Outdoor Learning Books

    An outdoor learning book with activities for each season, encouraging hands-on exploration and creativity.
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  • Forest of Enchantment
    Mia, Jack, and Emma explore the Forest of Enchantment with Ms. Pine, learning about nature, teamwork, and adaptability while facing challenges and enjoying the outdoors.
  • Exchange Project Magazine/book
    A guide for preschool teachers on various topics such as outdoor learning, social media promotion, and involving families in education.
  • Math Trail
    A math trail is an outdoor activity where students explore their environment and solve math problems related to real-world objects.
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  • Our Quarantine Adventures
    Our first grade class wrote about how their lives have changed during the Coronavirus Quarantine.
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  • ABC's of 4th Grade
    A collection of short statements and anecdotes from fourth-grade students about various aspects of their school experience.
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  • Magazine Digital Project
    This article discusses the use of Pinterest in the classroom, the benefits and challenges, and provides tips for organizing boards. It also talks about creating a mud kitchen…
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  • What's happening on Campus?
    Captain June travels to different schools around the world, observing and participating in outdoor activities and games.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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