Missing Phone Books

  • Missing Phone
    Amanda loses her phone at a campsite and suspects Bob took it. She searches his tent but doesn't find it. Turns out, it was under her pillow.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Mysteries at the Mapletown Party)
    'Mysteries at the Mapletown Party' is book #3 in the 'Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. Fun and exciting true stories from a Halloween costume party and the strange happenings…
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  • Becoming A Family
    Chris and Emily, a loving couple, adopt a baby girl named Sienna. They create a nursery, receive support from friends and family, and promise to love and care for her.
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  • Kidnapped
    A girl gets kidnapped and taken to a tropical island and falls in love with a boy. He eventually helps her escape.
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  • The Man Who Changed The World!
    For my Dad... An amazing man who taught me to never stop striving for greatness and always encouraged me to do and be my absolute best.
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  • Blinkey The Monkey
    A beloved pet is the focus of a great adventure in this true family bedtime story.
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  • Sunni
    Using Bibliotherapy to address Trauma: An Illustrated Children’s Book to be implemented within Child Protection.
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  • Lucia Parker private eye Amy Lorell's deadly secret
    Detective Lucia is a story about a twelve-year-old girl named Lucia who starts a detective business. She encounters various challenges, including school assignments and famil…
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