Niagara Falls Books

  • The Daredevils of Niagara Falls
    Niagara Falls is a majestic waterfall between the United States and Canada. It has a rich history of native tribes, explorers, and daredevils who have been captivated by its …
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  • Niagara Falls
    A brief overview of Niagara Falls, including its formation, facts, and notable events.
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    This is very loosely based on something that happened to me in real life. I helped an injured Canada Goose get across the road and into the water. This all happened in my hom…
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  • Renewable Energy
    An informative book that explains what renewable resources are, the six main types of renewable resources, and why we should use them.
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  • Niagara Falls - Zeus' Mistake
    Learn about how the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls were created!
  • Sightseeings of USA
    A collection of informative descriptions of famous landmarks in the United States, including the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Golden Gate Bridge, Yellowstone, White Hou…
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  • Places of Interest in the USA
    A collection of informative descriptions about famous landmarks in the United States, including the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and more.
  • Famous Landmarks
    The book introduces landmarks and provides brief descriptions of famous ones around the world.
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