Losses Books

  • Grierson's Raid April 1863
    Reflection of the Southern Claims Commission Petition of Malinda Noblen nee Price in 1872 for losses incurred during the Grierson Raid of April 1863. Placed into context of t…
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  • Two Losses
    During a storm at sea, a scholar criticizes a sailor's grammar. Later, when the ship is sinking, the sailor criticizes the scholar for not knowing how to swim.
  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf
    A shepherd boy repeatedly tricks the villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock. When a real wolf comes, no one believes him, leading to various losses in the vill…
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  • Rain Forest Deforestation
    This informative book discusses the impact of deforestation on rainforests, including global warming, medicinal losses, and species extinction.
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  • Danny The Dinosaur
    The story of a young dinosaur, and the adventure that takes place when he losses his legos
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  • Analytical Eksposition
    The story discusses the negative impacts of forest fires, including economic losses, biodiversity loss, and health issues.
    A personal narrative of a child's life, including their education, family losses, and career choice.
  • Abraham Lincoln
    A biography of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, his struggles, achievements, and assassination.
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