Ladybirds Books

  • The very lazy ladybird
    A lazy ladybird can't fly, so she hops on various animals to sleep. But when an elephant sneezes, she has to fly.
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  • The Bug Hotel
    A tour of a bug hotel, showcasing the different rooms and visitors, including bees, hedgehogs, ladybirds, and frogs.
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  • The Very Hungry Ladybird
    A small ladybird searches for food all week, eating various items but still feeling hungry, until she finally eats a lettuce and feels better, growing big and fat in the proc…
  • The ladybird who lost her spots
    Lucy, a ladybird, loses her spots and goes on a journey to find them. With the help of her friends, she recovers all her spots.
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  • Busy Bee
    Busy Bee is too busy to play with his friends, but he finds time to make honey and share it. Tomorrow, he'll have time to play.
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  • Two-spot ladybird
    A young wilderness explorer named Madison learns about ladybugs and their characteristics.
  • Short Stories and Poems
    Collection of small adventurous stories and short poems for young readers.
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  • The Black winged Harlequin Ladybird
    An informational text about the Harlequin Ladybird, including its classification, appearance, habitat, and fun facts.
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