Letting Go Books

  • Letting Go
    A forest fire threatens a beloved pond, forcing the narrator to confront the difficult decision of letting go to do what is right.
  • The Girl and the Move
    Sunny, a 5-year-old girl, is asked to give away her old toys before moving. Reluctant at first, she eventually agrees and realizes the value of letting go.
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  • The Adventures of Joppa and Millo Story: Dry Crumbs
    Millo, a sparrow with a broken wing, meets Joppa the Ostrich and learns about friendship, faith, and letting go of negativity.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • Letting go, Moving forward
    Timmy finds a special rock with words on it near the river. He doesn't understand the message at first, but with the help of his wise grandmother, he learns about forgiveness…
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  • Letting go of feelings.
    A story about dealing with different emotions and letting go of negative feelings, using the metaphor of releasing air from a balloon.
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  • My First Teddy Bear
    A child's attachment to their teddy bear and the journey of letting go as they grow up.
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  • Letting Go
    Holden helps his friend with an essay but feels depressed about his brother Allie. Tensions rise when the essay doesn't meet expectations, leading to a confrontation.
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