Psalms Books

  • Psalm 23
    A psalm expressing trust in God's guidance, protection, and provision.
  • Dreaming of Fireflies
    Afraid of the dark, a young child learns all the ways God guides us and keeps us safe. Illustrations are by author.
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  • Gathering Joy
    If you are like me, some days we need a little encouragement, and some days we need something more powerful and meaningful! Join me in a walk of inspiration in the beautiful…
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  • Speak Baby Speak My first words are God's Word
    Let your baby's first word be God's Word. Congratulation mom...
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  • Psalm 139
    I was greatly inspired by this psalm so I made a book out of it, using pure Bible for the text. I hope every one enjoys it as much as I do!
  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
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  • Psalm's Day at Preshool
    The book is geared for children ages 1-3 years of age.
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  • The Wrong Friends
    Finding the right friends can be hard, but it helps when you have someone who truly cares.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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