Jurassic Books

  • How many dinosaurs do you know that begin with the letter "M"?
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  • Three Time Periods Dinosaurs Lived In
    A brief overview of the Mesozoic era and the different periods within it, highlighting the dominance and extinction of dinosaurs.
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  • Jurassic Wold Camp Cretaceous
    Darius and his friends visit Jurassic World camp cretaceous, encounter dinosaurs, and get into trouble.
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  • Jurassic Park
    Dr. Grant and Morris dig up dinosaur bones. They go to Costa Rica and encounter a big dinosaur. A storm causes chaos, but they escape the island.
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  • Jurassic Camp: The book.
    Seven children visit a dangerous dinosaur camp on Nublar Island. They must escape from the island and face various challenges along the way.
  • Jurassic Park Camp Cretaceous Episode 1
    This is a book about a boy whos dream is to go to JUrassic world.Then his dream comes true
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  • Jurassic World Carnivores
    A description of various dinosaurs in Jurassic World, including their weight, speed, and unique features.
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  • Jurassic Park Camp Cretaceous episode 2!
    Hope you like it it is not finished yet it will be done soon!It is now done hope you like it episode 3 coming soon!
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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