Mutant Dog Books

    In a magical kingdom, two mutant crocodiles terrorize the village. The children and their dogs make a deal to lead them to food, but trick them instead.
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  • Animals
    This book is about all kinds of animals in the world.
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    A collection of short descriptions about various characters and shows, ranging from superheroes to cartoons.
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  • The creeper cronicles 7 Go solo
    Steve and Bruce get left behind while the others hunt Null, the legendary glitch.
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  • The VW Writers Members!!!
    Here is the book for all the VW Writers members! Don't forget, you can join anytime too! =D
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  • Facts about our favorite show pt2
    A fan's enthusiastic description of their favorite characters, Mikey and Leo, from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.
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  • ABC's of noah
    A child's ABC book with brief descriptions of various topics, from fruits to animals to personal experiences.
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  • The catalogue of carnival masks
    A collection of descriptions of various masks made by different children, each with its own unique design and characteristics.
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