Miscommunication Books

  • The Poem Machine
    Annabeth and her friend Saima use a haiku generator for a poetry contest, but Annabeth accidentally submits a comedic haiku instead of Saima's poetic one. They switch poems, …
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  • A Case of Miscommunication
    Jessie is excited about a geography project but feels stumped when she realizes she didn't ask for clarifications. She learns the importance of asking questions and receives …
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  • The duck song
    A duck repeatedly asks a lemonade stand owner for grapes, annoying him. The owner eventually buys grapes but the duck asks for lemonade instead.
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  • The Troll
    A group of memes encounter a Troll who speaks Chinese, leading to a humorous exchange. The story ends with a random statement about the story's purpose.
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  • The Cell Phone Rule
    Audrey and Maya have a night alone but misunderstand their parents' instructions. They find their parents sleeping in the car the next morning.
  • the duck story
    A duck repeatedly asks a lemonade stand owner for grapes, but ends up going to the store with him to buy some.
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  • The Birds and the Bees
    Baby shower game Pass the Prize with the Birds and the Bees
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  • Aladdin meme
    A humorous dialogue between a genie and his master, showcasing miscommunication and resulting in a wish gone wrong.
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