Kidney Transplant Books

  • A Hero in Disguise (A collaboratiove short story about organ donation)
    Nisa's father needs a kidney transplant, but her kidney is not compatible. Uncle Hüseyin steps in, but the operation fails. A stranger offers to donate his kidney, and the se…
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  • Wilma Mankiller
    The story of Wilma Pearl Mankiller, the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and her journey as an activist and community developer.
  • Everday Heroes Larry Swilling
    Larry Swilling, an ordinary man, goes to great lengths to find a kidney donor for his wife. His perseverance and selflessness make him a hero.
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  • The heart and her friends, the kidneys
    The heart, named Katie, works hard to pump blood but encounters problems when one of her kidneys fails. She gets a kidney transplant and lives happily ever after.
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  • The Struggle of Nephritis
    Tina, a 13-year-old girl with an autoimmune disorder, experiences symptoms of kidney disease. She undergoes a kidney transplant and recovers.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: More Than 3 Words
    Axel is diagnosed with Polycystic kidney disease and undergoes a kidney transplant, but tragically dies. His mother, Pilar, writes a book to raise awareness about the disease.
  • Everyone's Hero
    Fred Diseroad's life, from his dreams of becoming an architect to his daughter's battle with kidney failure and the family's journey towards her transplant.
  • Family First, Family Forever
    This is a biographical account of Kenneth Millevoi, an Italian-American born in 1943. The story covers his life from birth, through hardships and triumphs, to his later years…
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