its significance to Jewish people.
  • The Story of Hanukkah
    A description of the celebration of Hanukkah, including its history, traditions, and significance for Jews around the world.
  • Hanukkah
    Sally learns about Hanukkah from her friend Abigail and her family, including the history, traditions, and customs of the holiday.
  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • Hanukkah
    A brief overview of Hanukkah, including its dates, significance, traditions, and similarities to Christmas.
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  • Celebrating Hanukkah
    A young girl learns about the significance and traditions of Hanukkah, celebrating with her family and learning from a rabbi.
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